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When a Man Becomes A Chief 

by Aryea 

Category: How to Train Your Dragon 

Genre: Drama, Hurt-Comfort 

Language: English 

Status: Completed 

Published: 2014-08-05 20:39:57 

Updated: 2014-10-13 00:14:50 

Packaged: 2016-04-26 20:24:09 

Rating: T 

Chapters: 23 

Words : 70,699 


Summary: This is a sequel to When a Boy Becomes A Man, and takes 
place three years after HTTYD 2 . Some SPOILERS for the movie may be 
referenced. Hiccup and Astrid are married and adjusting to their new 
lives together and his being chief of Berk 

1 . Chapter 1 

_This is a sequel to When A Boy Becomes A Man. It is three years 
later, and Astrid and Hiccup are settling into their new roles. This 
story will be a little darker than the first, that is why I still 
marked it as hurt/comfort and will be dealing with some violence and 

mature themes so is rated a **strong T** . But don't worry there 

will still be plenty of fluff. I hope to explore the roles of 
everyone else in Berk as well, not just Astrid and Hiccup's, so 
please indulge me._ 

_I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please, please review. _ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><pXstrong>CHAPTER ONE<strong> 

_This is Berk. We are halfway between nowheresville and three 
quarters of the way to someplace else. We have smothering snow 
storms, howling rain storms, and ridiculous frost bite; and then the 
bad weather starts. We have an all you can eat fish menu, year round 
hunting and northern lights that would make even a blind Viking stop 
and stare. _ 

_We ' re a well mixed community of Grumbling Guntars, Bitter Bjorn's 
and Hothead Harolds, and they're just the welcoming committee! We eat 
two meals a day, celebrate an assortment of holidays, the origins of 
which most can't recall, and we bathe once a week; most of us 
anyway ._ 

_Our island may not look like much, and our Vikings may smell bad. 

but there is no better place to live. My father was Chief here for 
many years, and I promised to take care of the people for him. I am 
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, husband, son and new Chief of Berk. 

Oh, and did I mention, my best friend is a Night Fury?_ 

Hiccup glanced up from his current design as Toothless huffed in his 
ear. "Two more minutes, bud," he promised and went back to the 
drawing of a new vegetable house he planned to build. 

They'd only been able to grow certain things on Berk, because of the 
hard, stony ground and freezing temperatures. Cabbage was their main 
vegetable, but even that could only be grown for a couple of months a 
year. These new hot- houses were designed to receive plenty of warmth 
from the sun, but were enclosed and protected from the cold. They 
would also have an interior heating system, which ran on one Lava 
Bomb a day, politely provided by the assortment of Gronkles that 
resided in and around Berk. Assuming, of course, it all worked once 
he got the designs off paper and into real life. 

If they did work, the hot-houses would allow more crops to grow at a 
much faster rate and would give them plenty of vegetables year round. 
They always had plenty of fish now, especially as the ships had all 
been outfitted with specialized storage compartments that allowed the 
fishermen to sail farther and still return to Berk with an unspoiled 
haul. Their sheep stock was well in hand, as were the chickens, so 
the days of needing to hunt were more a hobby than a requirement to 
feeding the village. Best of all, when the really harsh weather came, 
they always had plenty of food to feed everyone. 

"Babe, come on!" Astrid Hofferson Haddock insisted as she appeared at 
the top of the stairs for the second time and waved at her husband. 
"We're going to be late!" 

"Two minutes ..." 

Astrid sighed, walked over and snatched his pencil away from him. 

"You said that ten minutes ago." 

Without missing a beat he pulled another pencil from his the slot on 
his glove cuff and continued the design. "I'm almost 
finished ..." 

She pulled the notebook away. "Now, or I am hiding all your notebooks 
for a week . " 

"That's okay," he grinned, swiftly turned in his chair, grabbed her 
around the waist and pulled her down on his lap. "I have more hidden 
all over the island." 

She laughed, despite herself, and tried to pull away, though not with 
any real effort. "We don't have time for this," she scolded, even as 
his fingers wrapped around her braid and tugged her mouth down to 
his . 

"Two minutes," he promised and kissed her, deeply thoroughly. 

Astrid sighed, wrapped her arms around him and wondered when she had 
become so docile? Damn him and his fantastic kisses! Laughing when 
his hand tried to find its way beneath her tunic, she slapped at his 
chest and hopped up. 

"Hiccup ! " 

"What? I'm your husband, I'm allowed..." 

"You're also Chief, and you're not allowed to be late." 

"Oh come on." He tried to catch hold of her again but she dodged the 
attempt. "It's not like they can start without me." 

"It's still not cool to make them wait. Hiccup." 

"You're making me wait right now, and that is also not cool." 

She giggled, he was so adorable when he was frisky. "You can have 
yours later." She smacked his hands away from her waist when he 
reached for her again. "If you come with me." 

"All right, Ms. Bossy Pants." Hiccup sighed, then rose from his desk 
and grabbed his cloak off the wall. "But you'll rue the day for 
forcing me to contain all this raw Viking power." 

Toothless sniggered and Hiccup made the same sound back at 
him . 

"That goes for you too, chuckles." 

Astrid smirked and pulled her husband across the garret floor, which 
had been expanded to include a half wall that separated their bedroom 
from his office and Toothless' bed pad. They had built a nesting 
cabin for Stormfly onto the back of their house, and then expanded 
the loft over that. 

He grinned as his wife practically pulled him down the stairs, with 
Toothless following. "I was just finishing up a design..." 

"You're always finishing up a design!" Astrid yanked him out the door 
where Stormfly was waiting on them. 

"But sweetie pie, I'm just trying to build a better... Ooww ! " He 
rubbed his shoulder where she punched him. "What was that 

"Don't call me sweetie pie!" She released his hand and climbed up 
onto Stormfly. 

"You're sooooo sexy when you're violent," he smirked as he hopped 
onto Toothless, and when she growled at him he urged his dragon into 
the air and took off at full throttle. 

"Hiccup!" she growled, laughing, as Stormfly rushed to catch 
up . 

Hiccup grinned back at her. "Well, come along, Mrs. Haddock! I 
thought you were in a hurry?" 

She urged Stormfly faster, but there was absolutely no way to catch 
up to a Night Fury. 

It was hard to believe that it had been three years since the day she 

had become Hiccup's wife. The time had just flown by, what with all 
the things that needed to be done in the village, and all the 
traveling he had been forced to do to advise the other tribes about 
Stoick. Some of those trips had ended badly, not because Hiccup 
wasn't a good diplomat, but because some Vikings were just too 
stubborn to be changed. 

They viewed the dragons of Berk as a threat, some had even compared 
Hiccup to Drago Bludvist, accusing him of massing his own dragon 
army. They simply couldn't comprehend that he had no desire to 
conquer them, and that the dragons didn't stay on Berk because they 
had to, but because they wanted to. 

Berk had to increase their security around the island, include day 
and night patrols, and always, always there was more training to do 
in case of an attack. Valka and Fishlegs had taken over the dragon 
training academy, and they was doing very well, considering there 
were now far more than just four five of them enrolled. Most of their 
villager had decided to become Defenders of Berk, and they even had 
some exchange students from other tribes. The academy had become an 
obstruction with some people but good public relations for 
others . 

So far, none of the dissidents had bothered to harass them, but 
Astrid suspected that the same thing that they were protesting over 
was also the thing that kept them away, an island full of 
dragons . 

Best of all. Hiccup had finally seemed to have gotten past the fear 
of not living up to his father's legacy, and had managed to 
incorporate his love of tinkering and inventions to make Berk a 
wonderful, and safer place to live. 

He'd let his hair grow, not all of it, just a small thin portion, 
enough for a long braided tail down his back, while the rest still 
shot out in varied directions from the top of his head to his 
shoulders. Astrid lovingly braided that tail every morning; it was 
something she still looked forward to. 

The combination of braid and tail, along with his new flight suit 
which was all black, with red and black armor made him appear almost 
invisible when riding on Toothless. He wore the cloak his mother made 
him, only while on Berk, and for special occasions, as it threw off 
his dynamics when flying. Between the hair longer hair and the new 
outfit he appeared strong, mysterious and positively lethal. It made 
people take him more seriously At least until he smiled, and then 
everyone just saw the old Hiccup again, and the women, of course, all 
just melted at his feet. 

When she finally landed on the lookout, she was laughing at the sight 
of Hiccup, nonchalantly leaning up against Toothless, as if he'd been 
there for hours. 

"You cheated!" she accused, hopping off Stormfly. 

Hiccup simply put his arm around her shoulders as they walked towards 
the gathering crowd. "I had to, or we would have been late." 

The look she gave him could have frozen meat, because he knew that 
she wouldn't hit him in front of people anymore. Of course, when they 

were alone, or at home, the gloves were off and he'd probably need 
stitches later. He loved her all the more for it. 

He moved to the center where a young man stood, waited to be wed. He 
smiled and greeted the people gathered, then stepped to the front so 
everyone could see him and nodded at Gothi, who stood beside him, 
with her fur branch. 

"Dude, you're late," the groom griped. 

"Whine, whine, whine." 

"Seriously? " 

"I'm sorry I was late." 

"Not cool." 

"No, " Hiccup agreed and pointed to the figure coming towards them. 
"But that is." 

They watched the bride walk through the gap created by the spectators 
and his smile widened. 

Hiccup looked at the groom and said quietly. "Are you sure you're 
ready for this?" 

Snotlout nodded, his eyes never moving from the sight of his bride 
walking towards him. "Oh yeah. More than ready." 

Hiccup squeezed his friend's shoulder, then smiled as Ruffnut reached 
them . 

"Marriage is a sacred promise," he began. 

2 . Chapter 2 

_* *AstridHiccup-* * Hey! Happy Birthday! Hope it was a good 

one ._ 

_* *UnbreakableWarrior* * Thanks! Hope you like the rest. 

_**Guest** a€" Yay x 2! Thanks for staying tuned! 

_* *Celt icCut ie* * a€" Aww, thank you so much! Hope you've reformed 

again, melting can be a difficult process. 

_* *Tasermon ' s Partner** Absolutely I am evil, there is much to be 

said for a false sense of security. Don't worry will still be plenty 
of fluff for the Hiccstrids out there !_ 

_**cari** I hope you enjoy it too! May not be updating this one as 

quickly as the last, as I have a few more irons in the fire now, but 
will do my best! _ 


I would NEVER forget about HICCSTRID : ) ) . 

_**Incarnate Firefly** a€" yeah I battled with the whole Snotlout 

pair up, but I think my choice is reasonable. Ruffnut would eat 
Fishlegs alive and Fret, well, I couldn't do that to Eret ! LOL ! A 

child? What child? Let's see what the future holds, shall 

we ?_ 

_**phnxgrl** I am rather fond of the beginning myself, and I most 

certainly will continue. _ 

_Thank you all for reviewing! And now... onto the story... _ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><strongXspan>CHAPTER 2<span>* * 

Hiccup flew over the Dragon academy, watched with pride as Fishlegs 
discussed the Book of Dragons while his students, both young and old, 
noted their own books, while seated at wooden desks that had been 
created for the class. 

He smiled as he and Toothless flew inside and landed. 

"Morning, Chief, " the students, both young and old, greeted 
him . 

"Hey everyone, how is it going?" 

"Fishlegs talks a lot, " one Gustav commented. 

"Good, that means you'll learn a lot, so pay attention." Hiccup 
grinned and slid off his dragon to walk to the teacher. "Got a 
minute. Fish?" 

"Of course." He turned back to the class. "Everyone, list the 
specif icat ions of a Monstrous Nightmare, a Scauldron and a Zippleback 
on your papers . " 

There was a mild groan but seconds later the students were scribbling 
away . 

Fishlegs and Hiccup walked over by one of the storage stables. 

"I need you to look this over, tell me what you think and let me know 
if there is anything we need to add or change." Hiccup handed 
Fishlegs the hot-house design. 

Fishlegs studied it and smiled. "This is a great idea! Hmmm, could be 
tweaked a little bit, and we'll need specialized pulley's to open the 
tops for the sunlight every day, then close them again at night, but 
I think I know how we can manage it . " 

"Awesome." Hiccup clapped him on the shoulder. "I will leave it in 
your capable hands. So, how are you enjoying teaching?" 

"I love it! It's the only place I get to talk and people have to 
listen ! " 

"That's why I knew you would be perfect." Hiccup laughed. "Have you 
seen my Mom around?" 

"She said she was going to take Cloud Jumper up to the South side of 
the island to practice some maneuvers, before showing them in 
class . " 

"Great." Hiccup hopped back on Toothless. "I'll see you later." 

"You bet!" Fishlegs waved, then turned back to his class. 

Hiccup and Toothless flew past the figure of his father. "Morning, 
Dad!" he called as he pulled Toothless higher. He spotted Cloud 
Jumper on the ground enjoying a field of dragon grass, his rider 
settled cross legged in the field and laughing. 

Toothless landed, glanced at Hiccup for permission and, after a nod, 
hopped into the grass and started to roll around enthusiastically on 
his back. 

Hiccup settled beside his mother with a smile. "I thought you were 
trying out new maneuvers?" 

"We were, but then we landed here and I haven't been able to get him 
out ! " 

Hiccup lay back, stretched out his legs and stared up at the clouds 
as their dragons played. "Well, it's a quiet day, let them enjoy it 
for awhile . " 

Valka nodded and glanced over her son's handsome face. There were 
shadows under his eyes and lines of fatigue and stress that had never 
been there before. He had matured so much the last couple of years, 
and she blessed Astrid for that; she had been his rock. But she 
wished he had time to enjoy life more. When he was sleeping was 
really the only time she saw her baby boy's innocent face 
anymore . 

She lay back, next to her son. "You should take Astrid and go away 
for awhile . " 

"I'd love to." He lifted his arms to cushion his head. "But there's 
too much to do." 

"Your father was the same, " she sighed. "Always so busy being chief 
and fighting dragons that we didn't get to spend much time together." 
She pulled out a blade of grass, rolled onto her side and tickled his 
cheek with it. "Don't make our mistakes. Hiccup." 

He looked sideways at her, plucked the blade from her fingers and 
propped it between his lips. "It wasn't all bad, was it?" 

She smiled and shook her head. "No. No, I had you and my leather work 
to keep me busy, and when he was home your dad was very kind and 
generous to me, but... he so often wasn't home. Hiccup. It's very 
hard, especially on a new wife, for her husband to be away a lot." 

She plucked up another blade of grass, chewed it. "Astrid is much 
stronger than I was, but I'm sure she still feels the same 
longings . " 

"I know that. Mom." Hiccup rolled on his side to face her, braced 
himself on his elbow. "But I can't just leave for an extended period 
without knowing Berk is protected. I can't risk our enemies attacking 

while I'm off enjoying time with my wife." 

"It doesn't have to be a full month or even a week," she assured. "It 
could just be one afternoon a day, or an overnight trip somewhere, 
just the two of you." 

She reached forward, cupped his cheek and smiled, pleased, when he 
closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. She loved the simple ways 
he showed that he cared; how easily he let her know what her touch 
meant to him. Most Vikings would think it was unmanly to do so, but 
not her Hiccup. 

"She needs it, son. She's been working just as hard as you have, you 
know . " 

"Okay," he agreed. "I'll try and think of something." On top of every 
other thing he had on his mind to think about. 

She laid on her back again. "Besides, how am I ever going to get any 
grand babies if you two can't even be alone together?" 

He flushed and grinned. "We're _alone_ most nights. Mom," he assured. 
"Don ' t push it . " 

"Don't you want to have children?" 

"Of course, one day. Not right this minute." 

"One day could be this day, and then what will you do?" 

He plucked at the grass beside him. "I guess then we'll have a baby, 
won't we?" 

She smiled at his sarcasm. "It's been three years. Hiccup." 

"Aww, you're counting. That's so sweet." 

"Hiccup..." She started to laugh. "Just like your father." 

"Am I, Mom? I never felt like I was anything like him." 

"Oh, in some things you are, little things that you probably don't 
recognize but I do." 

He sat up and looked down at her. "Like what?" 

She smiled up at him. "Well, you're both born leaders." When he 
opened his mouth to protest, as he usually did on such matters, she 
quickly added. "Whether you believe it or not. Hiccup, it's 
true ! " 

He closed his mouth and let her believe as she liked. "What 

"You are both kindhearted, and have a whimsical sense of humor." 

He shook his head. "I didn't see Dad as humorous. Mom. In fact I 
hardly ever even saw him smile." 

"Oh, that was just his way he was... well Stoick was . . . stoick . " She 

watched Hiccup grin. "He didn't show much on the outside, but to me, 
to Gobber, people he was close to, he was very funny and sweet. Oh, 
how he could make me laugh." 

"You were happy with him." It was a statement, not a question. 

"I was. I loved him." 

"Yet, you stayed away for all those years." 

She sighed and sat up, crossed her legs again. "Yes. I know it's hard 
for you to understand how I could have loved you and your father so 
much and still stayed away. Hiccup, but I... I truly thought it was 
for the best . " 

He nodded. "I do understand. Mom. Really I do. I... I went through 
that... well I had that choice myself when I first met Toothless. I 
had thought about just flying off on him and never turning 
back . " 

"But you didn't." 

"I couldn't. They found out about Toothless before I could 

and ..." 

"That's nonsense." 

Hiccup glanced at her, surprised. 

"Do you think Astrid hasn't told me about how you two met, son? Did 
you think I wouldn't ask?" She shook her head. "No, I know the story. 
You had the chance to leave, and you chose to stay and face the 
music. Don't tell me your choice was taken away from you, you made 
your choice." 

Hiccup glanced over at his dragon, on his back rubbing through the 
grass. Would he have changed anything from that time? No, he didn't 
think he would. "Yeah, I guess I did." 

"So you are stronger than your dear old mom." 

"Don't say that. You had your reasons and I do understand 
them . " 

"Then why do you keep bringing it up. Hiccup?" 

He looked at her. Did he? He hadn't meant to. "I'm sorry." He pulled 
out some more grass. "I... I guess I may be harboring a 
little ... unconscious resentment. I'm sorry. Mom." 

"It's understandable." 

He nodded. "How _are_ you doing. Mom?" 

"Me? Oh I'm fine. Keeping busy with the academy." 

"But are you happy here?" 

Valka had spent twenty years away from people and living with 
dragons. He could only imagine how hard living on Berk was for her. 

and he caught her staring off into space, looking sad more times than 
he could count . 

She ruffled his hair. "Of course, you're here." 

"I... thank you, but that isn't what I meant." He paused for a moment, 
gathered his thoughts, then continued. "I know how hard it is to 
stay. Mom, when all you really want to do is fly away. I know that 
living here can be very restrictive and no one would blame you if 
you. . .if you thought about the way it was before; or if you 
considered leaving again." 

"Hiccup, I promised to stay here..." 

"I know you did, and I love you for it, but..." Again he grew quiet 
as he tried to find the words to express himself. "I love having you 
here. Mom, but if... if you're not happy here... I... I would understand 
if you ..." 

He had to stop for a moment as his gut clenched and his heart beat 
quickened at the idea, just the idea of her leaving. But he had to do 
what was best for everyone on Berk, and that included his mother. 

"I just want you to be happy." 

She regarded him quietly for a long moment. "Would you leave 
everything and fly off if you could?" she asked. "Would you forget 
your responsibilities as Chief, your wife, your life here to fly off 
on a new adventure with your dragon?" 

"I... I think about it," he admitted. "A lot, actually, still... 
but . . . no . My life is here. It hasn't been an easy life, but it's 
where I was born and grew up. My friends are here, Astrid is here 
and... and I couldn't just leave Berk unprotected." 

She nodded and felt the pride well up in her. "I appreciate what you 
are offering me. Hiccup, more than you know. Living with Cloud Jumper 
and the dragons was... well it was an experience that could never be 
explained or recaptured. We have dragons here, and it's enough for me 
to feel less ... claustrophobic about the people who also live 
here . " 

Valka found the longer she stayed on Berk, the easier it became. Long 
buried memories and skills had started to reemerge, things she had 
completely forgotten, or hadn't needed the last twenty years with 
just the dragons. She had made friends, had become part of the 
community in a way that she'd never been able to when she was 
Stoick's wife. That alone gave her hope and made it easier. 

Of course she missed the life she had, the feedings, the flights, the 
openness of space, and sometimes she still had to remember to walk 
like a human and not a dragon, but she wouldn't trade any of it for 
Hiccup. He was her son, her Chief, her life, and she truly meant to 
spend the rest of her days at his side, making up for lost 
time . 

"I've been blessed to have lived two such different lives, son, but 
this is the life I chose now. A life with you." She reached for his 
hand, squeezed it. "You are what makes everything worthwhile. You are 
why I stay, and why I will never, ever leave again." 

"But are you happy?" 

She sighed, and then laughed. "Just like your father! You get an idea 
in your head and you can't let it go!" 

"I can't no, because you haven't answered me yet." 

She leaned in, kissed his forehead tenderly. "I'm happier than I 
thought I would be." 

He scowled as she rose and offered him a hand up. "That ... that ' s not 
much of an answer." 

"It will have to do." She patted his cheek once he was back on his 
feet. "Now, let's get our dragons out of this grass." 

"This will take teamwork, " he advised with a grin, and into the long 
grass they went. 

3 . Chapter 3 

**phnxgrl-** Awww, thanks so much for reviewing! 

* *AstridHiccup-* * I am still deciding which of Hiccup's enemies will 
be returning. Maybe more than one. Stay tuned! 

* * IncarnateFiref ly* *- Awesome! That's the second Birthday Update I've 
had for this one. Happy Birthday! I know, right? I'd gladly give up 
Geography and math to learn about dragons. Fishlegs does talk a lot, 
but I love him to bits! 

**Tasermon's Partner**. -*blushes* Wow, you always give me the 
greatest feed back! Thank so, so much, it really helps. Glad you are 
enjoying it. 

Thanks everyone for reviewing, I really appreciate any feedback you 
can offer. Well, time to pull on those ol ' heart strings! Enjoy! 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><pXstrong>CHAPTER 3<strong> 

Hiccup slipped of his armor and started to unfasten the many belts of 
his flight suit. Gods, what a day! One thing after another, after 
another. Not major issues, just little things mostly that had managed 
to pile up, and then everyone wanted his attention right away. 

He hung his flight suit and belts on a wall hook, then dropped down 
onto their bed. He smirked. When had he had started thinking of it as 
his and Astrid's bed? It had taken him longer than he had expected to 
get used to having someone sleep beside him. Astrid moved around a 
lot in her sleep, all that battle-ready energy he supposed, and the 
first few weeks he hadn't gotten much sleep because of it. 

After spending so much of his life alone, until Toothless anyway, 
having someone share his private living space had required a huge 
adjustment. Especially as they had both been sharing such a cramped 
space; which hadn't seemed cramped when it was just him and 

Toothless . 

Then, once they finished off the extensions of the house and their 
loft; created the partition to separate their bedroom from the outer 
room and his office, he'd felt more comfortable and had finally 
gotten used to sleeping beside her. Of course, it helped that even 
with the separator wall, he could still hear Toothless' gentle 
snoring purrs. Eventually, even Astrid seemed to get used to things 
and settled, moving only once or twice through the night. 

Life had fell into a simple routine, but one he rather enjoyed; even 
if he was ridiculously busy. As Hiccup was almost always the first to 
wake. Toothless still demanded a flight just after sunup, only now he 
would come in and huff in Hiccup's ear to wake him. They would enjoy 
about twenty minutes of blissful peace and quiet, then return and 
start breakfast. Sometimes his mother or Astrid would be up when he 
returned from his ride, and they would already have breakfast 
started, but most times he did it. After all, he was the better cook 
out of the three. 

Then, while they ate, it was a quick rundown of what needed to be 
done that day. Astrid was awesome at keeping his schedule, and her 
own very full agenda as well. He understood that things would be so 
much harder if he didn't have her to handle some of it. 

His father had trusted very few to help him, had kept his own 
schedule, as well as his own house; at least until Hiccup was old 
enough to help with it. His father had known everyone on the island 
by name. Hiccup wasn't quite there yet and he knew he wasn't getting 
things done as fast or as well as his father had. But, he had 
promised to just try his best and not compare himself to his father. 
He was trying, but he still compared. 

After breakfast they would go about their assigned tasks, and most 
days he would not see Astrid or his mother until dinner time, unless 
he sought them out. They had taken to eating at the hall most nights, 
because at the end of a long day Hiccup simply wasn't in the mood to 
cook. Although, Astrid would sometimes surprise him with a meal at 
home; she was actually getting more diverse in what she could make, 
but she too would be very tired at the end of the day. Valka's 
cooking seemed to have worsened, so she agreed to stay out of the 
kitchen entirely. 

His mother had been his eyes and ears, making note of things people 
did or said or would like done, or were even upset over. She would 
relay these things to him over dinner, and they would try and find a 
solution. On top of all that, his mind was always working on ways to 
improve Berk, to make it run more efficiently and, frankly, to cut 
himself a break so he didn't have to oversee every tiny thing. 

Many nights he stayed at the hall after dinner, talking to people, 
discussing their issues or making plans with his team or Gobber. 
Sometimes it was the wee hours before he returned home to his wife 
and his bed, and she was almost always asleep by then; having had a 
full day herself. He rarely had the heart to wake her. 

The next day, it would start all over again. The only real time he 
had to himself was that early morning ride, and the only thing that 
broke the monotony of their routine was if he had to go off and visit 
a neighboring tribe. 

He looked down at his prosthetic, tried to decide if he would leave 
it on, or take it off. In the end, he slid it off, because his stump 
was incredibly sore. He pulled off his boot, then lay back on the bed 
and pulled his legs up. He was still wearing his tunic and leggings, 
but he honestly didn't have the energy to remove them. 

He closed his eyes against his throbbing head and flung an arm over 
them. The minute he did his mind started to race of all the things he 
had to do and he groaned. Would he never be able to just settle his 
mind and go to sleep? He used to be able to drop off instantly! 

A cold sensation cut across his frantic thoughts and his eyes opened 
to see Astrid, seated on the bed beside him, holding a block of ice 
to his head. 

"I love you," he sighed and reached up to hold the block in place. 

"My head really hurts." 

"I know." She rose and started taking off her armor. She had seen the 
headache in his eyes over dinner. "Would you like me to rub your back 
for you?" 

He sighed again, heavily. "That would be heaven, but no." 

She turned, surprised. "No?" 

"I'm so tired, babe, I won't even feel it tonight, and I prefer to 
actually enjoy it if you're going to make the effort." 

Shooting him a sympathetic smile, she finished undressing, with the 
exception of her under garments, then carefully pulled him into a 
sitting position. "Poor baby." 

"Yeah, boo hoo for me." He felt his hair begin to loosen as Astrid 
knelt behind him and deftly unfastened his braid. "You could leave it 
in overnight, " he teased. 

"Nope." Astrid pulled his hair straight, using her fingers to comb 
through the tangles, until it hung to the middle of his back. "I like 
it down when we're in bed." 

"You just like to play with it." 

"True, but you like to play with mine too, " she reminded as she 
turned so he could do the same with her braid. "Don't you?" 

"Mmmm, favourite part of the day." 

He set his block of ice down, removed the leather tie at the end of 
her braid and combed his fingers through her hair, which was now down 
past her waist. She'd agreed to grow it longer for him and he 
absolutely loved seeing it flow about her shoulders. 

"Arms up, " she ordered and he complied so she could pull off his 
tunic . 

"I love it when you undress me." 

"Pervert." She giggled as she rose and he quickly caught her around 

the waist, pulling her into his lap. "Hiccup!" 

"Astrid!" He buried his face in her hair. "Are you happy?" 

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" 

He sighed and hugged her. "I know I'm away a lot, and so busy 
sometimes ..." 

She turned, slid her arms around his waist so she could straddle him. 
"You're Chief. You have a lot of responsibilities, babe. I know 
that . " 

"I know you know that, I just..." He twirled a thick lock of her hair 
around his fingers. "Sometimes, I wish we could just go away for 
awhile, just the two of us and be alone; to do whatever we 
want . " 

"We took a week for our honeymoon," she reminded kindly. 

"That was over two years ago, Astrid." 

She nodded and nestled her cheek against his. "I know. I wish we 
could too, but you can't stop being Chief and I can't stop being your 
number one. We both have responsibilities and people who count on 

"I'm too young to feel this old," he grumbled. 

She laughed. "Oh babe, it will be okay. We still have each other 
every... well most nights." 

He flushed as he remembered his conversation with his mother 
regarding grandchildren. "Urn ... speaking of . . . how . . . how are you 
feeling? " 

"Fine, why?" 

"Oh, just asking. I mean you . . . you ' re not tired or... or feeling... urn 
sick or anything are you?" 

She crossed her arms over his chest, leaned her chin on them. 

"Hiccup, are you asking me if I am with child?" 

He was sure his face was going to melt off then and there. 

" I . . . urn . . . well . . . we talked about it some, but I . . .Mom. . .Mom was 
asking . " 

"Your mom was asking about us having a child?" 

"She . . . she . . . apparently she wants grandchildren." 

"And as the dutiful son you wish to deliver them to her now?" 

"No!" He pushed his head back, covered his face with his hands. Why 
did he even start this conversation? "Stop it, " he moaned, knowing 
she was getting way too much enjoyment out of torturing him. "I... I'm 
not good at... talking about ... this . " 

She smiled, leaned up to kiss him, then ran her fingers through his 

hair. "I feel fine," she told him, calmly, watched the relief flood 
his face and frowned slightly. 

He really wasn't ready to have children and that surprised her. He 
seemed to get on very well with the village kids, and had gotten over 
his nervousness of holding babies during naming ceremonies. The Chief 
needed an Heir, so he had to know they'd have one eventually, but 
would he be ready for it when they did? 

Hiccup watched the multiple expressions flicker across his wife's 
lovely face and reached up to cup her cheek. "Stop." 

"Stop what?" 

"Stop misunderstanding me, because I'm speaking like a blithering 
idiot." He watched the small smile form on her lips and slid his 
fingers through her hair. "I _do_ want children, Astrid. I want them 
with you . " 

She moved off of him and sat up. "Just... not right now." 

Gods! Now she sounded like his mother! "I didn't say that." 

"You're implying it. Hiccup." 

"Astrid, it's only been three years..." 

"Most married couples have children within the first year. Look at 
your mom and dad..." 

"I am not my father!" he barked, surprising himself with his own 
vehemence and watching her face turn to stone. 

"So you keep saying." She rose, started to pull on her 
clothing . 

"W... where are you going? Astrid!" 

"I need some air." She left her armor off, pulled her hair into a 
pony tail and stalked across the room. 

"Stubborn, obstinate, pigheaded!" Hiccup growled as he quickly pulled 
on his leg, his boot and grabbed his tunic. "Astrid!" 

He stepped out of the house in time to see his wife fly off on 
Stormfly. "Toothless!" The dragon was right behind him, having been 
concerned when his rider ran past him where he had just started to 
doze . 

"Hiccup?" Valka stood in the doorway of the house with lantern and in 
her night dress and bare feet. "Is everything okay?" 

"Yes, mom. Sorry if we woke you, Astrid and I just... need to check on 
something . " 

"Okay, son. Be careful." 

Hiccup hopped onto Toothless' back and took to the air. He had a 
strong suspicion where Astrid was going, he only hoped he was 
right . 

Sure enough, he spotted Stormfly seated by the water in the cover 
where he had originally hidden Toothless. He swooped down and Astrid, 
who had just started to sit down, hopped up and started running to 
Stormfly . 

Hiccup dove off of Toothless and tackled her. He was in no mood for 
chasing her around the entire island tonight. "Stop! Astrid, stop!" 

He blocked the punch she leveled his way, and pinned her, sheer panic 
making him strong enough to keep her there. "What is _wrong_ with 
you? " 

Tears welled up in her eyes and she turned her head away, even as she 
tried to struggle, but her heart wasn't in it. "Go away. 

Hiccup . " 

"Go... No, I won't go away! We're not kids anymore, Astrid. You can't 
just give me a punch or a kiss, and then wave me off when you're 
bored of me. I'm your husband and you're my wife!" 

She gasped, and her struggles ceased, but she still refused to look 
at him or talk to him. 

"Talk to me! Please! What has got you so upset?" 

"You know what!" She reared up suddenly, catching him off guard and 
he flew backwards on his ass. "We don't have children!" 

He gaped at her. "I... I know. Astrid, it's only been... 

"Three years!" she cried and pulled her knees up to her chest to bury 
her face in them. It had hit her hard on the flight here; she wasn't 
angry about Hiccup not being ready, she was afraid he would never 
have to be. "Three years and no baby." 

He hadn't realized she'd wanted one so badly, she'd never even hinted 
at it. Cautiously, he crawled to her. "Astrid, we will have children. 
There is plenty of time and..." 

"What if I can't?" she moaned and hid her face again. "What if I 
can't give you a child. Hiccup?" She started to sob. "It's been 
t... three years." She should have gotten pregnant by now. Every other 
married couple she knew would have one or two babies by their third 
year. "Wh... what's wrong with me?" 

"Nothing!" His eyes widened and he slid closer, pulling her into his 
arms, rocking her gently. "Oh, my love, there is nothing wrong with 
you . " 

"Then w...why can't I g...get pregnant?" 

ff j ff 

How the Thor should he know? He had no clue about the miracle of 
childbirth, only his small part in the conception. There were women 
that suffered a childless fate, two of them lived in the village, but 
he had no idea what caused it and he didn't think that Astrid should 
be worried about such a condition. 

"Astrid. Oh, Astrid." He pulled her hair out of the band, smoothed it 

down her back. "Sometimes ... sometimes it just takes longer 

and . . . and . . . we haven't been ... urn ... together every night. Maybe we're 

just ... ah ... miss ... missing the... the opportunity, somewhere." 

"I want to have your baby. Hiccup." 

"I know, love, I know." And he loved her for it. "And you will. 
Please, please don't fret about it. I... I'm sure it will happen when 
the Gods decide we are ready." 

She pulled back to look at him, her cheeks stained with her tears. 
"When will you be ready. Hiccup? You... sound like you're not 

and ..." 

"I am," he assured. "I will be. Come on, Astrid, I have so much on my 
mind right now, so much to think about that having a baby is... well 
it's just further down the list right now. It doesn't mean I'm not 
ready or don't want a child. I... I just... I can only deal with what 
is in front of me. I have to deal with what is now." He cradled her 
face between his hands. "I have to think about now or... I 'll go 
crazy. Please tell me you understand that? Please don't ever doubt I 
love you or would love our baby?" 

She buried her face in his neck, clung to him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, 
I just ... Sometimes , I wish things were the way it was before. When we 
saw each other for hours every day. When we could just go off 
somewhere and be alone. When we had time to talk about how we were 
feeling and kiss until we lost our breath and . . . and . . . " 

"I do too," he whispered and kissed the top of her head. "I wish it 
could be like that too, Astrid, but it's not. We can't go back." 

There was no way back, no time to go back. 

"I m. . .miss you so much. Hiccup." They lived in the same house, the 
same village, shared a bed and meals, but it just wasn't the same. It 
wasn't as it had been. 

"And now I have to go away again, " he sighed, frustrated. "For at 
least two to three weeks, and I can't even take my wife with 
me ! " 

She nodded, sniffed. "One of us needs to be here to run things, 
babe . " 

"I must have been crazy to name you as my right hand. What was I 
thinking? " 

She offered him a watery smile. "You were thinking you 

needed ... someone confident, strong and intelligent to do... the job." 

She kissed his nose. "So, of course you chose me." 

"Of course." He smiled and then growled. "I hate going away! The 
boats take so freaking long! I don't know why Gobber and I can't just 
fly there on our dragons." 

"Because not all the tribes are accepting of them and you have to be 
diplomatic, remember?" 

"I don't know how I'm going to get away without Toothless noticing. 

He was so angry with me last time." 

"I'll take care of him. Hiccup. 

"Mmmm, I know you will." He wiped at her tears. "Please don't cry 
anymore." She was so strong, such an amazingly strong person, it 
killed him when she cried; when he saw his beautiful and brave 
warrior this vulnerable. 

He saw the lines of worry on her face then, the shadows he hadn't had 
t ime . . . hadn ' t bothered to notice before. She was determined that 
there was nothing she couldn't do, nothing she couldn't accomplish, 
but Gods, she looked tired. Tired, and drained and stressed and 
overwhelmed . 

Why hadn't he been paying better attention to her? They were both 
still so young, and just because he had complete faith that nothing 
could rock the solid ground Astrid planted herself on, didn't mean 
she couldn't been shaken. She worked so hard, so damn hard for him, 
for their people. Why hadn't he been taking care of her properly? She 
was one of his people too, the most important person; he had to start 
thinking about her needs as he did the others . 

She sighed. "I'll miss you." 

He closed his eyes and held her, loving the way she felt in his arms. 
"Let's take tomorrow off." 

She pulled back to look at him. "Excuse me?" 

"Let's take the dragons and fly away somewhere for the day, just the 
two of us . " 

"Hiccup, we can't! We have..." 

"Fishlegs and Mom are running the academy, Snotlout, Ruffnut and 
Tuffnut can take care of the day to day things and Eret will manage 
the patrols." He cradled her face between his hands. "What's the 
point of being a Chief if I can't delegate?" 

He kissed her, gently then gazed into her eyes, such beautiful, weary 
eyes. This wasn't his Astrid. This wasn't energetic spitfire with 
lightening in her eyes and mischief in her smile. This was someone 
else, someone who was working herself to death to please him, because 
he needed her. 

He had to fix this. He had to fix them. "We need this. Don't we need 
this ? " 

She nodded and tears filled her eyes again "Yeah, yeah we really do." 
She hugged him, hard. She'd missed spending time alone with him, so 
much, but she hadn't wanted to pressure him because he was so busy. 
"It would be great, even if it's just for a few hours." 

"Then we'll pack a picnic lunch and fly over to Whistle Island to 
spend the day." It was close enough to Berk that if any real trouble 
hit they could fly back in under fifteen minutes, but was secluded 
enough that they could be blissfully undisturbed. 

Astrid beamed at him, suddenly excited. "Oh, babe. That sounds 
amazing ! " 

And there she was, he thought in wonder. His Astrid. 

He rose, pulled her to her feet. "Let's go home." He kissed her 
gently on the lips as their dragons moved towards them. "Start 
practicing that whole, baby thing, until we get it right." 

She beamed at him, and together they climbed onto their dragons and 
took to the sky. 

4 . Chapter 4 

_Woo- Okay... I won't tell you. When a Chief Becomes A Father- What a 
great Idea! LOL . Unfortunately I already have most of this one 
written, but that would make a great sequel if I decide to continue. 
Thanks !_ 

_UnbreakableWarrior Thank you! I try my best. :-) _ 

_phnxgrl I love that you love it all so much! Thanks !_ 

_lorde hee hee . Thanks. 


_Incarnate Firefly Astrid has a whole world of feelings going on in 
this story. :-) As for their time off, read below. _ 

_Tasermon's Partner Sigh. Have I mentioned, yet again, how invaluable 
your reviews are. They really allow me to get deep into the story I 
am trying to tell and give me the courage to continue. Thank you so 
much !_ 

_So, next day and our couple are on Whistle Island. Will they be able 
to enjoy some much needed alone time, or will the dark hand of Loki 
be hanging over them, ready to inject mistchief and mayhem. Keep 
reading to find out! ;-) 


■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><strongXspan>CHAPTER FOUR<span>* * 

Astrid grinned up at her husband as he leaned over her and fed her 
another berry, he was being delightfully attentive. "I could get used 
to this, " she warned as she lifted her arms to wrap them around his 
neck. "Being tended on by a gorgeous man, while lying on a beach and 
being warmed by the sun." 

"Ah, you are so easily pleased. Milady." He smiled and took a berry 
for himself. "As I don't slay dragons and have not survived any 
battles to the death..." 

"Recently, " she reminded and watched that lovely shade of pink tickle 
his cheeks. God, he was so adorable! 

"Urn. .. recently, " he admitted as he fed her another berry. 

She grinned and opened her mouth for the berry. "You're so cute when 
you're blushing." 

"Shut up. 

She giggled as his mouth descended to hers, and then sighed as she 
gave herself over to his kiss. 

Hiccup was such an amazing kisser, she'd fretted over that 
originally, because she had wondered how in the name of Thor he 
became so good? But then she just told herself it was because he was 
so precise and thorough in everything he did. He was probably just a 
natural, as he was in so many other things. 

After they had returned home last night he had made the sweetest love 
to her. She'd almost forgotten how nice it was to take their time and 
not rush. Lately, what little time they did have alone resulted in, 
either a quickie in the morning, or a half hearted one late in the 
evening because they were both too tired or much else. 

But last night he made her remember how good she could feel, how good 
he could make her feel. He had made her feel like his woman, his 
wife, not just his right hand, and it had been wonderful. Astrid had 
always wanted to be a warrior, a Shield Maiden and nothing more. She 
was surprised, after marrying Hiccup, how much she also wanted to be 
a woman, and his wife. 

Now, today, they had left at sunrise, leaving instructions for 
everyone with Valka, and had flown here to Whistle Island, aptly 
named because the wind blew around and through several different 
sized peaks on the island and made a delightful musical sound. It 
wasn't a huge island, but there was plenty of room for them, and for 
their dragons to go off and play without having to worry about them, 
or without having the dragons right on top of them. 

And he seemed intent on making her feel just as much of a woman here 
as well. "Why, Sir, is there a..." She closed her eyes, shuddered as 
his mouth nestled against her pulse. "N ... nefarious purpose 
for... you're bring me here?" 

"Hmmmm." Hiccup rose to his knees, pulled off his tunic. "Simply 
trying to..." He stroked his hand down over her stomach, and then 
lower. He felt her reaction, heard her gasp. "Provide a quiet place 
to relax, while I lavish you with my undivided attention. 

Milady . " 

"Something else desperately needs your attention, " she purred, 
pulling him back down for a kiss. 

When they broke for air, he moved his lips to her neck, nibbled and 
nipped until she was aching for him. His hands slid under her tunic; 
they had both removed their heavy armor already, and caressed the 
soft skin underneath. 

"Are you..." She blinked, as his hands cupped her breast and made her 
dizzy. "Are you t... trying to s ... seduce me, Mr. Haddock?" 

"No, " he murmured as he lifted her top and replaced his hands with 
his mouth. "Trying implies a suggestion of failure." He nibbled her 
bellybutton. "I _am_ seducing you." 

She giggled and then gasped. It amazed her how he could create such 

intense reactions within her with just a few kisses and caresses. 
He'd been right, they had needed this. 

Later, after a delightfully playful and still passionate romp, they 
dressed again and Astrid asked. "Can we talk, babe?" 

"Oh no." He slid fastened the belts of his flight suit. "That sounds 
ominous . " 

"I just wanted to... to apologize for freaking out last night." 

He sighed, as he secured the wing flaps. "Astrid." 

"No, come on. I have to." She stepped closer and helped him adjust 
his chest and shoulder armor. "I... I went off the deep end and I 
don't even know why, really. I just... I just got ... scared . " 

He knew how hard that was for her to admit to. "I get scared too, 
Astrid. It's okay, really. Everyone's entitled to a freak out once 
and awhile. Look what happened to me the day of our wedding? I almost 
didn't marry you because I was having such a freak out." 

"Yeah, I was pretty pissed that you thought it'd be that easy to get 
rid of me." She watched him smile and then continued. "I... I just 
thought that you didn't want children and... and that hurt. And 
then... then I was worried that I wouldn't be able to give them to 
you. And then, I started thinking..." 

He put his fingers to her lips. "I do want children, Astrid, but I 
don't think we should obsess over it, that's all." 

She sat to pull on her boots, released a heavy breath and nodded. 
"Okay. Okay, I'll try not to." She bit his lip, looked up at him, now 
fully dressed, and was amazed at how quickly her body responded to 
the sight of Chief Hiccup. 

She swept his foot out from under him, rolled and had pinned him in 
seconds . 

"Hey! " 

She grinned down at him. "Now, Hiccup, you know how competitive I 
am." She covered his mouth with hers in a deep passionate kiss that 
left them breathless. "You'll can't just seduce me and expect me not 
to retaliate . " 

"0 . . . okay . " 

She laughed at how easily he gave up. 

Hiccup was mesmerized by the change in her and felt even guiltier for 
not having known she needed this sooner. Almost from the moment they 
had arrived on the island she had started laughing and teasing him 
the way she used to. She was her old self again and he hadn't 
realized how much he had missed her this way. 

Last night had scared him, really scared him. They had never fought 
before, not like that, and he never wanted to fight with her like 
that ever again. It was so strange to realize that Astrid had doubts 
too. That she was as scared as he was sometimes about them, and their 

future . 

Marriage wasn't easy, but he loved her and they had to make it work. 
He hadn't been ready for marriage, he hadn't been ready to be Chief 
and he wasn't ready to have a child! God, he wasn't ready for any of 
this, but it was here and it was happening and he had to make it 
work, because he was nothing without her. 

"Hiccup? " 

Pulling himself back to the present he looked up at her. "Yes, 
love? " 

"Where did you go?" 

"Nowhere." He smiled, lifted his hands and teased the hem of her 
tunic. "I thought you were seducing me?" 

"I was, but you weren't responding." She started to slide off of him, 
and he immediately pulled her back. "If you're not in the mood 

now ..." 

"I'm sorry," he assured and let his fingers caress her hips. "I am 
always in the mood for you, Astrid." Her expression said she forgave 
him, but was disappointed the mood was lost. "Aren't you going to ask 
me what I was thinking?" 

"Fine." She shrugged. "What were you thinking?" 

"I was thinking how you... we both kind of went away for 
awhile ..." 

She nodded, thrilled that it hadn't just been her noticing the 
changes in them. "I... I guess that's part of growing up and taking on 
such huge responsibility, the need to become other people." 

"We'll have to work to fix that," he decided. "I miss my 
Astrid . " 

She sighed. "I miss my Hiccup." 

He smiled and tugged on her braid. "I was also thinking how your hair 
glitters like gold in the sunshine." His hands slid under her tunic, 
but stayed at the lightest caress. "I was thinking how nice it is to 
see you smile again, really smile and have that lovely sparkle back 
in your eyes . " 

"I hate that I can't stay mad at you." 

"Really?" His hands moved higher as he smiled. "I kinda like 

it . " 

She tried to stay firm, but the smile formed anyway and she slapped 
him hard in the chest. 

"Oof!" He wheezed. "And she's back." 

She threw her head back and laughed, and by Thor it felt wonderful to 
them both. "You're such a Hiccup." 

"Never any doub . . . hhhmmmmm . " He closed his eyes as their lips 
touched, then froze as a strange sound filtered towards 
them . 

"What... what is that?" 

Hiccup sat up, automatically catching her so she didn't fall 
backwards. "Trouble!" He rolled to his feet and quickly pulled her 
with him. "That's the distress horn on Berk." 

"Oh no ! " 

They had called their dragons and were and flying back to Berk within 
seconds. As they neared they could see several ships flying the flag 
of a rival tribe in the waters around Berk. Hiccup recognized them as 
one he had visited some time last year; a tribe that had accused him 
of being like Drago and gathering a dragon army. 

"Get back to Berk" he told Astrid. "Tell them to be ready for Full 
Colors . " 

She nodded and urged Stormfly faster as Hiccup flew towards the lead 
ship. He got close enough that they would hear him, but not 
necessarily near enough for any nets to reach Toothless. 

"I'm Chief Haddock!" he called down to them. "What is your business 
on Berk?" 

His response was a spear charging at him through the air, which they 
easily avoided. 

"We have no quarrel with you and are a peaceful people." 

Another spear, accompanied by a large Viking demanded. 

"Give us your dragons and we will leave you in peace." 

"The dragons are not ours to give. This is their home, and if you 
attack they will defend it." 

"I am Chief Yakun of the Noman tribe. We have come to stop your 
dragon army!" He shook his fist at Hiccup. "We will not allow you to 
attack our tribe, and we have come to stop you!" 

"Chief Yakun, I have spoken with you about this. Our dragons only 
defend. You are in no danger from them or us!" 

"I have listened to your lies, and I have listened to those who speak 
the truth. Is it not so that you lured the Chief of the Beserker 
tribe here, but a few years ago, with the same tale of your 'pet' 
dragons? Only to turn him over to Alvin the Treacherous?" 

"Dagur was mad! His own people claim it as truth. He was obsessed 
with one of our dragons and was trying to destroy us ! Anything we 
did, we did in defense!" 

A chorus of, "Lies! Lies! Traitor! Usurper!" came from the 
ships . 

"Please! Let's talk about this. We can negotiate..." 

Hiccup did not see the arrow coming at him from a ship to his right, 
until the last minute, and it sliced a gash through the leather of 
his suit and slashed through his skin just under his breastplate. He 
winced, knowing it would have been much worse if he hadn't been 
wearing the flight suit. He put his hand on Toothless head when the 
dragon growled and started to charge up a plasma blast. 

"Not yet, boy." 

Toothless whined. 

"It's just a nick. I'm fine." 

"This is your last warning. Chief Yahun." He pulled out his sword, 
lit the flame and lifted it high above his head. "Turn your ships 
around and give up this quest, or face the consequences . " 

"Of your peaceful dragon army?" the chief sneered. 

"No, of the residents of Berk." He nudged Toothless and the dragon 
released a long, low growl into the air. 

Within seconds the dragons of Berk responded to their Alpha's call, 
and the sky above filled with riders on every kind of dragon 
imaginable, lead by his team, the original Riders of Berk, along 
with, Eret, Valka and Gobber. 

Hiccup watched the fear rise in the Viking's eyes, saw several of 
them drop their weapons and scramble for cover on their ships. 

"Is this what you call peace?" Chief Yakun demanded. 

"No, this is what we call defense. If you challenge us, we will 
defend ourselves. If you threaten our dragons, we will defend 
ourselves. Tell the others, we are not a threat, but nor are we 
defenseless. " 

The men on the ships were obviously terrified, but Yakun did not want 
to back down. Still, the intimidation factor was high. 

"If you are a man of peace you will not fire on us!" he 
challenged . 

"I never said I was a man of peace," Hiccup growled, dangerously. He 
had learned his lesson with Drago. "I said we want to be left in 
peace and we mean no harm to others. But I am Chief of Berk, and I 
will protect my own. You have thirty seconds to turn your ships 
around, Yakun, or you'll all be swimming home." 

It took them less than twenty and soon the ships were sailing in the 
other direction. The village riders cheered in triumph, but Hiccup 
didn't feel very victorious. He hated to resort to brute tactics, and 
he knew they would back, possibly with many more ships. 

He'd been disconcerted when the man had mentioned Dagur, and decided 
a trip to Outcast Island was in order. He had to know if Dagur was 
still alive, and if he was, if he had escaped from Alvin. 

He signalled with his hand and Snotlout and the twins headed after 

the departing ships to ensure they sailed out of Berkian 
waters . 

Hiccup hissed and put his hand to his side, only a little alarmed 
when it came back covered in blood. Okay, so maybe not just a nick. 
Toothless rumbled in concern and tried to look back at him. 

"I'm okay, boy," he whispered and doused the blade of his sword as 
Astrid, Valka and Fishlegs flew closer. He put his hand back at his 
side, hoping for a nonchalant pose, so as not to worry them. 

"That was amazing!" Fishlegs crowed. "I can't believe it worked! Did 
you see how well everyone did? It was perfect!" 

"Yeah, good job. Fish." 

"Do you think they'll be back?" Astrid asked, surprised when both 
Hiccup and Valka answered in the affirmative. "What are we going to 

They could use the dragons as a scare tactic once or twice only, 
before they'd actually have to force them into battle. Hiccup didn't 
want it to come to that. He didn't want to make the dragon's fight 
because he wasn't Drago and also, he didn't want to see other tribes 
hurt because of their inability to change. 

"Whatever we have to," he replied grimly. He would honor his father's 
last command. He would protect his own. "Tell everyone to fall out, 
but stay vigilant. I'm going to take a turn around the island, make 
sure no one made it to shore." 

"I'll go with you," Astrid began. 

"No, you head to the south side, check the caves. People have slipped 
in through there before. Take Fret and Gobber with you." Astrid 
nodded. "Fishlegs, you come with me." 

"Sure thing. Chief." 

They flew to the North side of the island, checked the area, 
thoroughly. Fishlegs was startled when Toothless suddenly dove for 
one of the taller peaks of the island and moments later landed by 
Gothi ' s secluded hut . 

"Hey, why are we..." His eyes widened as Hiccup slid down off of 
Toothless, and almost stumbled. Fishlegs saw the blood on his Chief's 
hand. "You're hurt!" 

"I know." Hiccup started towards the hut, not the least surprised 
when the elder stepped out before he reached it and beckoned his 
inside. "Stay, Toothless." 

The older woman settled him in a chair and helped him remove his 
armour and the upper half of his flight suit. The arrow had sliced 
through the leather and his tunic, leaving a thin, painful gash just 
under ribcage. 

Gothi tsked, indicated he remove his tunic and started gathering her 
supplies. She heated a small bowl of water on the fire, set a bolt of 
silk threat inside of it, then nudged the point of her stitching 

needle against the lower coals of the fire. 

She used a cloth to wipe the blood from Hiccup's wound, then made him 
wince as she scraped the inside of the wound with a small, rounded 
wooden stick. 

"Wh...what is that for?" 

She dropped the bloody sample she had taken into a small almost flat 
dish, then added couple of drops from vial of bluish liquid. Hiccup 
watched, curious as the blood went from red to a light purple. She 
nodded, pleased. 

"Poison?" he guessed, intrigued. "You think the arrow head had poison 
on it?" 

She shook her head, assuring him that there was no poison. 

"No? Good ... that ' s good." He hissed as she applied a block of ice to 
the wound and had him hold it there. "So... how is _your_ day 
going? " 

She smiled at him, patted his cheek affectionately, she loved to have 
company, no matter what the reason. 

He smirked. "Yeah, it's hard to be in demand all the time." 

Gothi moved to her worktable and ground some leaves and herbs with a 
motor and pestle. 

"When are you going to come for dinner?" he asked, trying to keep his 
mind off the pain in his side. "You haven't seen the new place yet. 
We've got it built up pretty nice now." 

Gothi pursed her lips, tapped her chin, then wagged her finger at 
him . 

"No, Mom has agreed to stay out of the kitchen. We all agreed that 
her ... talent s lay elsewhere." He smiled. "I'll cook, promise." 

She nodded and returned to her work. 

Gothi never spoke and no one had ever asked her why. His father had 
claimed that even he did not know, but she communicated in other 
ways, enough for certain people in the village to understand her. 

Some called her a witch, some a healer, some just a crazy old woman, 
but Stoick had ensured that the village respected her, regardless of 
what they thought she was. After a time, she had earned her place as 
the tribal elder. 

She was the only person, other than Gobber, that Hiccup really talked 
to growing up, probably because she couldn't talk back or make fun of 
him. Couldn't tell him to be more Viking and less of a hiccup. Over 
time, he had learned to listen to her, to hear her without needing to 
rely on her staff or translations from Gobber based on her hand 
gestures . 

Sometimes, it was almost like she was inside his head, understanding 
his thoughts and he hers. It was actually similar to what he and 
Toothless had, although he couldn't always understand his dragon. 

He'd grown extremely fond of Gothi, and looked upon her more of the 
grandmother he never had, than an old mysterious witch that lived in 
their village. 

Gothi retrieved the thread from the now boiling water, and the 
needle, then walked back to him. She met his eyes as he pulled the 
ice block away and offered him a piece of leather to put between his 
teeth. When he shook his head she gave him a small smile. 

The gash wasn't long, but it was deep, so Gothi had to make several 
stitches. She watched Hiccup's knuckles turn white as he gripped the 
wooden arm of her chair, but he barely made a sound and she was proud 
of him for it. 

Tying off the stitches, she applied the ground mixture to his wound, 
then wrapped a bandage several times around his middle. 

"Do I need the..." Her look silenced him and he sighed. "Astrid's 
going to kill me." 

She chuckled, patted his shoulder, and helped him on with his tunic, 
then his leather gear. 

As he rose, she held up her hand for him to wait and went to rummage 
through one of her back cupboards. She returned with her hand fisted, 
and indicated he come down to her level. Slowly, he knelt on one knee 
before her and she gently pulled at his lips. 

Hiccup opened his mouth and she slid some sort of leaf under his 
tongue, then put her fingers to his lips when he started to ask what 
it was. He let whatever it was, dissolve as she picked up her staff 
and walked around him, shaking it and making a few more hand 
gestures; no doubt casting a spell of protection and healing. 

He shivered when the leaf completely dissolved and left a bitter 
taste in his mouth, just as Gothi faced him again. "Yuck." 

She smiled, pulled a hard candy from her pocket and held it out. He 
opened his mouth again obediently and smiled, the candy tasted far 
better than the leaf had. 

"Thank you, Gothi." 

She offered him a respectful bow and he rose, noticing that most of 
the pain in his side had started to dull. 

Now, he just had to figure out how to keep his wound from his wife, 
and find the time to fly to Outcast Island. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><pXstrong>So . . . what do you think of Chief Hiccup so far? Is he 
ready for the big leagues? <strong> 

5 . Chapter 5 

_* *Tasermon ' s Partner** Honestly! Were you standing over my shoulder 
when I wrote this? It's like you're in my head! AAAAHHHH ! 

_* *AstridHiccup* * _ Lots more to come! Thanks. _ 

_**Lorde** - Hmmm ... anything is possible, in fact... quite probable. 
You'll just have to keep reading to see._ 

_**phnxgrl**a€" Thank you! Well... if you insist, then yes I shall 

_**Ireth Elensarl4** a€" Read Below! Read Below! ( I tried to update 
quick, just because of your need to know)_ 

_**Incarnate Firefly** a€" I know sometimes dialogue can be very 
corny, I am trying my best to act like they are all real people. As 
for Dagur . . . well , Let's see shall we?_ 

_This is a short one, sorry, if I included the rest it would be 
wayyyy too long. So, am I updating too quickly? I can space it out if 
you prefer :-0_ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><spanXstrong>CHAPTER FIVE<strong> 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

Hiccup struggled not to roll his eyes as he sat on the bed and sewed 
a new leather patch onto the top of his flight suit. He had done the 
rounds on Berk, confirmed none of Yakun's men had made it ashore, 
then followed up with some of his usual business, before flying 
home . 

He and Toothless flew in through their bedroom window, mostly to 
avoid Astrid and his mother in case they were in the house, then he 
pulled off his armor, top portion of his flight suit and tunic. The 
tunic he would repair later, the suit he needed to repair now, before 
his trip to Outcast Island. 

Astrid came upstairs just as he had threaded the needle, and he 
hadn't remembered to put a new tunic on, so she had seen the bandage 
on his ribs the moment she walked into the bedroom. 

She was livid. 

"It's just a scratch, " he said for the second time as he pulled the 
needle and thread through the leather. "I got it looked at and it's 
f ine . " 

"You don't need a bandage for a scratch. Hiccup." 

"I needed a few stitches." He secured the thread and bit off the end. 
"It doesn't hurt." Much, he added silently. He held up the suit. 

"What do you think? Can you tell the difference in the..." 

She stalked over to him, ripped the leather away from him and tossed 
it on their bed. "I don't care about your stupid suit. Hiccup! You 
were hurt and you didn't tell me!" 

"I didn't want everyone to know, Astrid. I wasn't deliberately trying 
to keep it from you..." 

"Then why didn't you let me come with you..." 

"Because you know the caves as well I do and if anyone was hiding in 
there, you would have found them. Fishlegs gets too nervous down 
there and Snotlout and the twins were following the ships. I needed 
you there, Astrid." 

She glowered at him, furious that she couldn't argue with his logic. 
"You should have told me," she insisted in a calmer voice. "Did you 
think I wouldn't notice? Were you planning to sneak out the window 
the same way you came in?" 

"I didn't sneak! I needed to repair my suit..." 

Hiccup, please!" She stepped up to him, put her hand on his chest. 
"You used to talk to me..." 

"I am talking to you..." 

"You used to tell me everything. What you were thinking, how you were 
feeling, and now you don't." She curled her fingers against his skin 
and lowered her eyes. "I thought we were going to be who we were 
again? I thought we were going to try and not change so much?" 

He had never told her everything, had never had the courage to tell 
her all of his deepest, inner most thoughts, especially the ones that 
centered on her. "I'm sorry. I... I seem to be doing everything wrong 
lately ..." 

"You're not doing everything wrong! You just... we're a team, 
remember? I can't help you if I don't know what's going on." 

He regarded her quietly, warred with himself on how much to tell her. 
He didn't mean to keep things from her, he just didn't want her to 
worry, or worse, go off half-cocked for his benefit and get 
hurt . 

Sighing, he dropped down on their bed and pulled her with him. "Okay. 
I... I didn't want to worry you, Astrid. I didn't want the others to 
see, but... mainly I didn't want to worry you." He caressed her cheek, 
watched the way she leaned into his touch. "We've both been so tired 
and so preoccupied lately and today ... today was the first time in a 
really long while that I got to see you really smile and laugh. I 
didn't want to be the cause of you frowning again, and worrying 
and ..." 

"Okay." She put her fingers to his lips to cut off the rest of his 
words. "Then that's okay. I get why you did that, I love that you did 
that, but babe, like you said last night, we're not kids anymore. You 
don't have to keep everything to yourself and you don't have to 
protect me from the bad things." 

"Yes I do!" He stared into her eyes. "I always have to protect you, 
Astrid. I... if something ever happened to you I..." Tears filled his 
eyes and he hated himself for it. 

Too close, he had come too close to revealing the truth. He was 
ashamed of the truth, ashamed of the fact that if he lost Astrid, he 
would leave everything behind. Damn the tribe, damn tradition, he 

would follow her to Valhalla, or Hel or wherever the Gods deemed fit 
for a coward that took his own life. None of it would matter. He 
would suffer the torture of a thousand life times willingly, because 
it would be nothing compared to the pain he would feel with Astrid 
gone . 

But Astrid had seen the truth in his eyes, before he could hide it, 
she had seen the raw, unyielding reality and it shook her to the 
core . 

"Hiccup, " she whispered and pulled him to her, stunned by the utter 
devastation in his eyes. "Oh, baby." 

She knew he loved her, but this... This was beyond anything she could 
imagine. Men and women lost spouses every day, some even lost 
children. Death was a part of their culture, there was loss, grief, 
and then you moved on. You never languished, you never dwell on it. 

It was an honor to die in battle for any Viking. 

How far would Hiccup go if she died? How much would he endure to be 
with her? How far from the Gods would he stray? 

He clung to her, despised the fact that she was his biggest weakness 
and his greatest joy, simultaneously. He hated that she had guessed 
his darkest secret, he'd seen the shock in her eyes, and knew she 
knew. Would she leave him because of it? Because he was so weak? "I'm 
sorry. I'm sorry. Please, don't leave me, please..." 

"Sssshh, my love. Ssssh." She rocked him. " Hiccup. I'm your wife, 

I'm not going anywhere." 

"I... I just love you so, so much Astrid. I... I can't even... there 
aren't words to..." He shook his head, fisted his hands in her hair. 
"And you... you are so fierce and c ... competitive and sometimes you 
scare the crap out of me the way you. . .you charge into a situation 
with no thought to... to..." He closed his eyes against the vision of 
her lying battered and bloody on a battlefield. "I can't lose you. I 
can ' t ! " 

How long had he felt like this, she wondered? How long had he 
suffered in silence, always worrying that she would leave him or be 
killed? How long could one person suffer in such constant 

Going against everything she new, everything the Gods taught them, 
she made a vow that she knew one day she would have to break. "You 
won't. I'm right here. I'll always be right here." She held him, felt 
him tremble and tried to soothe him. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm 
so sorry. I... I didn't understand. I just didn't understand." She 
still didn't, not really. How could one person love another that 
much? How was it possible to feel such enduring love and fear such 
ultimate sorrow? 

He held her for a while longer then pulled back, wiped at his face. 
"Gods!" he growled, frustrated. "Why does this keep happening to me? 
Why can't I be more like Dad?" 

"How do you mean?" 

"Strong, impassive, stoic." 

"Well, you are strong, and sometimes you can be stoic, but if you 
were impassive, I wouldn't have fallen in love with you." She kissed 
him, once, twice. "And I'm kinda fond of my husband, just as he 

is . " 

He smirked and released a shuddering breath. "I... I won't do it 
again. If I'm hurt, I... I won't keep it from you again." 

She nodded. "Good." She reached for the leather breastplate and 
examined his stitching. "This should hold well enough. What about 
your shirt?" 

"I'll sew it later, I have a spare." 

"Okay. So you were repairing this right away for a reason. What else 
don't I know?" 

May as well jump in with both feet, he decided. "Yakun mentioned 
Dagur." He watched her expression turn stony. "Somehow they knew 
about what happened with him and Alvin, well, a polluted version of 
what happened anyway." 

"Dagur is dead. Hiccup. Alvin had him executed." 

Hiccup rose, rubbed at his forehead. "I know that's what Alvin told 
us happened, but it wouldn't be the first time he lied to us." 

"But he's our ally now, it makes no sense for him to lie about 
Dagur . " 

"I know. I know that, but, Astrid ... somehow other people found what 
happened there. Now, the Beserkers that had been with Dagur fled when 
we defeated him, they couldn't have known that we left him with 
Alvin. Yakun knew, someone told him and no matter how misconstrued 
the message was, the only way for him to have known, is..." 

"If Dagur escaped Outcast Island and told them himself." 

He nodded, grimly. "I have to go Outcast Island. I have to see 
Alvin . " 

"We haven't heard from him in almost two years. Hiccup." Her eyes 
widened at the thought. "You... do you think if Dagur escaped then 
Alvin is... is dead?" 

" I don ' t know . " 

"It could be a trap. They could have said those things to 
deliberately lure you there." 

"Yes . " 

"Do you think it is a trap?" 

"I don't have any answers, only questions. I'm going to have to 
cancel my trip to see the Mobias Tribe. This takes precedence." 

"Of course." She nodded and considered what she had just learned. At 
war with her need to do battle, to protect him as much as he 

obviously needed to protect her, she finally said. "I... I guess 
you'll want me to stay here." 

"No . " 

She blinked, surprised. 

"You're my secret weapon. If there is a trap, people will assume 
that, because you are now my wife, you will be staying here. I want 
you and Snotlout to fly in twenty minutes behind me. Make sure you 
aren't seen. If it is a trap. I'll need you to get me and Toothless 
out . " 

The fact that despite his desperate fear he was willing to let her do 
this with him, that he still had faith in her to protect him filled 
her with pride and joy. "I'll get your satchel ready and tell 
Snotlout . " 

He nodded and watched her leave. The urge to fly off immediately, to 
keep her far, far away from Outcast Island almost swamped him, but he 
pushed it back. She understood now, at least partially what it would 
do to him if she was killed. Astrid was strong. She was quick and 
stealthy and an excellent strategist, and now that she knew his 
secret, he had to trust that she wouldn't take any unnecessary risks 
with her life. He had to believe that she loved him enough, wanted to 
protect him enough, that she would also protect herself. 

He wanted his wife to stay on Berk, to be safe and secure and away 
from danger, but he needed his warrior, his teammate and his right 
hand to make his plan work. 

"Odin guide us," he murmured and pulled on a clean tunic. 

6. Chapter 6 

This is just a quick chapter. Thanks for the reviews, I hope you 
enjoy it. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><pXstrong>CHAPTER SIX<strong> 

Hiccup and Toothless flew over Outcast Island, searching for signs of 
life and finding none. They took one more pass, then landed. It was 
eerily quiet, too quiet. 

Toothless growled as Hiccup slid off him and pulled out his 
sword . 

"I know. Bud. I don't like it either, but we have to check." He 
didn't call out to Alvin; he didn't want to alert anyone to his 
presence, in case Alvin was no longer in charge of the island. Of 
course, he suspected anyone still in residence already knew he was 
there . 

Toothless walked close to Hiccup as they searched the main square and 
the handful of houses. Nothing, and based on the signs of neglect it 
had been some while since anyone had used them. He could see Alvin's 
house at the top of the peak, but decided to check the caverns first. 

He was here to see if Dagur was alive or dead, and if he was alive, 
the caverns where Alvin preferred to keep prisoners seemed the 
logical choice. 

Slipping inside one of the openings he had remembered from previous 
trips, he made his way into the steep, stone staircase leading to the 
catacombs. Darkness, pure pitch black greeted them and not a sound 
came from below. 

He grabbed a torch off the wall, had Toothless light it, then lit his 
sword and slowly proceeded. Toothless growled again, and Hiccup 
wondered if the dragon was remembering the time they had both spent 
as Alvin's prisoner down here. 

It was damp, cold, and the smell... Toothless sneezed and whined at 
the unpleasantness. Hiccup didn't much care for the stench either, 
but growing up with Vikings he had learned to ignore that sense, for 
the most part. 

Down, down, down they went, until the space opened to reveal several 
large cells. So familiar, yet so unbearably quiet. Something was 
definitely wrong here. 

"Give us some more light bud." 

Toothless released a soft plasma blast and as the light refracted off 
the walls Hiccup gasped at the piles of stark, white bones that 
littered the floor. 

"Stay here. Toothless." The dragon whined, but obeyed, as his rider 
carefully stepped around the skeletal Viking remains littering the 
floor. They had been stripped of their clothing and valuables, but 
had once been human. Most seemed to have their skulls or rib cages 
cleaved in two. 

"Thor help us, " he whispered at the sheer horror of wasted life that 
surrounded him. 

He lit several wall torches, tried to avoid the remains of the dead 
as he checked each cell and shook his head. That accounted for the 
smell. Dragons. Each cell held a different decomposing dragon. Some 
were pinned to the walls, some to the floor, some bound, but all of 
them dead. They had been hacked to pieces, for their wings, their 
teeth, their scales. 

The last cell contained multiple Terrible Terrors. He pulled open the 
door, stepped inside and moaned at their tiny bodies, which had been 
spiked to the walls around the cell, their mouths wrapped shut, their 
claws and eyes removed. They'd been tortured. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "Oh, I'm so, so sorry." 

Who had done this? Dagur? No, he couldn't see even the deranged 
Berserker being this brutal, this ... sadist ic . 

"P . . . le . . ase . " 

Hiccup swung around, his sword at the ready towards the last cell and 
saw a withered, tattered form in the very far corner. He noticed that 
this cell was the only one that was still locked and he took care of 

that with his sword. Pulling the door wide, he stepped through 
cautiously. The remains of rats littered the floor around the 
figure . 

He moved closer and his torch revealed bare, stark emancipated legs 
and arms, and a slumped distorted torso. Long dark hair shaded the 
face, facial hair mixing with the top to remove any possibility of 
which was what. 

"Mildew? " 

When the creature raised his head Hiccup's eyes widened in shock and 
horror . 

"Yo . . . you . . . c . . . cam. . . came . " 

The man started to cry and Hiccup moved forward without hesitation. 

He sliced through the manacles holding the man to the wall, then 
doused his sword and attached it to his hip as he slid an arm under 
the prisoner's shoulders. 

"Toothless!" He couldn't be bothered trying to shield the dragon now, 
he needed his friend's help. 

The Night Fury dashed forward, in automatic response to his rider's 
command, but then flattened his ears and cried when he witnessed the 
horror around him. 

"I know, boy." Hiccup pushed the man onto Toothless' back then 
climbed up behind him. "Out, Toothless. Fast!" 

Once they were back outside, the prisoner who had been left for dead 
cried out as the sunlight pierced his skull after so much time in the 
darkness. In sympathy. Hiccup pulled a scarf from out of one of his 
many pockets and wrapped it around the man's eyes. 

"T ... than ... thank you." 

"Let's head home. Bud. There's nothing for us..." He spotted a 
movement in the window of Alvin's house on the peak. He'd found one 
survivor, could there be another? 

"Let's check out Alvin's house. Toothless." 

The Night Fury flew to the peak that housed the Chief's house and 
Hiccup checked the sky for any sign of Astrid or Snotlout. Had it 
been twenty minutes? They'd be here soon, probably. 

They landed and Hiccup stepped off. 

"Stay here. Toothless." 

The dragon argued heatedly. 

"There isn't room for you in there," he said, having been in Alvin's 
home once before. The outcast leader had been as large as his father, 
but he lived in a very small house. "If someone is inside you 
wouldn't be able to move well." 

Toothless whined. 

"I'll be okay." 

The moaning man reached for him. "" 

Hiccup looked at him and felt a shiver of cold run down his back. It 
could be a trap, most probably was, but he had to check. Besides, 
Astrid and Snotlout would be here at any moment, and if there was 
trouble, he'd just have to find a way to get out the window where 
Toothless was. 

Hiccup lit his sword and entered the house belonging to the Leader of 
the Outcasts. It was the same in here, quiet, full of cobwebs and 
obvious neglect. The only difference than the other houses was that 
someone was still seated at the table, an arrow through their chest, 
or what was left of their chest. A single lit candle sat beside him, 
giving the dead man an unearthly glow. 

Hiccup recognized the skeletal form as Alvin the Treacherous because 
they had left his clothes on. "Crap," he sighed and berated himself 
for not checking on Outcast Island before now. Alvin had probably 
been dead as long as his men, a year, maybe more. 

A movement caught the corner of his eye and he spun around just as a 
hard fist connected to his jaw. His sword scattered across the floor 
towards the corner, but he rolled to the left as the intruder pounced 
on him, and scrambled over to the table. He reached up, his hand 
gripping a fry pan and swung it at the Viking charging him. 

The clang of bone on metal rung in his ears, as he dove for where his 
sword had fallen. The man was on him almost immediately, leaping onto 
his back and knocking his breath from his body. His hand managed to 
punch his back fin, catching his assailant by the surprise as the 
hard fabric poked him in the face. Hiccup rolled, coming up with his 
sword in his hand and turned. 

"Who sent you here?" Hiccup demanded. "Who is responsible for this 
slaughter? " 

Toothless blasted a hole in the other side of the house to get 
inside, leapt in front of Hiccup, and growled protectively as he 
shielded his rider. 

The Viking rose, smiled, and then grabbed the lit candle from the 
table and tossed it towards the corner. 

Hiccup's eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen. 
"Toothless ! " 

Stormfly and Hookfang neared Outcast Island and swooped lower to 
avoid being seen. 

"I don't see anyone," Astrid warned. "Stay alert." 

"I don't even see Hie..." 

Both their dragons cried out in alarm as an explosion sounded from 
below, almost throwing their riders, as two forms, one small, one 
large was blasted through the roof of a house on the peak and into 
the air. 

"HICCUP!" Astrid screamed and urged Stormfly faster over the water, 
catching her husband's leg just before he hit the waves. "Hicccup!" 
There was no response as Stormfly adjusted her hold to grasp the 
Chief of Berk by his two arms. 

Hookfang and Snotlout dove into the water as Toothless hit, then came 
up a moment later gripping the unconscious Night Fury. 

Both riders carefully landed and Astrid scrambled off of Stormfly to 
rush to Hiccup. She hissed as her hand touched his still steaming 
armor. The leather of his flight suit was shredded, along with his 
tunic and most of his leggings, leaving red welted patches of burned 
skin exposed. Was he dead? 

"Oh my Gods!" Snotlout cried as he slid to his knees beside her. 
"Where's his leg? Where's his leg?" 

Astrid tried to cradle her husband and noticed that Hiccup's 
prosthetic had been blow off. "I... I don't know." She looked up at 
the burning house above them and started to rise. "I'll get 

it . " 

Snotlout caught her before she could move any further. "Forget it. We 
have to get him back to Berk." 

"But... his leg . . . he . . . He worked so hard..." Hiccup hated for anyone 
to see him without his leg. They couldn't fly back to Berk without 
his leg. He'd be so embarrassed. 

Snotlout realized that Astrid was going into shock and shook her, 
hard. "It's gone. Astrid! It's gone. We have to get help for 
Hiccup ! " 

She stared at him dazed as she felt herself start to shut down, start 
to die. "He's gone?" 

"No, Hiccup's alive." At least he hoped his friend was, he hadn't 
checked yet. "Astrid we have to go, now come on!" 

He hurried over to where Hookfang and Stormfly were trying to nudge 
Toothless awake. "Come on. Buddy. Wake up. Hiccup needs you." 

The Night Fury stirred, bolted up shaking his head and growling, 
before realizing where he was and who they were. 

"It's okay. Toothless. It's just us." He reached up to the now dazed 
Night Fury. "Are you okay to fly, bud?" 

Toothless stared at him, shook his head again, trying to rid himself 
of the ringing in his ears, then spotted Hiccup on the ground by 
Astrid. He roared in sorrow and ran to his rider, sniffing him and 
nudging him, whimpering when Hiccup didn't respond. 

"Astrid, can you fly Toothless back?" Snotlout asked as he carefully 
placed their injured chief over the Night Fury's back. 

"Astrid ! " 

Astrid started and managed to focus. 


"You need to fly Toothless! He can't make it on his own. 

She nodded, felt some of her focus returning, and with it, her fear 
for Hiccup. "Yes. Yes, okay." She climbed into the saddle, careful of 
the form draped in front of her and urged Toothless into the air. The 
dragon was a little off kilter at first, but finally managed to 
straighten out. 

Snotlout hopped onto Hookfang, then heard a moan behind him. He 
turned and spotted the withered man crawling towards them. "Who the 
Thor are you?" he demanded, as he dropped down, tossed the man onto 
his dragon and then flew off after Toothless, with Stormfly following 
close behind. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><strongXem>I don't know if they really had gunpowder of anything 
that they could explode back then, but I needed a spectacular scene 
for Astrid to witness. Poetic License fully in use. :-)<em>** 

7 . Chapter 7 

_* *Sasquatchgaming **a€" To prevent premature Death- I have uploaded 
a new chapter. _ 

_**Guest** a€" Hi! Yes, I did write that Dagur was killed in another 
story, and thank you kindly for reading it! That was a different 
story than this one or it's prequel ' When a Boy Becomes A Man' . So a 
different timeline all together. _ 

_**Suicide** a€" Thanks for the notes. I have corrected it that he 
uses a lit candle instead. Still not ideal, but I as I said, 'Poetic 
Licence' ;-). I appreciate your feedback. _ 

_**Lorde** a€" OKAY!_ 

_**Incarnate Firefly** a€" All these questions and more will be 
answered in the chapter below and thank you for asking them, keeps me 
on my toes, (actually, a few will be answered in the following 
chapter, sorry ;-) ) 


_**phnxgrl**- Yes, that explosion scene was stuck in my head for 
weeks and seemed very vivid to me. I am glad you liked how I wrote 
it ._ 

_* *RangerZoe* * (hands over tissues) Come now, stiff upper lip and all 
that . . . You ' 11 be fine. :) 


_* *morf owt-* * Thank you! For more Snotlout, see 
below ._ 

_* *Tasermon ' s Partner**- Do you have cameras in my room? ;-0 As 
always, thank you so so much for all your positive feedback. 



Because you asked about Snotlout and his father 

and it 

was a valid point, I added a scene to this chapter, just for you. 
En joy !_ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Snotlout entered his house and immediately started pulling off 
his armor. Ruffnut walked to her husband. <p> 

"How is he?" 

"He's bad." Snotlout moved to his barrel of ale and poured himself a 
generous helping. "Gods, Ruff, he flew. He just ... flew . " Snotlout 
closed his eyes, felt firm hands take hold of his shoulders and begin 
to need and caress. "I've seen Hiccup in a lot of dangerous 
situations, seen him battle dragons and Vikings and Thor's lightening 
itself, but I always knew he'd be okay. I mean he may be hurt but 
he's always okay..." He shook his head. "I've never seen anything 
like that . " 

"Hey, he's puny but he's tough. He'll make it through." 

"Better that he don't." 

Snotlout opened his eyes to glare at the invalid in the corner and 
curled his hand into a fist. His father had been blinded when Drago 
attacked three years ago, and now spent his days feeling sorry for 
himself and forcing his son and daughter-in-law to tend on him. He 
wouldn't leave the house, wouldn't take part in anything. 

Hiccup had tried to visit him several times, after the incident, but 
Spitelout refused to see him. He was bitter that Hiccup had become 
Chief, blamed Hiccup for Drago ' s attack and Stoick's death. 

"We've already lost one Chief, Dad," Snotlout reasoned, trying hard 
to maintain what little respect he had left for the man who birthed 
him . 

"Stoick was a good man, but he let that runt of his take over this 
village." Spitelout snarled. "We were all better of the way it was 
before, when dragons were our enemies." 

"You didn't feel that way when you were riding one!" Ruffnut snapped 
as she scooped up supper for them out of the pot. 

"I'm just saying that if Stoick's boy doesn't make it, your husband 
would be the next Chief! Isn't that something to think about?" 

"Dad, Hiccup is Chief!" Snotlout exclaimed slamming his tankard on 
the table. "And you have to stop talking like that! Do you want to be 
banished, like Alvin? Do you know what will happen if someone hears 
you say those things?" 

"No one here but my family, and I can say what I like..." 

"He's your family!" Ruffnut growled pointing at Snotlout. "I'm not. 
Hiccup is my friend and I won't listen to this crap from you any 
longer!" She dropped the bowls on the table and stormed 
out . 

Snotlout was torn between his loyalty to his father and his wife. 

"Dad, please. You have to stop." 

"I just want what's best for you boy! As Chief you could..." 

"You want what's best for you!" He screamed, furious. "It's always 
been about you. He saved your life. Dad! He saved all of our 
lives ! " 

"You call this life!" Spitelout cried, pointing at his unseeing eyes. 
"You call this living? That boy is as much to blame for this as that 
fool Drago. He brought this on us, Snotlout. Him and that pet dragon 
of his." 

Snotlout rose, shook his head. His father had always been hard to get 
along with, had always pushed for him to be the best and to consider 
everyone else competition. Now, that drive, that sense of lost 
entitlement has made him an angry, bitter old man. 

"I'm going to find my wife. Get your own supper." Snotlout stepped 
out, closed his eyes against his father's rants and then pleas for 
help . 

He remembered years ago during the Thawfest games how afraid he had 
been of losing to Hiccup, all because his father said that a 
Jorgenson never lost the games. His father had always pushed him to 
be the best and he wouldn't have stood for someone like Hiccup 
beating his son. Snotlout knew that Hiccup had thrown the race for 
him, knew it, but pretended that he really won, because that was what 
his father had wanted. He realized he'd never thanked Hiccup for that 
act of friendship. 

Ruffnut hadn't gone far, just down the road a ways. He walked to her, 
put his arms around her. "Sorry, love." 

"Hey, we promised good times and bad, right?" She shrugged. "I guess 
that even covers that bitter old bastards." 

"He's angry. He's angry he isn't the man he once was and I'm not the 
son he wanted me to be." 

"You're better than what he wanted you to be. Snot. You're a better 
man than he'll ever be." She sighed."! get that he's your father, I 
know it's our place to care for him, but I really hate him." 

"He feels helpless. He doesn't mean it." 

"How do you know? How do you know that he hasn't gone over the deep 
end? He's obsessed about you being Chief, Snot, and you can't 

be. " 

Snotlout sighed. 

"Or... do you want to be Chief?" She turned to him. "I know you were 
always jealous of Hiccup..." 

"I wouldn't say that..." 

"You were. You always felt you were the better man." 

He smiled. "Hey, I am the better man." 

" I know . " 

She had considered a romance with Hiccup very briefly after he became 
so proficient with the dragons, and especially after he defeated the 
dragon queen, but Astrid had made it pretty clear to her then that 
Hiccup was off limits. Because they were friends, and because she 
knew Astrid could kick her ass, Ruffnut agreed. Besides, it was 
pretty obvious that Hiccup only had eyes for Astrid. He was like a 
love sick puppy around her and had been for years. 

"It took me a little while, but I figured out you were right." 

He kissed her. 

"But Hiccup is Chief." 

"He is." 

>"Are you... Do you still resent him for that?"<p> 

Snotlout released her. "Yeah, well, I did. For a long time, I thought 
it was just luck the way he made things work, but it wasn't luck. 

He's smart and intuitive. I would be a good Chief, Ruff, but I 
wouldn't be the Chief Berk needs." He leaned against a cart and 
stared up at the sky. "I always thought I was better than him, maybe 
that is because of my Dad, but I realized we're both better men, just 
in different ways." 

She slid her hands around his waist. "He'd be happy to hear you say 
that . " 

"Yeah, well, if you say a word to him I'll deny it to my dying 
day . " 

She smiled, rested her head against his shoulder. "Do you think he'll 
be okay?" 

"I don't know, Ruff. I really, really don't." 

"Then all we can do is pray." 

He nodded and held her close, closed his eyes and did just that. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Valka carefully applied the herbal creams that Gothi had given 
her for Hiccup's burns as Astrid changed the bandage of his arrow 
wound, which had been reopened in the blast and had needed to be 
stitched again. She watched the way Astrid looked at her, worry and 
concern marring the young woman's brow.<p> 

"I'm fine now," Valka assured. 

It was a lie of course, she was anything but fine. 

When she watched Snotlout carry her battered son into their home she 
had near lost her mind. She had ranted at him and Astrid both, 
accused them of not protecting her son. Blamed them for what 
happened. What else could she do? A mother doesn't expect to see her 
child looking so... so shattered. She had only just found him and now 

she was terrified of losing him. 

Fishlegs who had been there when the riders returned had wrapped an 
arm around her, tried to soothe her until her sense returned. It was 
only then, when she had managed to crawl out of the quicksand of her 
grief, that she noticed how Snotlout trembled as he placed Hiccup so 
very carefully on the bed. 

She was also able to focus on the tears in Fishlegs' eyes and worst 
of all, the despair in Astrid's. Her daughter-in-law vibrated with 
fear and grief, while she and Snotlout started to remove what was 
left of Hiccup's clothing. Astrid was shaking so badly that it was as 
if a quake had hit right under her feet. 

Gothi was sent for, as well as the elder's apprentice. The old woman 
and younger man immediately ordered a tub of warm water be prepared 
and for Hiccup to be placed inside of it. They had to thoroughly 
clean any dirt or debris from the cuts, burns and abrasions on his 
skin . 

Valka had calmed down enough to help Astrid bathe her son, then 
Gothi ' s apprentice and Fishlegs placed Hiccup back on the bed so that 
Gothi and could tend to him. She did what she could, and her 
apprentice advised the burns had been minor, but Hiccup had suffered 
a broken wrist and three broken ribs. 

It was the concussion that worried Gothi most, and the fear of fever 
taking hold of Hiccup. He had to be watched closely for the next day 
or so, his dressings regularly changed, the creams applied twice a 
day, but other than that, it was simply up to the Gods if he lived 
through it . 

Valka set the herbal cream aside and reached across for Astrid's 
hand. The young woman was seated on the bed beside her husband. "Why 
don't you try to get some sleep?" 

Astrid shook her head, she wouldn't sleep. She might never sleep 
again. She couldn't get the vision of Hiccup being blown from that 
house out of her mind. 

"Why won't he wake up?" she whispered as caressed Hiccup's 
cheek . 

"He will." 

"When? " 

"When he's ready." Valka hoped that was true. 

Knowing Astrid would probably not sleep, and nor would she, she tried 
to turn the conversation to something more positive. She pulled a 
chair over to the bed, stepping over Toothless' tail as he curled on 
the floor by the bed. 

"Tell me something about him?" 

Astrid glanced at her. "About Hiccup?" 

"Yes. He never talks about himself, well, not to me anyway." She 
shook her head sadly. "I guess it's because I'm his mother." 

Astrid smirked. "It's not just you." She sighed and folded her 
fingers between his. "He doesn't talk about himself much to 
anyone . " 

"But you know him, you grew up with him." 

"Well, sure, but..." Astrid scowled and felt the flush of guilt. 
"We... we weren't close or anything." 

"Please, Astrid? I need to know ... something . I feel like I hardly 
know him and if he..." Valka put her hand to her mouth to block the 
sob that rose from it. "I... I don't want my son to... to die and 
not . . . know him . " 

"He won't die," Astrid refused, unwilling to accept the alternative. 
"He's strong, he'll get through this." 

Both women studied the sleeping Chief. 

"What do you want to know?" Astrid asked. 

"What was he like as a child?" 

"Clumsy. Irritating," she answered honestly. "I don't think he meant 
to be, he was just always trying to be like everyone else and, " She 
shrugged. "He wasn't. He had a habit of making a bad situation worse, 

but he didn't mean to do it." She smirked. "He got yelled at a 

lot . " 

Valka sighed, her poor boy. "I... I suppose he was trying to be like 
his father . " 

"That was part of it, sure. I think, maybe, he was just trying to 

figure out who he was." Astrid shook her head. "It wasn't easy. Most 

of us had a pretty solid sense of who we were, because of who our 
parents were. We just kind of followed tradition, but Hiccup..." 

"He was different." Valka remembered how difficult it had been for 
her living on Berk, and having the feelings she had, especially about 
dragons. "I never should have stayed away." 

"He wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Mom," Astrid assured gently. 
"That is the last thing he'd want you to do." 

"I know, and I know that's why he tries to shelter me from these 
sorts of things, why he won't talk to me about his childhood, but I'm 
his mother, Astrid. Regardless of how it makes me feel, I need to 
know these things." 

Astrid nodded. "I understand." 

"He may be angry for you telling me." 

Astrid sniffed. "I can handle him." She pulled Hiccup's hand into 
hers. "He never stays angry." She paused. "He never really gets 
angry. Annoyed, sure, frustrated, but I think I've only ever seen him 
really angry twice before." 

"When was that?" 

"Well, after Stoick found out about Toothless and the dragon's nest, 
he decided to take his men to the nest to get rid of the dragons once 
and for all. Hiccup tried to talk him out of it, we'd seen the queen 
and she was ... well ... unlike anything anyone had ever faced before. 
Stoick wouldn't listen." Astrid nodded as she recalled Hiccup's 
reaction right after the altercation with his father. "He was angry 
then. Really, really angry, because his dad wouldn't listen and 
because Stoick took Toothless with him." 

"And the other time?" Valka asked, curious. 

Astrid turned, met her gaze. "There was a time, a few years back, we 
were all doing a training exercise and one of the riders got 
careless," Astrid admitted softly. "I got knocked off my dragon, 
probably would have been killed if Hiccup and Toothhless hadn't 
caught me . " 

She remembered his rage and how he stood up to Snotlout in a way he 
never had before. Snotlout had been grounded, and Hiccup had stuck to 
it, even when Snotlout deliberately disobeyed that order too. He 
actually took Hookfang away from his rider. 

She smiled as that was when she knew he really and truly cared for 
her, that's pretty much when everyone knew. "He was really, really 
angry . " 

"He can hardly be blamed for either time." 

"No . " 

"What's his favourite food, Astrid? I've asked him a dozen times and 
he will never tell me." She chuckled. "I think he's afraid I'll try 
to cook it . " 

Astrid managed a smile. "I don't think he has one. I know his least 
favourite is eel, but he'll eat pretty much whatever else you give 
him. " 

"Was he very lonely as a child?" 

"Mom," Astrid sighed. "Don't do this to yourself." 

"I have to know, Astrid." 

"I don't know." Valka scowled at her. "Honestly. Hiccup was just 
Hiccup. He did some things with the community, usually things Stoick 
ordered him to do, but mostly he did his own thing. And when he was 
around others he was always kind of joking or... or being sarcastic, 
so..." She shrugged. "He doesn't really talk about it. Stoick was 
away a lot and he spent most of his time with Gobber. None of us kids 
really hung out with him and everyone else just... well they treated 
him like a Chief's son, with respect but ... separate from 
everyone . " 

"I see." 

"But, then he found Toothless and everything changed for the 
better . " 

Valka nodded, solemnly. Her gaze travelled over her son's form under 
the blankets. "He'll need a new leg." 

"Yeah." Astrid nodded. "He's not going to be happy about losing 

it . " 

"He has the designs for it still doesn't he?" Valka asked, rising. 
She needed something to do or she was going to start sobbing again. 
Talking like he was going to make it through this was the only 
option, for both of them. "Maybe Gobber and I can figure something 
out . " 

"You can check his journals, they're on his desk. He might have a 
diagram of it in one of those." 

Valka moved into the other room and started to shuffle through the 
papers and books . 

8 . Chapter 8 

_Thank you all for the great reviews, so very, very glad you are 
enjoying it and since so many of you are unable to stand the 
suspense, here is another short chapter to tide you over. Cheers! 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Valka sat by her son's bed watching him sleep. It had been two 
days since the explosion that nearly took his life. He had not 
regained full consciousness , but the fever that had been raging in 
him for over a day caused him to cry out on occasion, as he was 
caught in a hallucinogenic nightmare, or worse, memories of his 
past . <p> 

When the fever persisted Gothi had ordered him surrounded him with 
blocks of ice, hoping to rend the fever from him, but she wasn't sure 
which was worse, watching her son hallucinate and rage with fever or 
watching him moan and whimper as his thin body shivered convulsively 
against the cold of the ice. 

Everyone was taking turns sitting with him, in case he woke. Astrid 
would be here to relieve her soon, she had finally managed to wrangle 
Toothless from his rider's side to give the dragon a chance to 
stretch his wings and fly for a bit. 

The Chief's wife hadn't wanted to leave her husband's side, but there 
was still a village to be run and it was up to Astrid now to do it. 
She was in charge until Hiccup recovered, so she took care of what 
had to be done during the day, then returned to stay with him through 
the evenings. Valka suspected that the young woman needed to focus on 
the mundane tasks, on keeping busy, to keep from falling 
apart . 

Valka bit the thread to seal her last stitch and ran her hand over 
the smooth leather. Hiccup's flight suit had been destroyed by the 
explosion that almost killed him and his dragon, so she was making 
him a new one, for when he woke up. She also needed to keep 
busy . 

"More, " Hiccup moaned. 

Valka sat forward, caressed his brow, which sometimes settled him 
through his delusions. "What, love. Do you want some water?" 

"Cold." In his semi conscious state he tried to push the ice off his 
bare, feverish body. 

"No, son." She pulled the ice back against him. "You need to keep it 
on you . " 

"Hot . " 

Valka shook his head, sadly. She could only imagine the hell it must 
be for him to have his body temperature constantly changing. "Sshhh, 
it will all be better soon. I promise." 

"More . . . " 

"What do you want. Hiccup? What can I get 
you? " 

"More . . . Dad . . .Not ... no more . . . me . " 

Oh no, she thought. Not again. "Ssssh, son. You're okay." 

"No... Less of me... Less of me... more of him." His breath hitched on a 
sob as his arms flailed out, knocking several blocks of ice to the 
floor again. " Just ... gestured. .. all of me." 

Valka rose and dipped a cloth into a bowl of water then returned and 
bathed the sweat from his face. She wished she understood where his 
heart wrenching ramblings came from, but she could only assume they 
were from his childhood; something he refused to talk about. Astrid 
had said that Hiccup had been different, and she knew how hard that 
had been on her as an adult, she couldn't imagine what it must have 
been like for him as a child. 

"That's all done now. Hiccup. You're home and you're 
safe ..." 

"No... NO!" Hiccup twisted violently on the bed and Valka put her 
hands on his arms to try and keep him still, and prevent him from 
further injuring himself. 

"I'm here. Hiccup. Your mother is right here, baby." 

"You're not... my mother's dead . . . you ' re not my mother!" His body 
clenched as he wrenched an arm free and slapped at her hard enough 
that she stumbled backwards into the wall. 

"Tuff!" she cried, blinked back her tears, jumped back up and tried 
to catch hold of Hiccup again as her son started to thrash. 

"Tuff! " 

Each of the riders took turns staying downstairs in the house in case 
Hiccup became violent again. He'd had a very bad spell yesterday, and 
had been trying to bite and kick and scratch, as if a demon was 
possessing him. 

"For the love of Thor, Hiccup! You're all right!" 

"Help me! Dad! Dad, help me! My leg! My leg is gone!" Hiccup screamed 
as the blond-haired twin hurried into the bedroom area and put his 
hands on Hiccup to keep his lower body still as Valka continued to 
hold the upper. 

"How long?" Tuffnut asked grimly, aware he was probably leaving 
bruises on Hiccup's upper legs as he tried to hold him down; the 
Chief was a lot stronger than he looked. 

"It just started." Valka blinked at her tears, he sounded so lost, so 
alone and desperate. "My Gods, what have I done?" She pressed as hard 
as she could on Hiccup's arms, unable to touch his torso because of 
his injured ribs and multiple burns. "Hiccup. Hiccup, please you have 
to calm down." 

Hiccup continued to flay in his delirium. "Prove myself... can do 
this... I'm sorry. Dad. Sorry ... sorry not ... good ... son . " 

"He doesn't know what he's saying, Valka," Tuffnut offered kindly as 
he kept a firm grip on his friend. "Don't listen to it. He doesn't 
mean any of it." 

"She likes me . . . she can't like me. I'm no ... nothing . . Less ... less ... " 
Hiccup flinched as if he had been hit by an unseen force. "W. . .Why 
would you... do that?" 

Valka wished Astrid would get here, she seemed to be the only one 
that could calm Hiccup in this state. 

"Dragon ... kill the dragon ... bring him... the heart ... for ... for my 
father... for my _father_! " Tears ran down Hiccup's fevered face. "I 
can't... I can't... I'm sorry Dad, I can't... NO! He's my f riend . . . Don ' t 
hurt him ! " 

"Hiccup!" Tuffnut said, trying to reach his friend. "You're fine, 
buddy. Toothless is fine. No one is going to hurt 
him. " 

"Dad ... Gobber ... Snot ... listen ... no one lis ... listens ! " 

"We are listening. Hiccup!" Valka cried as tears ran steadily down 
her face. "We're here, my sweet boy. We're all listening." Her heart 
and her conscience simply couldn't take what she was hearing. 

"Well, actually, he got the last one right. Snotlout rarely listens, 
but then I don't much either and..." 

Astrid hurried in, interrupting Tuffnut 's totally inappropriate rant. 
She had heard her husband's cries before she and Toothless had even 
landed, and had flown in through the loft window. Neatly avoiding 
Hiccup's desk and cabinets and then jumping off Toothless to hurry to 
the bedroom side. 

Toothless was right behind her and whined in distress as he saw the 
state of his rider. He immediately nudged in front of Valka and 
carefully dropped his head across Hiccup's chest, managing to pin the 
Chief's arms in the process. He placed a paw across his friend's leg, 
stilling the movement there as well. 

Valka stepped back, exhausted and relieved that at least her son 
couldn't hurt himself now, he wouldn't get out from under Toothless, 
and the dragon was careful to avoid Hiccup's ribs. 

Astrid crawled onto the bed beside Hiccup, uncaring about the small 
bit of ice that remained as she wrapped her body around him from the 
other side so that Hiccup was cocooned between his wife and his 
dragon . 

"I'm here, babe. I'm here." She kissed Hiccup's fevered brow, ran her 
hand over his hair. "I'm right here." 

"Don ' t . . . can ' t be chief ... Dad ... Toothless don ' t . . . Dad . . . 

NO! " 

Toothless' ears flattened and he whimpered, sharing the memory of his 
rider, but he did not lift his head. 

"Toothless is right here. Hiccup." Astrid pulled Hiccup's good hand 
out from beneath the Night Fury and put it on Toothless' head, 
watched how even in a delirious, semi-conscious state. Hiccup's 
fisted hand immediately flattened against the dragon's scales; as if 
a in caress. "We're all right here with you." 

"As . . . Astrid . " 

"Right here, babe. Not going anywhere." 

"Save them... save them." He moaned pitiably. "They're dead. They're 
all dead. . . " 

"No babe, you saved them. You saved all of us." 

Her words finally registered with him and Hiccup seemed to relax. 

"As . . . Astrid . " 

"I'm here. I love you." 

"Astrid ... loves me..." 

"You bet your sweet ass she does." Astrid continued to kiss and 
soothe him as Valka and Ruffnut sighed in relief. Toothless 
cautiously lifted his head and paw from Hiccup, satisfied that the 
trashing had stopped. He moaned, nudged Hiccup's cheek, then crawled 
up on the bed and settled protectively across the bottom. 

"I... need a drink," Valka decided. 

"Me too." Tuffnut put his arm around her and led her 
downstairs . 

Astrid continued to caress her husband's fevered brow and quietly 
began to sing. 

_**Where once I saw a strapping lad, so strong and sure was 

_**I felt he we were so much alike, he was surely meant for 

_**But then one day a stranger came, so beautiful and bold**_ 

_**I knew then that my strapping lad was not for me to 

_**This stranger had such careful ways, such dreams and plans he 
raved* *_ 

_**And when his eyes cast into mine, I knew that I was 
saved* *_ 

_**0h Thor and Mighty Odin, I trust in what you see**_ 

_**I thank you now forever for the love you've sent to me.**_ 

Hiccup sighed against her and she could tell he was finally asleep 
again. Astrid carefully rose, walked around the bed and started to 
replace the ice around her husband's body. She touched his face, 
scowled that he was still so hot, then picked up the cloth on the 
floor, dipped it in the bowl of water and bathed his brow. 

"You need to wake up, babe," she murmured. "I need you to wake 

Hiccup made no response. 

"I'm taking care of what I can, but we need you." She dipped the 
cloth, wrung it between her hands then applied it to his face again. 
"I need you. Gods, Hiccup. I really need you to come back to me. I 
can't do any of this without you." 

She understood, finally, the love he had for her, the desperation he 
felt at the idea of losing her. For now she felt exactly the 
same . 

She felt a sudden rush of sickness overcome her. "What..." She rose, 
surprised to find herself dizzy, then dropped like a stone on the 
floor . 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><strongXem>hee .. hee .. sorry ! I couldn't resist giving you a real 
clif fhanger . ; -) the song is just something I made up 
BTW. <br>_** 

9. Chapter 9 

_Thank you! Thank you all for the reviews and for your support and 
patience here is another chapter, a little bit longer, for your 
reading enjoyment. _ 

■jk" "jk" ■jk" 

><p>Astrid carefully rose from her husband's side and stretched. He 
had fallen peaceful again after yet another bout of hallucinations. 
It was well after dark, and Tuff had wandered home while Cobber 
offered to stay the rest of the night if needed. <p> 

Everyone offered her encouraging words, claiming that Hiccup had been 

in far worse situations, reminding her of the Queen dragon, being 
kidnapped by Alvin, struck by lightning and he'd fallen off that 
bleeding dragon of his a dozen times or more and hadn't yet broken 
his neck. Astrid didn't have to heart to correct the last one; to 
tell them that most of the time. Hiccup 'fell' off Toothless on 
purpose. They'd definitely think he was crazy then. 

But Hiccup hadn't been this bad off last time. He had lost his leg, 
sure, but afterwards he was still on one piece, mostly. He had still 
looked like Hiccup after the battle, still had his clothes intact and 
no real wounds visible. And sure he had been unconscious or 
semi-conscious for over a week, but that had been a relatively quiet 
time. He hadn't had terrifying delusions or fits of panic and 
anger . 

With the explosion... She rubbed her arms as a wave of cold settled 
around her. A doll, was what he had reminded her of. A broken, 
shattered, beaten and bloody doll. She would never forget it, never 
forget how frail, how vulnerable he had looked in her arms. 

Taking a deep breath, she pushed back the tears and moved across the 
loft to the stairs. Maybe some tea would help settle her. 

Climbing down she spotted Valka seated at the table reading, with a 
single lantern lit. Gobber was on the floor, snoring quietly; well, 
quiet for Gobber anyway. 

"Mom, you should be in bed." 

Valka physically jumped and turned to look at her daughter-in-law. 
"I... I thought you were asleep." 

"No." She moved to the fireplace for the kettle already steaming over 
it and poured herself some "special' tea. She hurt in places she 
didn't know she had tonight. 

"Are you feeling better dear? You took ten years off my life when I 
heard that thud coming from upstairs and ran up to see you on the 
floor . " 

"I just stood up too fast." 

"You're doing too much, Astrid. You should slow down and 
rest . " 

"I'll rest when Hiccup is back on his feet." 

"Honey, he doesn't expect you to do everything for him." 

"No, but I do." She waved a hand and settled at the table. "I'm fine 
Mom, really. I am Hiccup's wife, but I am also his right hand. He 
made me that because he trusted me to take care of things when he 
couldn't, and..." Picking up her tea, she sipped. "I need to keep my 
mind occupied or..." 

Valka reached across the table and squeezed Astrid' s in 
understanding. "I know." 

"What are you reading?" 

Valka lowered her eyes ashamed and closed the book to show 
Astrid . 

Astrid's eyes widened for a moment. "That's Hiccup's journal." 

Valka sighed and nodded. "One of them. I found it in the very last 
drawer of his desk when I was looking for the drawings for his leg. I 
didn't mean to pry but..." She held it to her chest. "I needed to 
know him, Astrid. I need to know what I've missed." 

"He wouldn't want you reading it. Mom. He wouldn't want anyone to, 
it's private." And yet, Astrid herself was curious about what might 
be in the journal. Valka 's earlier questions about Hiccup had made 
her realize that she didn't know him as well as she should. 

"I know." Valka looked down at the book and caressed it tenderly. 
"I've only gotten a few pages in, it seems to be mostly about working 
with Gobber in the forge." She smiled at the sleeping blacksmith. 
"Hiccup is very fond of him." 

"Is it a recent journal?" 

Valka shook her head. "I don't think so, there is no mention of 
Toothless so far." She smirked. "I think he must be just entering 
puberty. He's complaining about how everyone else is filling out and 
he's just a chicken bone with a squeaky voice." 

Astrid grinned, then forced it away. They shouldn't be reading the 
journal. "I'm sorry. Mom." 

Sighing, Valka handed the book over. 

"Listen, I'll talk to Hiccup when he... when he's recovered and tell 
him it's important that you two talk, okay?" 

"Thank you, Astrid." Valka nodded and rose. "Well, I think I'll try 
and get some sleep." She walked over, kissed Astrid's cheek. "You 
should try to get some more too." She put her hand to Astrid's 
forehead. "You're flushed. I hope you're not overdoing 
things . " 

Astrid didn't know how to express what the simple gesture of a 
goodnight kiss meant to her, after not having a mother or father for 
so long. Fin was a good man, but not overly affectionate. "I'm fine. 
Mom . " 

"You should have Gothi check you out when she comes to check on 
Hiccup in the morning." 

" I feel fine ..." 

"Please, Astrid? You can't do Hiccup any good if you fall 
sick . " 

Astrid rolled her eyes, but had to admit it was nice being cared 
about. "Okay 

"Good night then." 

"Night . " 

Astrid finished off her tea then got a glass of milk; she couldn't 
understand why her stomach wouldn't settle. Maybe Valka was right. 
She had to stay strong and fit for Hiccup; she'd talk to Gothi . 

She glanced at the journal on the table beside her, and gave in to 
her curiosity. Glancing towards the master bedroom, she confirmed 
that Valka would not be coming back out, then randomly opened the 
book to a page in the middle. One look, she told herself, she'd read 
one page and that was all. She smiled at Hiccup's familiar 
script . 

_**Dad is away again and I am staying with Gobber. He was trying to 
convince me to go play outside with the other kids, but every time I 
get near them they just walk away from me, so it would be a waste of 
time. I don't know, maybe I smell? Who am I kidding, everyone on Berk 
smells. I take a weekly bath, unlike Gobber, and sometimes I even 

take it twice, but they still always just walk away.**_ 

_**There was another dragon attack tonight and Gobber made me promise 
to stay at the forge. I understand I'm too young to help, and too 
small, too skinny, to clumsy, just too everything I guess. Joke's on 
Dad, he asked for a strapping, brave boy to be his heir and Odin gave 
him me. I don't think he'll ever get over the disappointment. I see 
Dad looking at Snotlout, talking to Snotlout a lot, my cousin 
idolizes my Dad and I know he would make a better Chief. Snotlout 
certainly thinks he would. I didn't want to be born the Chief's son, 
it isn't my fault. You hear that. Dad? I'm sorry I'm not Snotlout! 

No, of course you don't hear me, you never hear me.**_ 

_**Dad is always trying to protect me, but that just makes it worse. 

I'm already different than everyone else, pointing it out by trying 

to keep me contained all the time only makes it ** **worse** **. I 

know he has no faith in me to do anything but mess up. Sometimes I 
wish a dragon would carry me off, like it did my mother. I miss her. 

I don't remember her, but I miss her. How messed up is 

_**Well, Gobber wants me to help with the broken weapons from 
tonight's attack, so I guess I'd better get to it. At least he lets 
me help with something. **_ 

Astrid slowly shook her head and turned the page, without realizing 
she was doing so. She was appalled and slightly cursed the fates that 
the next passage was a page dealing with the death of her 
folks . 

_**Astrid lost her parents last night in the dragon attack, they were 
killed. I feel so bad for her. My mom was carried off by a dragon, 
but I barely remember her and I still have Dad; even if he barely 
acknowledges me. I can't imagine what it must be like to lose both. I 
tried to talk to her after the funeral, she looked so incredibly sad 
my heart ached for her, but her uncle Fin ushered her away; back to 
their house. **_ 

_**I had to do something, I can't stand to see her looking so sad. If 
it were anyone else in the village it wouldn't bother me, but not 
Astrid. Not my brave, beautiful Astrid. I can't bring her parents 
back, and she doesn't actually speak to me, not that I blame her- I 
wouldn't speak to me either. But since I can't tell her how sorry I 

am for her, I climbed in her bedroom window tonight and left the 
secret carving of her I had made. I hope it makes her smile, even for 
a little while. **_ 

Astrid read over the passage again and felt tears fill her eyes. She 
quickly blinked them back, knowing if she started crying now she 
might never be able to stop. It wasn't possible. How was it 

She slapped the book shut and quietly hurried upstairs. Sliding the 
book back into Hiccup's desk drawer, she moved into their bedroom and 
knelt at the foot of their bed where her dowry trunk sat. Carefully 
lifting the top, she shifted through bits and pieces of her life, 
along with the furs that had been part of her dowry and the beautiful 
necklace Hiccup had given her for a wedding gift, made of shells and 
stones . 

She found the small box she was looking for and lifted it out. 

Opening it, she stared at the collection of wooden carvings, all with 
her face as she slowly changed over the years and had matured from 
the young grieving girl who had lost her parents, to the woman she 
was now. Each one represented another year she had survived, another 
year she had stayed strong, and each one had a label written in the 
base . 

She pulled out the very first one, the one labeled _' courage '_ and 
caressed it, then glanced at her sleeping husband. She had always 
thought Fin had been leaving these for her, but never had the guts to 
actually ask him outright. She had still been trying to adjust living 
with him in the beginning, and then, as the years passed, she just 
accepted it as something he did for her. She'd had no idea that they 
had all been from Hiccup. And he had never said anything to her; not 
even after they were married. He had never revealed his secret, and 
she continued to get the tokens. 

Rising, she moved to the small shelf that held the medals from all 
the games she had one, medals she always been incredibly proud of, 
yet she grabbed them and dropped them on the floor. Slowly, she began 
setting up the carvings on the shelf, amazed at how they seemed to 
transform before her eyes as different versions of herself grew and 
matured among the wood. 

She whispered the inscriptions as she set them on the shelf from 
first to last, reminding herself of how they had kept her sane 
through her childhood grief and how they had helped shape the person 
she had become. 

"Courage. Strength. Fortitude. Might. Beauty. Will. Wisdom. Stealth. 
Grace. Leadership." 

Tracing the final one with her fingers, the one she had received last 
year on the anniversary of her parent's death, she sighed. Hiccup 
made her his right hand, so she knew he had faith in her, but knowing 
that he had made this for her with such a title, it was almost 
overwhelming. He considered her a leader, a true leader, and it meant 
more to her than wining any games or fighting any battles. 

She stepped back, looked at the figures and nodded, satisfied. Then 
she closed her trunk and crawled in next to her husband. "I love you. 
Hiccup Haddock, " she murmured. 

She was startled by a knock at the door downstairs. 

She hurried down and flung the door open. "Snotlout? Is something 
wrong?" It was far too late for a social call. 

He nodded, grimly. "Astrid, we... we caught two people coming ashore 
by the caves. We're holding them at the Great Hall." 

Astrid grabbed her cloak and battle axe off the wall. "Show 

Snotlout led her up the steps to the great hall, as the Chief's house 
was very close to it and not worth taking their dragons. Inside were 
Fishlegs, Ruff, Tuff and Eret, along with two other of her Vikings 
and two prisoners tied to chairs. 

"This is your interrogation technique?" The first prisoner sneered. 
"To bring us a woman? Will she bed us to learn our secrets?" 

From the doorway, Astrid threw her axe, a good ten to twelve feet, 
and the blade landed between the prisoner's legs, piercing the wood 
of the seat and slicing a tell-tale slit through the man's trousers, 
enough to expose the sensitive skin beneath. 

The Viking paled, swallowed, then whimpered. 

"Any other questions?' Astrid asked, striding over, placing her foot 
against the man's groin to pull her axe from his chair. She watched 
his face go from white, to red, to purple. "No, good. I have some." 
She slid her axe underneath his throat. "Who are you?" 

"B...Badorn and Guthor." 

"From what tribe?" 

They man hesitated. 

"From what tribe?" she screamed at him, yanking her axe away and 
imbedding it a centimetre away from the fingers he had tied to the 
chair . 

"N. . .Noman. " 

"Yakun, " she muttered. "What are you doing on Berk?" 

"Our... our ship was damaged. We... we wanted to come in for repairs 

and ..." 

Astrid grabbed the man's long, blond beard and tugged hard, making 
him cry out. "I have had a very bad couple of days, fellas, and I'm 
real close to losing my temper here." 

"Dude, you totally don't want her to lose her temper," Tuffnut 
warned . 

"She's crazy," Ruffnut agreed. "She took on a full-fledged Flightmare 
on her own ! " 

Snotlout examined his fingernails. "And she can carve up a yak in 

under five minutes." 

"Chief Yakun sent us here!" the smaller Viking blurted. 

Astrid smacked the handle of her axe off her hand as she moved around 
him. "Why?" 

" I . . . uh . . . " 

Astrid shrugged. "Fine. I'm done talking." She turned to Snotlout and 
nodded . 

"Yo, Hookfang!" Snotlout went to the door, whistled. "Dinner!" 

The two Noman Vikings lost whatever color they had left and their 
eyes bulged in horror as a Monstrous Nightmare levered itself through 
the door and started towards them; and it looked hungry. 

"The Chief!" Guthor screamed in terror. "We were sent to check on 
your Chief ! " 

Astrid lifted her hand up to stop Hookfang as she glowered at the 
men. "Why? What does he know about Hiccup?" She glanced back as 
Hookfang touched his nose to her palm and smirked, but when she 
turned back to their prisoners, her face was stone. 

"He. . .He heard there was. . .urn. . .a. . .an. . .uh. . .accident and he. . .he uh 
wanted to . . . k . . . know if the C... Chief was okay." 

"And how did he hear about that?" Ruffnut asked, coming up behind 
Guthor and dropping surprisingly strong hands on the Viking's 
shoulders . 

"We don't know!" Badorn insisted. "He j . . . just told us to stay behind 
and send word if we saw anything strange. We... when we saw her," he 
pointed to Astrid. "Flying back on the Chief's dragon we figured that 
was strange so we... we came to see." 

Ruff pressed down on his shoulders, finding a sensitive pressure 
point and causing Badorn to cry out in pain. "Oh, sorry, don't know 
my own strength." She pressed again and got the same result. "Hey, 
that's pretty handy, I could do this all day." 

"No!" Guthor pleaded. "We've told you everything we know! Please! We 
were just following orders." 

Astrid stared at them a moment longer. "Get them out of my sight," 
she ordered. 

Ruff and Fishleggs untied the men and escorted them out. 

"And you call yourselves Vikings!" Tuff declared waving a fist at 
them then turning to the others . "Well , that was rather 
anti-climatic, " he sighed. "No one even lost a limb." 

"Eh, they were a couple of wimps," Snotlout dismissed. "I think one 
of 'em actually pissed himself when Hookfang came in." 

"Yeah, that was pretty cool." 

"Do you think Yakun is responsible for what happened on Outcast 
Island, Astrid?" Snotlout asked. 

"I don't know." She started to pace, needing to wear down some of the 
fury and adrenalin that was pumping through her. She wanted to jump 
on Stormfly and he'd straight for the Nomans' island and rip their 
Chief to shreds until she had answers, but she had to be reasonable. 
Her hand tightened on her axe. She thought of her husband possibly 
dying in his bed and didn't know how she could possibly be expected 
to think reasonably. 

Yakun was a small time tribal leader, and while smarter than most of 
his men; and that wasn't to say he was still dumb as a post, she 
couldn't see him engineering something like what they had seen on 
Outcast Island. It was too messy, to well planned for Yakun. She had 
to wonder now if their alleged attack hadn't been more than a 
diversion, a way to get Hiccup to Outcast Island 

It was normal for tribes to sometimes challenge a new Chief, and she 
found it odd that Yakun suddenly massed a small fleet of ships to 
take on Hiccup and the dragons, when he'd barely said a word about 
them while Stoick was alive. Of course, Stoick was cunning, and he 
always went to see the Nomans, rather than they come here, and he 
went by boat instead of dragon. Perhaps they really hadn't known of 
the dragons until Hiccup took over as Chief? 

The Nomans had always rumbled about this and that, petty grievances, 
but they had never had the guts to challenge Stoick outright when he 
was Chief. Stoick made concessions for them to keep the peace, but 
they were a greedy lot and always craved more. Perhaps his death and 
the idea that Hiccup was weaker than his father had spurred them into 
taking such foolish actions. 

She could send a rider to check out what Yakun might be doing, or she 
could try questioning their other prisoner, but he wasn't saying much 
and in the shape he had been in when Hiccup rescued him, she didn't 
have the heart to interrogate him to hard. 

"Fishlegs and I can be there and back within a day, " Snotlout told 
her, guessing her predicament. "It doesn't hurt to know what is going 

She dropped down on a chair, chewed her nail. "If they see your 
dragons they'll think we've declared war." 

"If we don't do something they could show up tomorrow with more ships 
and attack us." 

"I know!" She continued to chew her thumb nail. "Extend the patrol 
areas, have them go beyond the Towers of Durin to Odin's Gate. At 
least that will give us a couple of days warning." 

"What if they're already past the Towers?" Tuffnut asked. "That would 
only give us a few hours . " 

Oh Gods! She didn't know what to do! They needed Hiccup! "We'll deal 
with it then." Focus on the now, she told herself as Hiccup had often 
said. Deal with one issue at a time. "I'll have Gobber make sure 
we're well stocked on weapons. Prepare the caves with supplies for 
several days and have the children and mothers start sleeping in 

there as of this morning. Tell everyone to be on high alert." She ran 
a hand across her tired face. "That ... that ' s all we can do right 
now." All they could do until their Chief woke up. 

She rose, swayed and Tuffnut caught her. 

"Hey there, Mrs. Hiccup, you okay?" 

Astrid smirked at his teasing, then closed her eyes as her vision 
blurred, then nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired." 

"Okay, well, go get some rest, we've got this." 

She nodded and headed out . 

10. Chapter 10 

_Hmmm...I've rewritten this chapter twice and it's still not exactly 
as I want it, but if I try to rewrite any more I'll end up having a 
completely different chapter that will not go with the story. So, 
here it is, read as you will and hopefully you will enjoy. Thanks to 
all those that reviewed!_ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Hiccup woke to the sound of snoring. He opened one eye, then the 
other. What? Where? He realized he couldn't move, and the reason was 
because he had a Night Fury coiled tightly around 
him . <p> 

"T ... Toothless ? " he croaked. His throat was so dry! 

The dragon lifted his head and whimpered as he adjusted his position 
so that he could nudge his head under Hiccup's hand. He started to 
lift his right hand, winced. "What the..." He managed to focus on the 
splint covering his right hand and wrist. "Wonderful." He used his 
left hand to pet Toothless. 

"Not... not supposed to be on the bed. Bud," he murmured as his eyes 
tried to focus on the surroundings of their bedroom. "Astrid will 

be . . . mad . " 

"It's okay, just this once." 

Man and dragon turned towards the archway that separated the bedroom 
from the office area to see Astrid standing there. 

"Hey. " 

She smiled at his soft greeting, and had to control the urge not to 
run across the room and throw herself into his arms. "Hey." She 
walked over, nudged Toothless so he reluctantly slid off the bed, and 
sat next to her husband. "Have a nice rest?" 

"Depends." He tried to sit up, winced. What the hell? His ribs too? 
"Were you using me as the black sheep for dragon racing?" 

She smirked and offered him a cup of water. "We thought about it," 
she admitted as he drank thirstily and she pulled her pillow behind 

him so he could sit up a little more comfortably. "But you weren't as 
much of a challenge as the sheep." 

"Nice." He lay back against the pillows and sighed. "I feel 
awful . " 

"You'll feel worse, soon enough." 

"Oh?" He stared at her. "That doesn't sound encouraging." 

"Do you remember what happened?" 

"I think so, some of it anyway." He closed his eyes and released a 
deep breath. "Alvin's dead. Someone was waiting for me." He sighed, 
squeezed his eyes against the horror of all he had seen. "It was a 
trap. Gods, Astrid, what they did... They killed everybody. 

They... they tortured dragons." 

Astrid nodded slowly, she had heard about it. "I sent a party back to 
investigate after you..." She lowered her eyes for a moment as she 
relived the vision of her husband being blown into the air. Biting 
hard on her lower lip, her hands curled into fists as she tried to 
regain control. 

He was awake, Astrid! Get a grip. He was finally awake and he'll be 
fine ! 

Hiccup opened his eyes when she didn't finish and saw the agony on 
her face, the tell-tale shimmer in her eyes. "Aww, Astrid." 

And she was in his arms. The tears she couldn't shed, refused to shed 
days before finally fell as she felt the strength of her husband's 
arms around her. "Oh Gods! Oh, Gods, Hiccup! I thought you were dead! 
There ... there was an . . . an explosion and . . you . . . you flew and... and you 
wouldn't wake up and... Oh Gods!" 

He winced as the embrace pulled at whatever injuries he couldn't see, 
but he didn't pull away. "It's okay, baby. I'm right here, right 
here." It killed him to see her cry, it always had. He couldn't stand 
for her to be sad or upset. "Sssshhhh. It's all okay now." 

"I just... I... I can . . . couldn ' t . . . " She shook her head and continued 
to cling to him. 

There was no way to express what she went through when she thought 
she might lose him. She knew he hated to see her cry, but she 
couldn't possibly have held back any longer seeing those lovely green 
eyes looking back at her, seeing color back in his handsome 
cheeks . 

He pulled back, cupped her chin with his good hand and touched his 
lips to hers, intending it to be a quick, gentle kiss of comfort, but 
Astrid shoved her hands into his hair and near consumed him 
orally . 

She needed to slake the grief and fear that had been wallowing inside 
of her for the past few days. She needed to confirm Hiccup was safe 
and alive and back with her again, the way he should be. When she 
finally pulled back, they were both panting. 

"Well, I... I'm awake now," he managed. 

Astrid blushed. "S... sorry." 

"Don't be." He removed the remaining trace of her tears with the edge 
of his knuckles. "That was amazing! I think I need to go back to 
Outcast Island and..." 

"Don't!" she warned and put a hand to his mouth, as her lower lip 
quivered. "Don't joke about it. Hiccup." She couldn't handle him 
making light of what happened. She knew it was his way, but she would 
never be able to look at it that way. 

He nodded, caught the hand at his mouth and kissed her fingers. 
"You're right. I'm sorry." 

Astrid wiped at her face with her free hand, suddenly embarrassed to 
have broken down in front of him. 

"So . . . what else? " 


"You said I'd feel worse." 

"Oh, right. Well... do you remember finding a survivor?" 

He thought for a moment, then remembered seeing the bearded, starving 
prisoner. "Mildew..." His eyes widened as the prisoner's face came 
into view. "No. Not Mildew." 

She nodded, grimly. "We have him a cage down at the academy. He's 
been washed and fed, he was severely malnourished and dehydrated." 

She shook her head. "He seems barely coherent most of the time, but 
keeps asking for you. He wouldn't let us put him in a cell. He was 
terrified of going underground again or into one of the dragon pens. 
So we put him in a cage in the arena outside. 

"He must have been in those caves for years, Astrid." 

"Why, Hiccup? Why did you save him?" 

"I couldn't leave him there." 

"But he probably caused all of that! He tried to kill you multiple 
times! He's probably to blame for this last time too!" 

"No. I don't think he was behind any of this, I think he was a 
pawn . " 

"How can he still be alive? Alvin said..." 

Hiccup shrugged. "Alvin was Treacherous, even if he did make up with 
my father, he's not exactly the most reliable or trustworthy of 
sources." He thought about what he found in the house on the peak. 

"He finally paid the ultimate price for his treachery." He started to 
push at the covers. "I need to speak with him..." 

"No." Astrid carefully shoved Hiccup back and adjusted the blankets. 
"You're too weak, babe." 

"Hey! Kick a guy when he's down... 

She smiled, so relieved to hear his sarcasm and wit that she almost 
started crying again. "It can wait. Hiccup." 

"It can't, Astrid. I need to talk to him. I need to find 

out ..." 

"We've already questioned him, and he won't say anything to us. He 
just keeps asking for you." 

"All the more reason..." 

"For the love of Odin, Hiccup!" Astrid snapped and rose. "You nearly 
died! You've been unconscious for three days! You can wait one more 
day ! " 

He gaped at her, astounded. "T... three days?" 

"Yes, and it was the most hellish three days of my life, so please 
don't make it worse by making me hurt you to keep you in that 
bed! " 

Hiccup could see she was on the edge, very close to falling over it, 
and possibly taking him with her. "Okay." He lay back against the 
pillows. "Okay. I'll wait." 

Her whole body just deflated and she sat beside him again, put her 
head to his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just... I just need you to 
get better first, okay?" 

"Okay." He nodded and playfully tugged her braid. "You're really sexy 
when you're violent." 

She barely resisted punching him, and instead folded her arms gently 
around him, careful of his injuries. "Ass." 

"You know, since I have to be in bed anyway..." He tried patted her 
side of the bed and wiggled his eyebrows. 

She smiled and sighed. "You're in no shape. Hiccup." 

"First she attacks my strength, now my virility. I'm getting a 
complex here, Astrid." 

She snuggled against him. "I love you. Hiccup. I love you so, so 
much . " 

"I love you." He kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry I scared 
you . " 

"Don't _ever_ do it again." 

"I'll try not to." 

She lifted her head, pressed her lips to his again, smiled as his 
hand slipped up to cup her neck and immediately deepened the kiss; 
and while it was not as frantic and explosive as hers had been, he 
still managed to pour all of his love for her into that one kiss so 

that she was dizzy by the end of it. 

"Hiccup ! " 

They parted and turned to see Valka rushing towards them. 

"Oh thank Thor!" Astrid moved aside so that Valka could hug her son. 
"You took twenty years off my life!" 

He hugged her with his good arm. "Sorry, Mom." He pulled back and 
noticed a bruise on her forehead. He touched it, gently. "What 
happened? " 

She pulled his hand away. "Oh, nothing." She wasn't about to tell him 
he had struck her in his delirium. "Just me being clumsy." She cupped 
her hand to his cheek. "How do you feel? Are you hungry, can I get 
you anything?" 

"No, I... I'm okay. Just sore..." He glanced at Astrid, mischievously. 
"From being bedridden." He grinned when she stuck her tongue out at 
him behind his mother's back. 

"Well, you'll have to put up with it a bit longer," She stated rising 
and tucking the covers around him. "You'll need time to regain your 
strength." She plumped his pillows. "I'll get you some broth. You'll 
need something in your stomach." 

"Mom, I'm really not..." 

"Astrid," Valka pulled a chair over to the bed. "Sit. We can't have 
you fainting again." 

Hiccup frowned as his mother left the bedroom area and looked at 
Astrid. "Faint? Why... when did you faint? Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," she assured, but sat down in the chair because she was 
beginning to feel woozy again. "I just had a spell yesterday, but I'm 
f ine . " 

"Well, are you doing too much? Are you sleeping? What..." He watched 
her flush bright red and dip her head. "Astrid! Tell me what is going 

"Now isn't the time..." 

"Now is the perfect time! I can't go anywhere..." He realized 
suddenly that his foot was catching only air. He glanced in the 
corner where is prosthetic usually stood. "Where's my leg?" 

"It... you lost it." 

"I lost it? How in Thor did I lose it? It was attached to 
me ! " 

Astrid shifted uncomfortably, because discussing it brought back the 
memory of what happened again. "We think it was ... urn ... blown off in 
the... urn, explosion. Tuff and Fish went back to Outcast Island to see 
if they could find it but..." She shrugged, helplessly. 

Hiccup moaned and dropped back against the pillows, then winced as 

the action caused him pain across his torso. He'd put so much work 
into his leg, now he would have to start all over again. 

"Don't worry though, we found your old plans and Gobber is working on 
a new one for you." 

"Great," he muttered. He supposed he should be grateful he hadn't 
lost his good leg in the explosion. "When will that be 
ready? " 

"Probably later today." She reached for his hand. "Don't be upset, 
it'll be as good as the last one. Promise, and besides, you can 
always change whatever you don't like." 

"Yeah, I guess." He paused for a moment and then reached up and 
pulled the band from her braid, threading his fingers through it to 
loosen her hair. "What else?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"I can tell there's more, now what else has happened?" 

" It can wait . " 

His fingers tightened in her hair, tugged just hard enough that she 
understood he wasn't in the mood to be placated. "What else, 

Ast rid? " 

Sighing she filled him in on Yakun's men. 

Hiccup listened to her silently, resisted the anger that rose inside 
of him and instead concentrated on forming a strategy, along with 
calculating the individual and mass consequences of said scenarios to 
deal with everything. He had been unconscious for three days... Three 
days! His wife had been left to deal with all of this on her own? 
Gods, he was an idiot. 

When Astrid finished and Hiccup still had not spoken she was 
concerned that it was too much too soon. He was still weak, possibly 
emotionally as well as physically, and this was probably all too much 
for him to deal with all of a sudden. Or worse, that he was once 
again blaming himself for everything. 

When he leaned his head back against the pillows and closed his eyes 
she grew more concerned. Had she worn him out? Should she ask what 
they should do or should she let him sleep and hope he was in a 
better state the next time he woke? They couldn't really afford to 
delay, but nor would she push him before he was ready. 

Finally, he spoke. "Have Fishlegs and Snotlout take a ship to Weasel 
Island with about a half dozen men and return Yakun's men to 
him. " 

Astrid' s eyes widened. "What? Hiccup! They could be here to kill 
you ! " 

"We don't know that, Astrid. It's actually a reasonable reaction for 
Yakun to leave some men behind after we chased them off with the 
dragons. He doesn't trust us, and is feeling threatened, so he wants 
to keep an eye on us." 

"But what if he's behind what happened on Outcast Island? He had to 
have deliberately made that comment about Dagur to lure you 
there . " 

Hiccup nodded, solemnly. "It is possible, yes, but we have no 
proof . " 

"They tried to kill you!" 

"And a war could kill all of you!" Hiccup snapped then quickly 
reigned in his temper. He felt weak and useless in this damn bed, but 
Astrid was right, he was in no shape. His wrist and ribs ached and 
his entire body felt like it had been used as target practice for 
Stormfly's tail spikes. 

"I can't risk ... everyone just... just from one incident." He winced 
again, took another deep breath. "A Chief protects his own. I can't 
think about revenge or honor or any of that. I have to do what is 
best for everyone, Astrid. If we abandon all reason and wage war on 
Yakun, without just cause, every tribe for a thousand miles will be 
lining up to replace him. I can't... I won't have that much death on 
my hands . " 

She regarded him intently, then realized he was right and slowly 
nodded. "I'll let Snotlout and Fishlegs know. They won't be happy 
about leaving their dragons behind." 

"They won't be. Tell them to have Meatlug and Hookfang fly above 
them, in the clouds and settle close by while they drop the men off, 
maybe on Thistle Rock. Then Snotlout and Fish can call them once 
they're well away from Weasel Island." 

"But... if they're already sailing back on the boat, why?" 

"So they can double back on their dragons to see what Yakun is up to 
and report back here." 

She stared at him confused. "But... you just said..." 

"I'm cautious, Astrid, but I'm not naive." He rubbed the bridge of 
his nose. "I need to see Gobber, and Fret. We should have the 
supplies stocked in the hall..." 

"I already did that, and I've asked that the children and young 
mothers start sleeping there." 

"No, not yet anyway. If Yakun, or whoever is behind all this, has 
more spies around we need to make it appear that everything is 
normal. If we start segregating the kids they'll know we suspect 
something." She reached for her hand, squeezed. "But it's a really 
good idea, so make sure everyone is aware to be on standby for if we 
have to do that quickly." 

"I've told Gobber to make sure our weapons are fully stocked, he's 
been working on it since last night, and I've extended the patrols 
five miles out." 

"Fantastic!" He smiled at her, pleased. "See, you didn't need me at 
all . " 

She felt a flush of pleasure at making him proud. "I absolutely do 
need you. Hiccup." She leaned in and kissed him again. "Never think 
otherwise . " 

He blushed and suddenly yawned. What? He couldn't be tired! He'd been 
asleep for three days! 

"You need to rest." 

"I'm fine. I still need to talk to Gobber and..." Another yawn. He 
suddenly felt so drowsy. "We should ... urn ... " He was losing focus, 
damn it! "Why... why were you fainting?" 

She smiled, helped him slide down in the bed and tucked the covers 
around him. "I'll tell you later." 

"No, Astrid ... there ' s so much... to do ... plan ... and ... stuff . " 

"I know, babe. We'll take care of it." She kissed his forehead as his 
eyes fluttered closed. "You need to sleep." 

"Just... just for a min..." he began and was out a moment 
later . 

Astrid turned and saw Valka standing in the entrance way with a bowl 
of broth. 

"It took awhile to heat," she explained relieved at the sight of her 
son's peaceful expression. "Did you tell 
him? " 

"No . " 

"Astrid . . . " 

"He has enough on his mind. Mom." She looked once more upon her 
husband, then moved across the room. "Come on, we have orders from 
our Chief to relay." 

1 1 . Chapter 1 1 

_So glad everyone enjoyed the last chapter! Here is another one and 
thanks for all the reviews !_ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>When Astrid returned she found Hiccup up, dressed in a new green 
tunic and regular trousers. He was seated at his desk, scribbling 
away. Toothless was curled on his pad watching his rider 
closely . <p> 

"You promised you'd stay in bed!" she moaned, even though she hadn't 
really expected him to. 

"I will," he promised but didn't look up from what he was doing. "I 
just needed to write down some things while I was thinking about 
them . " 

She stopped behind his chair, put her hands on his shoulders. "Then 
why did you get dressed?" 

"I didn't want my mother coming in and seeing me sitting here 
naked . " 

"She's already seen you naked." 

"What?" he demanded, spinning around and then gasping in pain because 
the action aggravated his injuries. He gritted his teeth. "What do 
you mean she's seen me naked?" 

Astrid decided not to tell him about her and Valka bathing him. "She 
changed your nappies, idiot." She flicked his ear. "She is your 
mother. Hiccup." 

He sighed in relief. "Don't say things like that!" He turned back to 
his writing only to have her pull the pencil out of his hand. 

"Astrid ! " 

She pointed to the adjoining room. "Bed. Now." 

"Come on! I feel fine." 

"Yeah?" She grabbed his arm, hauled him out of the chair, watched him 
pale and stagger on his one leg good leg. "How about now?" 

The room swam before his eyes and Hiccup found the ability of speech 
had completely deserted him. "I..." 

"That's what I thought." Her hold gentled. "Come on, please come back 
to bed?" 

He nodded, because he was afraid if he opened his mouth he might 
vomit. Toothless moved to his other side and they helped him back to 
bed. He sat down, rubbed at his side and waited for her to come back 
into focus. 

She helped him back into bed, but he waved away the blankets away. 
"That was... really not fair, Astrid." 

"I know." She leaned in, kissed him. "But you're hurt. 

Hiccup . " 

"I... I was just writing some things down..." 

"I'll bring you your notebook and your pencil and whatever else you 
need, but I want you to stay in bed." 

"You're killing me, here." 

She smiled, climbed onto the bed and carefully straddled his lap. 
"Poor baby." She kissed his forehead, his eyelids, his cheeks and his 
nose. "Doesn't it suck to have someone love you so 
much? " 

"Sometimes, " he muttered as his hand settled at her hip, his long 
talented fingers finding their way inside the edge of her tunic as he 
tried to pull her closer. When he attempted to capture her mouth, she 
repeated her kisses again, carefully avoiding his mouth and causing 

him to moan in frustration. 

"Come on ! " 

She grinned. "Come on what?" 

"Kiss me ! " 

Once again, she kissed his forehead, nose, eyes and cheeks. "I am 
kissing you . " 

"Astrid ! " 

"Will you stay in bed?" 

He rolled his eyes. "Yes." 

"Promise . " 

He winced, but not from pain. "What, like forever?" 

She smiled. "No, just until tomorrow morning." 

"Astrid," he moaned and released a frustrated laugh. "I have a 
village to protect, prisoners to question, lots of things to do 
here ! " 

"Promise me. Hiccup. If you need to talk to someone we'll bring them 
here. If you need something done. I'll see that it's done, but you 
have to stay in bed." She gave him a very quick peck on the lips, a 
taste of his reward should he comply. 

He didn't dare try telling her he was fine again, she'd already 
proved him wrong once and he couldn't last through another lesson. "I 
want more than a kiss then, " he countered, unwilling to give up 
altogether . 

"You're in no shape for..." 

"Not that, just..." He could admit he really wasn't in any shape for 
that. "A free round of heavy groping." 

She threw her head back and laughed. "Okay." 

"Lose the skirt, " he requested, not particularly fond of the spikes 
upon it . 

Astrid complied, leaving her in her thin tights, boots, tunic and her 
upper body armor. "Now, do you promise?" 

" I promise . " 

She kissed him, long and slow, deep and passionately and let his hand 
travel over her wherever he desired it to go. She was only mildly 
surprised when, even with his injuries and a broken wrist, he managed 
to flip her onto her back. Wrapping her arms around his neck she let 
him touch her, let herself be lost in the feel of him pressed against 
her, his gentle caresses and the wonderful taste of his lips. 

When he tried to pull off her tights with his good hand, she giggled 
and slapped his hand away. 

"Hey! " 

"That's moving past groping. Hiccup." 

"Come on! As your badly injured Chief I am ordering you to take your 
pants of f . " 

"Sorry," She laughed again. "As my Chief's Right Hand it is my sworn 
duty to keep him from doing things that are bad for him." 

He sighed, carefully settled himself just to the side of her, keeping 
his arm around her waist and his good leg across both of hers. 

"You're such a tease." 

"Mmmm." She snuggled into him and silently thanked Odin for not 
taking him away to Valhalla, for letting him stay with her. "Cobber 
and Eret will be here soon." 

He moaned, and flopped over onto his back, then gasped again. "Crap!" 
He had to limit his movements. 

"Idiot," she said adoringly as she lifted up on her elbow and 
caressed pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Hurts, doesn't it?" 

"Oh shut up." 

She helped him sit up, then grabbed the blanket again and tossed it 
over his legs, knowing he didn't like anyone to see him without his 
prosthetic attached. She climbed off the bed and picked up her 
skirt . 

"Woah, woah! Get back here you." He caught her hand as she started to 
move away. "We have unfinished business. Milady." 

She lifted her eyebrow. "What unfinished business?" 

"Why were you fainting?" 

Damn it! She hoped he'd forgotten about that. "It's 
nothing ..." 

"Astrid . . . " 

"Hiccup, we really need to discuss more important things 

and ..." 

"There is nothing more important than your health. Now tell 

"The others will be here soon and you have enough on your plate to 
deal with . " 

"Oh ho, my cup runnth over, so what's a little more?" 

"It can wait until later, when you aren't as preoccupied . . . " 

"I take that to mean that this is something you don't want me to get 
upset or stressed over, which means now you have to tell me, or I 
will get even more upset and stressed." 

"Hiccup, it's nothing. Can we just forget it?" 

"No. Now come on, you're harassing me about staying in bed for my 
physical health, and ignoring your own. Now what is going on?" 

She was silent. 

"Are you sick?" 

"No . " 

"Is it, stress, exhaustion?" 

She shook her head. 

"Are you infected with a man eating parasite that prevents you from 
telling me of it's identity?" 

She smirked. "No, Hiccup." 

"Okay, I've got nothing else. Tell me." 

"I'm with child," she murmured quietly. 

He stared at her for several long moments, blinked. "W...what?" 

She pulled away from him, wrapped her arms around herself, 
self-consciously . "I'm... we're going to have a... a baby." 

When he still didn't respond she continued. "Gothi thinks .. .urn. . .two, 
maybe three months. I've been... I just haven ' t ... ah ... been feeling 
any ... symptoms . " She had been late for her cycle, but had thought 
nothing of it because she so often was. Gothi told her sometimes 
women that were very physically active did not have a regular cycle. 
"Until . . . now . " 

Still he continued to stare at her in silence, trying to process what 
she was telling him. 

Gods! Why wouldn't he say something? She rose, agitated and stalked 
to the other side of the room. "For the love of Odin, Hiccup! Say 
something ! " 

"A . . . baby . " 

"Yes a baby." She groaned, in distress. "Look, I know you aren't 
ready ..." 

"Astrid . . . " 

"I know you wanted to wait and you said there was not need to be in 
any rush ..." 

"Astrid . . . " 

"And now with this thing with Yakun and Outcast Island hanging over 
us, a possibility of war and someone attempting to kill you, it may 
not be the best time to... 

"Astrid ! " 

She turned at his firm command. "What?" 

He patted the bed. "Come here, please?" 


He sighed. "Because I can't easily get to you without my leg, and 
because you made me promise not to move from the bed." 

She flushed, moved and sat beside him. "I'm sorry." 

"Why are you sorry?" 

She shrugged and bit her lip. 

Hiccup caught her chin, lifted it and pressed his lips to hers in a 
sweet, lingering kiss. "How long have you known?" 

"Just... just since this morning." 

"And that was... why you fainted?" 

She nodded. "Gothi said that can happen sometimes, she said sometimes 
young. . .urn. . .mothers get tired really easily and I guess I wasn't 
getting the proper sleep." 

"Because of me." 

She shrugged. "I was worried. Hiccup." 

"I know." He pulled her forward, kissed her forehead and gazed into 
her eyes with a sense of wonder. "A baby." He placed his hand at her 
stomach, caressed her and released a slow breath. "You're going to 
have our baby." 

He tried to quell the sudden rise of panic that surged inside of him. 
What if she died in childbirth? What if it was premature as he was? 
What if the child died? What if they both died? 

"Are... are you... do you w...want the baby?" she whispered. 

"Do I . . . " 

How could she think otherwise? Yes he was afraid for her, afraid for 
them, he couldn't deny that. Was he ready? Was any man really ready 
to be a father? Probably not, but . . . How could she still believe he 
didn't want a child with her? Hadn't they already discussed this? 
Hadn't they fought and cried over this not a day ago? He paused, 
considered how long she had told him he had been unconscious. Okay, 
maybe several days, but surely she hadn't forgotten what they had 
said to each other. 

"Of course, I do!" He wrapped his arms around Astrid and ignored the 
pain it cause when he crushed her too him. "Oh Astrid. Gods! I... I 
couldn ' t . . . I mean ..." 

He hadn't let himself think about it, hadn't let himself dream. He 
already had more than he ever thought possible; real friends, a wife, 
his mother, a respectable position on Berk and of course, the wonder 

of living with dragons. How could he possibly ask for more? 

He told himself he might never be a father, told himself there was 
plenty of time and he wasn't ready anyway, but now, now that it was 
happening- How could he express what this meant to him, for them? 

He pulled back enough to crush his lips to hers, trying to show her 
how very happy he was. "A baby," he whispered again as he felt the 
surge of panic turn to one of excitement and jubilation. "Oh, my 
love, we're going to have a baby!" 

She lifted tear-filled eyes to his, cupped his cheek as she basked in 
the joy she found in his gaze. "Oh Hiccup, I love you so 
much ! " 

"Are... I mean are you ... h ... happy about the... the baby?" he asked 
knowing that Astrid was used to a very active life now, and a baby 
would hamper some of her usual activities. "I know you said you 
wanted to have our child, but... You'll have to slow down, Astrid. You 
can't do everything like before, at least not until the baby is born. 
It isn't safe . " 

"I know." She nodded emphatically. "I am happy. I... I mean, I'm a 
little scared, it's a big change, but I... I do want the baby. Oh, 
Hiccup, I want to be a mother so much, and I... I promise to do 
everything exactly right so our baby is safe and is born 
healthy . " 

She knew what he was afraid of, they had seen many miscarriages in 
their village, or a young mother dying in childbirth. Having a baby 
in their culture was a blessing, but it was also a huge risk. She 
loved him for allowing her to take that risk, for wanting to take it 
with her. 

"Thank you, Astrid." He knew it would be hard for her to give up so 
much of who she was for their child. "And you'll be an amazing 
mother," he assured and cradled her to him. "The very best." 

She dipped her head into his neck. "Are you sure? Are you really 
happy? " 

"Yes, Astrid. I... I'm thrilled." He pulled back and again placed his 
hand delicately on her stomach. "Do you hear that, sweetheart? I am 
thrilled about you." He lifted his eyes to Astrid' s. "I hope it's a 
girl. Do you think it will be a girl?" 

She blinked. Why would he want a girl? He needed a son, an heir. 

"I... don't you want a... a boy?" 

"A boy would be nice, but so would a girl. With your hair and my Mom 
or Dad's eyes. Wow, she'd be beautiful." 

"Hiccup, you know if the baby's female she can't be Chief." 

"Of course she can!" He pulled her to him again, hugged her hard. 

"Her mother's the Chief's Right Hand, Chief is just one step 
up ! " 

She pulled back, stared at him and realized he was serious. Her eyes 
misted at the wonderful man she had married. 

Valka entered their room. "Gobber and Eret are here, " she said, then 
raised her eyebrow at their glowing faces. She smiled. "You told 
him? " 

"You know?" Hiccup asked, surprised and Valka nodded. 

"Only because I was there when Gothi examined her." She walked over, 
sat down on his other side and hugged him. "You'll be a wonderful 
father, son . " 

And he would. Hiccup promised himself. He would be grateful for his 
child, and love it and care for it and always, always listen to 
it . 

"Thank you. Mom," he said and then realized his cheeks were wet. Had 
he been crying and not even aware of it? He quickly wiped away the 
evidence. "Send the guys up. We have a lot to do." 

Valka nodded, reached over to kiss Astrid's cheek, then rose and went 
back downstairs. 

12 . Chapter 12 

_**Keeley**- Thank you so much I am glad you enjoyed it! I was 
laughing as I wrote it, glad it wasn't just me!_ 

_**Concrit** a€" Excellent point made, although I don't think it is 
fair to group feminism in with all female writers. ;-) Hiccup has a 
valid reason of why he would like a girl and it has nothing to do 
with feminism, which you will learn in later chapters. And thanks for 
the great review !_ 

_* *Tasermon ' s Partne**r- Absolute fluff! Enjoy it while it lasts ;-) 
and Sssshhh! Don't remind Hiccup about the tackle, he'll have enough 
to fret over soon enough. _ 

_**Nerdmoml701** a€" Thanks! Glad you like the story. _ 

_**Incarnate Eirefly**- Yes I am a stickler for details, all the 
little side notes and what if's in scenes that could have happened, 
which is probably why I write fanf lotion! And your video was awesome, 
everyone should see it and for those who would like to, go to Youtube 
and search for hiccup/toothless walk on the moon_ 

_**PalominoGirl**- Yay! None can hold out against the force of the 
Hiccup !_ 

_Okay ladies and Gents, the fluff is officially over for the next few 
chapters ... Welcome to the dark side_ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Hiccup slid off Toothless with a contented sigh, he was still 
quite sore from his injuries, his ribs especially and his broken 
wrist made it a little harder to guide Toothless than usual, but he 
would tolerate it to be able to fly again and be out of bed.<p> 

The leg that Gobber had made him was almost identical to the one he'd 

lost, so while it was a little stiff around his stump, he knew he'd 
only have to break it in a bit and it would be fine. 

He walked across the floor of the academy training arena, as Astrid 
and the twins landed behind him, and stopped just out of reach of the 
cage that held the man he had rescued from Outcast Island. Two larger 
Vikings guarded either side of it, and inside was a food bowl, a bowl 
for waste and a blanket. 

A pathetically thin figure was huddled in the corner, and sharp green 
eyes had locked on and followed Hiccup the moment he had landed. The 
hair that had once covered the man's face had been shaved off and 
rest cut short, to hang limply just past his shoulders. It was 
lighter than Hiccup remembered in the cave, more red than brown, and 
it had long streaks of grey, making the man look far older than his 
years. In his simple jersey, boots and trousers, the prisoner looked 
very little like the man Hiccup remembered. 

When Hiccup stopped a foot from the cage, the prisoner crawled over 
to that side and reached through the heavy bars, his hand not quite 
able to make contact. 

"B . . . Brother . " 

"Dagur, " Hiccup returned grimly. He had never understood why the 
Beserker Chief had called him that, but he didn't quibble about it 
now. There were more important matters to attend to. "Can you tell me 
what happened?" 

"You... saved me?" 

Hiccup nodded, curtly. 

"W . . . why? " 

Hiccup was surprised by the question and glanced at back at Astrid 
who could only shrug. It didn't matter; he wasn't here for a personal 
chat with the ex-Berserker Chief. "Who did this to you, 

Dagur? " 

Dagur looked down at himself, as if confused. He wiped his hands on 
his tunic, touched the bars then focused on Astrid. "S...she 
did. " 

"No, I mean before, when I found you in the caves. Who was keeping 
you prisoner? Was it Alvin?" 

Dagur folded his legs under him and slumped against the bars, 
reaching his hand forward again. "Brother." 

Hiccup stepped closer, despite Astrid' s warning, dropped to one knee 
and took Dagur ' s hand. The Viking he had known as Dagur the Deranged 
was dangerous, unstable and cunning, but this was not the man he had 
known. This was a pathetic, broken man. 

Dagur 's hand tightened around Hiccup and a tear slid down his cheek, 
as if grateful for such simple human contact. "Tha...ank you." 

"Did Alvin put you in that dungeon, Dagur?" 

Dagur nodded. "Long, so l...long." His eyes flew back up to 
Hiccup's. "The Master. The Master came." 

"Who is the Master?" 

Again Dagur seemed to struggle with focusing on the question. "So 
loud." He put his free hand to his ear, pressed as if trying to block 
out sounds from his past. "Crying. Sere ... screeching ... " Dagur 's eyes 
looked towards Toothless who growled back at him, as if saying if he 
made one wrong move he would swallow Dagur whole. "Not you," he 
whispered to the Night Fury and seemed to sag in relief. 

" They . . .didn't get . . . you . " 

"Dagur." Hiccup tried to pull the Viking's focus back to him. "Dagur, 
who is the Master?" 

"The Master!" Dagur cried and skittered back into the corner, pulling 
his knees up, covering his face and trying to curl into the smallest 
form possible. "Pie ... please . No... no more. Can't... I didn't 
m . . . mean . . .please . . . " 

Hiccup gapped at the sobbing, frightened man. 

"Like I said," Astrid sighed. "He's a mess. He seems lucid for a few 
minutes, then goes off again. I don't think we're going to get much 
out of him. Hiccup, and anything we do get I doubt we could trust. It 
is Dagur, after all." 

Watching their prisoner rock himself and sob like a child. Hiccup 
shook his head. No, this wasn't Dagur, not any more. "Open the 
cage . " 

"What?" Tuff demanded, surprised. "Are you crazy? Do you know how 
hard it was to even get him in there?" 

Hiccup turned harsh, cold eyes on the dragon rider and the blond 
immediately shut up. He turned back to the Vikings guards. "Open 

it . " 

They slid the key into the small lock and pulled the metal door 
open . 

"Hiccup, " Astrid warned, a hand on his shoulder. 

"I'll be fine." He stepped inside, and when Dagur cried out and 
flinched he slowly moved to his knees. It hurt his ribs to do so, but 
he carefully, cautiously crawled to Dagur, approaching him as one 
would a wounded animal. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise no one 
here is going to hurt you, Dagur. You're safe." 

Dagur 's wild eyes struggled to comprehend Hiccup's words, struggled 
to make them out through the screams and other voices in his head 
that tormented him. 

When Hiccup was almost beside him, Dagur 's hand shot out and snatched 
Hiccup's splinted wrist, causing the young Chief to hiss in pain. 
Astrid started to move into the cage, her axe drawn, but Dagur almost 
immediately released Hiccup, as if surprised he had caused him pain. 
Hiccup waved her back. 

"You're safe, Dagur. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, 
okay ? " 

"B ... Brother ? " he whispered and then crawled to Hiccup, laid his head 
on Hiccup's lap and silently cried. "My ... brother . " 

"Uh ... awkward, " Tuffnut muttered, wide-eyed 

Hiccup glanced at the others, significantly mortified, but put his 
good hand against Dagur 's head, as Astrid had often done to comfort 
him. "What did they do to you?" he muttered sympathetically. 

Dagur had been a thorn in his side, a constant threat to Berk and had 
tried to steal Toothless from him multiple times. He'd even 
threatened to kill his father, and Hiccup had thought often about 
hurting him, badly, but this... no one deserved this. 

"What has he been given to eat?" 

"Bread and water. Chief. Standard for prisoners." 

Hiccup sighed, he supposed it was better than rats. "Ruff, Tuff, run 
to the kitchens and fetch me some chicken, fish and 
potatoes . " 

"Uh . . . what ? " 

"Do it!" Hiccup snapped, as he continued to soothe Dagur, and noticed 
the festering wounds around his wrists and neck. "Astrid, has Gothi 
seen him yet?" 

She shook her head, simply amazed at the compassion her husband was 
capable of. She had felt herself pitying Dagur, but had not allowed 
it to sway her because of their past dealings with him. She'd have to 
make sure Hiccup's caring nature didn't end up bringing them more 
grief, but for now she would listen. 

"I'll bring her." She hopped up on Stormfly and was 
of f . 

"Hie... cup?" Dagur looked up at the young man holding him, offering 
him comfort. "Sta...Stay away. He... he'll 
kill . . . don ' t . . . don ' t . . . " 

"Who will kill me, Dagur? The Master?" 

"Hate ... Hates you ... such ... such hate." Dagur lowered his eyes again 
and curled closer to Hiccup. "Stay ... away . Can ' t . . . won ' t tell... don't 
want to tell..." Tears fell from his eyes once more and he stated to 
sob again. "S... sorry. Brother. I'm sorry." 

"You told The Master about me, " Hiccup guessed, and never brushed his 
hand over Dagur 's hair. He could only imagine how they had tortured 
Dagur for the information. "It's okay, Dagur. It's 
okay . " 

"Such ... hate . " Dagur shivered and Hiccup managed to pull the blanket 
from the other side of the cage and drape it over him. 

Whoever the Master was, it definitely wasn't the Chief of the Noman 

tribe. Yakun was a blowhard and a complainer, but inside he was a 
coward. He wouldn't have the stomach for torture. Yakun may still 
know something though, and Hiccup would just have to wait for 
Fishlegs and Snotlout to return from their mission to learn more. 

He had an idea who Dagur might be referring to, and the idea made his 
stomach churn painfully. It shouldn't be possible, but after seeing 
Dagur and what happened on Outcast Island, he had to consider the 
impossible at this point. 

Tuff and Ruff arrived with the food and a large tankard of water, 
then stood outside the cage, warily. 

"Dagur," Hiccup said quietly as he started to pull away. "I have some 
food for you, real food, and I want you to try and eat it, 
okay ? " 

Dagur clutched at him again, making Hiccup feel even more awkward, 
but after a moment the Berserker released him. Slowly rising, careful 
of his ribs, he walked to the entrance of the cage and took the plate 
and tankard from Tuff. He set them down next to Dagur, and after 
looking at Hiccup for permission, Dagur tore into the meal like a man 
possessed . 

Hiccup backed out and closed the door, sighed heavily. The guard 
quickly locked it again. 

"Jeeze, you'd think he hadn't eaten for weeks," Ruffnut 
grimaced . 

"Yeah, " Hiccup muttered grimly, remembering the rat carcasses and 
bones that had littered Dagur 's cell. He turned 
away . 

"Hie . . . cup ! " 

He turned back and saw that Dagur had discarded his food and was 
reaching for the bars again, reaching for him. 

"I'll be back, Dagur." 

Dagur's eyes were desperate. "P .. .promise?" 

" I promise . " 

Dagur hesitated for only a moment longer, then crawled back to his 
food and continued to eat. 

"Tell Astrid to have Gothi treat his wounds when she gets here, " he 
said to Ruffnut as he climbed carefully aboard Toothless. "Have the 
guards hold him down if necessary, but I don't want him hurt if it 
can be avoided." 

"Hiccup." Ruffnut walked over to him, put her hand on his leg. "Who 
the hell is this Master?" 

"I'm not sure. I have to check, I have to be sure." He urged 
Toothless in the air. "I'll be back." 

Hiccup ignored the throbbing in his ribs as he urged Toothless 

faster, trying to edge back the raw feeling of panic that clawed up 
from his stomach and into his throat. Please let him be wrong. Please 
let it not be true. 

Toothless whined when he saw that they were nearing Outcast Island, 
and flapped his wings, refusing to land. 

"Toothless! Come on, we have to go down there." 

Toothless veered left, remembering the blow of heat, the ringing in 
his ears and then the hard impact of water. He remembered seeing his 
rider flying beside him and helpless to do anything but watch him 
fall . 

"Please, Bud, I need to know the truth!" 

With several more whines and moans. Toothless finally landed in the 
center of the village again and instantly started to growl. 

Hiccup slid off of him and started towards the forge, only to have 
Toothless grab him by the back of his flight suit and tug him 
back . 

"It's okay. Bud." He smoothed his hand over the agitated Night Fury's 
head. "Just stay close. We'll only be here for a minute, I 
promise . " 

Toothless did follow him closely, so closely that Hiccup was forced 
to hold onto the dragon's head as he walked to maintain his balance, 
because Toothless' tail kept wrapping around him, as if trying to 
guard him from all sides. 

Finally they made it to the forge and Hiccup pushed inside. Toothless 
growled, because it was too small in there for him to enter. 

"Just a minute. Bud, I promise." 

Hiccup quickly scanned over the broken weapons in a box, the cold 
dead fires and the cooling bucket. All finished or good weapons were 
gone, but he wasn't looking for weapons. He ripped away the cobwebs 
hovering over his head as he moved further inside, found a stack of 
yellow and mildewed papers spread haphazardly across a simple wooden 
bench . 

He rummaged through the drawings and diagrams of new swords and 
weapons, as well as a few outdated contraptions to trap dragons that 
the Outcasts had tried to use on them many years before. He checked 
the wall pockets above the bench, then looked around on the 
floor . 

Toothless growled again and rumbled for him to hurry up. 

"Yes, I'm coming." He sighed, finding nothing, and then started back 
towards the entrance. His eye caught on the corner of something 
buried in the dirt and he crouched, wincing, to retrieve it. It was 
only half a page, but it was enough to confirm his suspicions and 
dread washed over him. 

He stepped outside and climbed atop Toothless, who eagerly bounded 
into the air. "We're in trouble, boy. Big trouble." 

As Hiccup neared Berk again, Astrid pulled up on Stormfly just to his 
left and the twins on his right. 

"Are you crazy?" she screamed at him, furious when she had seen the 
direction he had come from. 

When Ruff had told her Hiccup flew off somewhere, she'd had a sinking 
feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she never actually believed 
he'd be stupid enough to return to Outcast Island, especially not 
alone . 

"I'm sorry!" he snapped back, his hands were shaking from fear and 
adrenalin, but he knew he had worried her, hurt her. "I had to, 

Astrid . " 

"What if someone else was waiting for you? What if there had been 
another trap?" 

"Yeah, Dude," Tuff agreed. "That was totally uncool." 

"There wasn't, I'm fine." 

"Hiccup ! " 

"Astrid!" he barked back as they landed by his house. "We have bigger 
problems." He stormed inside, startling Valka who was 
sweeping . 

"What's going on?" she asked as the other riders followed her son 
inside . 

"I know who's behind everything, who the Master is." He slapped the 
paper on the table and everyone gasped. Even with half of the diagram 
missing, it was easy to decipher what the drawing was; a man's 
arm . 

Valka 's hand flew to her mouth. "Drago." 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><strongXem>I have noticed that people seem to think Mildew was 
the person Hiccup rescued, because he had referenced him, but I twice 
refer to it NOT being mildew, first in chapter 6 when he first finds 
Dagur<em>* * 

"Mildew? " 

_When the creature raised his head Hiccup's eyes widened in shock and 

**_The reference that his eyes widen in shock, gives a hint that it 
could be someone else and I never refer to him as Mildew after 
that ._** 

**_ The second reference is in Chapter 10, when Astrid asks if Hiccup 

remembered finding a survivor 


"Oh, right. Well... do you remember finding a survivor?" 

He thought for a moment, then remembered seeing the bearded, starving 
prisoner. "Mildew..." His eyes widened as the prisoner's face came 
into view. "No. Not Mildew." 

So you know then that the prisoner he found is someone else. 

Hope that clears things up. :-) 

13. Chapter 13 

_Are you all still here? Excellent, I haven't scared you away. YAY ! 
Thank you everyone for the reviews, your feed back really helps me to 
write a better story. This chapter is a little long, but I didn't 
think you would mind that much. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Hiccup flew over the island, checking on everyone's preparations 
to defend Berk against attack, which he knew would be coming 
eventually. It had been over a week since he had found out the man 
who was responsible for his father's death was alive, Drago Bludvist, 
whom everyone thought to have drown when he was blasted off his frost 
dragon . <p> 

Hiccup worried about Drago showing up with that bewilderbeast again, 
unsure they could survive a second attack from it. They'd gotten 
through the first one, thanks to Toothless and he knew they had the 
dragons on their side now. Drago would also know that and would 
devise a way to try and break their new loyalty to Toothless, who was 
now the Alpha. 

Three years. The man had been alive for three years. Had Drago 
amassed another dragon army in that time? Would dragons be forced to 
fight dragons again, or would they be fighting other Vikings, like 
Yakun ' s men? 

Four days ago Fret had flown off to check with some of his old 
trapper buddies, to see if there were any new murmurings about 
someone capturing dragons again, but he still had not returned and 
Hiccup was beginning to worry about him. 

Hiccup figured that Drago had learned a lot about him in the last 
three years, from Dagur and Alvin and Thor only knew who else. Which 
meant he couldn't be predictable. He couldn't use any of his own 
strategies, just in case Drago expected them or knew how to counter 
them . 

Snotlout and Fishlegs had returned from Weasel Island and reported 
that there seemed to be no indication that they were mounting another 
attack. Both riders had been shocked to hear that Drago was not dead, 
and so they agreed to take turns checking on Yakun, just in case. 

He dropped down by a small hut just outside of the main village 
square where two large Vikings stood guard. 

"Morning, Chief!" 

"Hey. How is he today?" 

"Quiet, but cooperative. Are you going in?" 

"Yeah. " 

The guard opened the door and stepped into the house with Hiccup. 
Inside, a living area had been set up, as well as a good, solid bed 
in the corner. There was a fireplace, but it had a thick grate across 
it to give heat but no access to the fire, which was stoked from the 
outside of the house. The window hatches on the roof allowed the 
light and breeze of day in, but were too small to crawl up 
through . 

Dagur the Deranged sat at the table finishing off the breakfast the 
guards had brought him. He was allowed only food he could eat with 
his fingers, no utensils that could be used as a weapon. 

"Hiccup!" Dagur rose quickly to go to him, then stumbled back when 
the guard behind the Chief drew his sword. "I won't hurt you. 

Brother . " 

"How are you feeling Dagur?" Hiccup asked. 

He hadn't the heart to keep Dagur in that cage, but nor could he just 
let the man go. The alternative was to try and give him a sense of 
freedom and comfort, but keep him under heavy watch. Dagur seemed to 
have reacted positively to the change, gaining weight, although he 
was nowhere near healthy yet, and he had more periods of lucidity. It 
appeared that Hiccup came at the right time. 

"Can you sit?" Dagur asked, and eagerly pulled out one of the two 
chairs at the table. "I would talk with you." 

"Is there anything else you remember about the Master, Dagur? 

Anything you can tell me about his plans?" 

Dagur seemed put out that Hiccup wouldn't sit, but then he shrugged 
and returned to his breakfast. "What does it matter?" 

"It matters to me, Dagur. I need to know what he is planning." 

Dagur popped a grape into his mouth, then another, chewed. "I tried 
to protect you. Brother. I did, but he..." A flash of fear fell over 
Dagur for a moment then it was gone. "Do you remember the time we 
went hunting Night Furies, Brother? Oh what fun we had." 

Hiccup rubbed the bridge of his nose, he was getting a headache. 
"Dagur, I need you to focus. Do you remember anything about 
Drago ..." 

Dagur 's eyes shot to his, alive with need and madness. "Why should I 
tell you? You will not even sit with me." 

Hiccup sighed. He didn't know if Dagur 's obsession with him came out 
of a need for human contact after so long imprisoned or something 
deeper, darker. He took the chair opposite Dagur, watched the guard 
move forward to stand closer to the Beserker, least he try 
anything . 

"Are you getting enough to eat?" he asked Dagur. 

"Yes. Thank you." Dagur glanced at the guard, sneered, then stretched 
his hand towards Hiccup, offering him a grape. 

"I'm not hungry." 

"Take it." 

Hiccup rolled his eyes and reached for the grape, only to have Dagur 
snatch his hand and pull him halfway across the table so their faces 
were only inches apart. 

"I know what he wants!" Dagur hissed as the guard lifted his sword to 
knock Dagur back. 

Hiccup waved his man back, ignored the biting grip of the mad man 
before him and met Dagur 's wild eyes. "What does he want?" 

"To kill you. He wants to see you burn. Brother, to see all of Berk 
in ruin." Dagur leaned even closer, his voice lowered to a whisper as 
his grip tightened. "I will not let him hurt you! I will see him dead 
first. We are united. You came for me. Brother. You always come for 

"Let go of me, Dagur." Hiccup tried to pull away but kept his voice 
calm. "Dagur, you're hurting me." 

For a split second Hiccup saw the old Dagur, the sneering, over- 
confident Viking who had tried to drown him as a boy for fun, and 
then just as quickly shock and remorse replaced it. "No!" Dagur 
loosened his grip, then proceeded to gently rub Hiccup's wrist. "No. 
Never hurt you. I'll save you. I'll save you like you saved 

"Yes, sure, okay that ... that ' s fine, Dagur." Hiccup finally managed 
to get his hand back and avoided looking at the horrified expression 
on the Viking guard; he imagined his own face looked quite ill as 
well. "Thanks for your help." 

"Wait!" Dagur bolted to his feet and immediately found the guard's 
hands on his arms, shoving him back down in his chair. "I have 
something. I have..." Dagur shrugged the guard off and started 
hitting himself in the head. "I had it . . . I had ... something, it was 
there... it is The Master, he... he..." His eyes widened and turned to 
Hiccup again. "Sorcery. He has... he has a woman . . . a woman to... a 
witch . " 

Hiccup swallowed hard and wondered if this was true or part of 
Dagur 's delusions. "Are you sure? Do you know what she is? What her 
powers are?" 

Dagur lowered his head. "Pain," he murmured darkly. "Her power is 
pain . " 

Gods! What did that mean? What exactly were they dealing with? Hiccup 
nodded to the guard who moved back to the door. "Thank you, 

Dagur . " 

"Hiccup? " 


"May I... could you... it would be nice to have something to read. 
Something to... to focus on?" 

Hiccup nodded as the guard opened the door. "I'll bring you some 
books . " 

"Thank you. Brother. Thank you." 

"Mad as a loon that one, " the guard commented as he locked the door 
to Dagur's hut. 

"Yeah," Hiccup sighed and massaged his wrist, glad Dagur hadn't 
grabbed the broken one . 

He still wore the splint, and had been warned by Gothi not to use it, 
but he had to sometimes. He just put up with the pain or chewed on 
those awful roots she had. His ribs were a little better, but he 
still had to wear the wrap around his middle. He found if he applied 
ice to them before he went to bed at night, he could get through the 
pain well enough. 

His next stop was the forge to check on the new weapons and shields 
Gobber was preparing. A little over a year ago, they had finally 
managed to figure out the original formula for Meatlug's Gronkle 
Iron, and now Hiccup was having the blacksmith make all of their 
weapons and shields with this material. They needed every advantage 
in the fight against Drago Bludvist. 

"Hiccup? " 

He turned carefully, having learned his lesson to favour his ribs, 
and smiled at Valka. "Hi, Mom." He leaned down and gave her a kiss on 
the cheek. "Did you need something?" 

"I just wanted to let you know that Cloud Jumper and I will be 
leaving for the Isle of D to gather the dragons and bring them back 
here . " 

The Isle of D was the island that his mother had found for all the 
dragons that Drago had captured and also those from her island with 
the King Alpha. He wanted to bring them back to Berk for the time 
being, not for the protection of his people, but for the dragon's 
protection against Drago. If Drago had been responsible for the 
atrocities found in the caves on Outcast Island, he couldn't leave 
the dragons unprotected. And, strategically, it was better to have 
them here, fighting for Berk, than against their wills for Drago. 

He looked over her dragon rider outfit and was thrown back to the 
first time he had seen her in it, which immediately made him think 
about his father. "Take the twins with you." 

"They're both very busy with the beach barracks. I'll be 
fine ..." 

"Then take Lars and Gontur." He wasn't about to allow her to fly off 
alone, he'd already lost track of Eret . 

"Oh, Hiccup. I don't need anyone to come with us." 

"Mom, please, you... 

"Cloud Jumper and I we'll be fine. We've been taking care of each 
other for a long time, son." 

"I know that. I'm not doubting your ... abilities , or that of Cloud 
Jumper, I just..." 

"Good, because the island is only a couple of days from here and the 
dragons will follow Cloud Jumper back." 

Hiccup stared down at the pencil in his hand, felt his heart well up 
in his throat and a layer of heat chorus through him. He remembered 
that feeling well, he had felt it every single time he had defied his 
father . 

"Take Mulch and Bucket, then." 

Valka stared at him, confused. "Hiccup..." 

"You're taking someone with you. Mom." He looked up at her and his 
gaze was firm. "The Twins or two of our best fighters, but someone 
will go with you. I don't expect you to understand my reasons or 
agree with them, but I do expect you to do as I say." 

She blinked, startled at the change in him. She looked at Gobber who 
simply stared back at her. His Chief had given a direct order, if she 
wanted to refuse, that was on her. 

She nodded, slowly. "Okay. All right. I'll take the twins." 

Hiccup released a breath and nodded. "Good. Okay, good." When his 
mother started to turn away, obviously hurt, he reached for her hand. 
"Mom. I . . . It ' s just... I can't lose you again." 

Her gaze softened and she put her hand to his cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm 
not used to anyone worrying about me." 

"Well, you'll have to get used to it because I do." 

She leaned in, kissed his cheek. "I'll be a good girl. I'll go tell 
Ruff and Tuff . " 

Hiccup nodded, watched her leave, then he and Gobber went back to 
their discussion about weapons, just as Astrid walked up. 

"Good afternoon. Milady, " he smiled and accepted the kiss she planted 
on his cheek. 

Despite the pain and stress he was under he was trying to maintain a 
positive and cheerful demeanor, especially around Astrid. He didn't 
want her taking on too much on his behalf, and she would if she knew 
he was feeling overwhelmed. 

She handed both him and Gobber a pair of thick mutton sandwiches. 

"You skipped breakfast," she scolded gently. "Thought you would be 
hungry . " 

Hiccup took a bite and nodded. "Mmmm, thank you." He wasn't the least 

bit hungry, his stomach churned every time he thought of Drago 
attacking, but he would eat it for her benefit. He pulled a chair 
over and gently pushed her into it. "Now sit down." 

She grinned. "I feel fine." 

"You weren't fine this morning." 

"That's normal. Hiccup, " she assured, although she wasn't thrilled 
about the bout of sickness that had her bolting from her bed just 
before sunrise. "I'm okay." She rose again. "I'm going to take 
Stormfly and go check on the fire breach." 

"I've already checked, it's coming along fine." 

"Oh. Okay, well I'll go help with the positioning the 
catapults . " 

"They're already in position," Gobber advised finishing off his 
sandwich and turning back to his work. 

She smirked and out her hand on her hip. "Then I'll help with the 
sandbagging. . . " 

Hiccup waved his hand. "I have plenty of people doing that." 

"Did either of you leave me anything to do?" 

He took another bite of his sandwich and shrugged. 

"Gobber? " 

"Nope . " 

He smiled at her. "There you have it. Milady. Why don't you go have a 
nice soak in the tub?" 

"At ten past in the morning?" 

"It's never too early or late for a nice warm bath." 

Gobber shuddered and made a noise of disgust as he cooled the sword 
he was working on. 

"Gobber, mind if I borrow our Chief for a moment?" 

He waved and continued his blacksmithing, chuckling as Astrid yanked 
Hiccup towards the back room. 

"Hey!" he cried out before he could help it. He dropped his sandwich 
on the bench and put his good hand to his ribs, as she let the 
blanket that separated the back room fall across the doorway. 

"Careful . " 

"Oh for..." In two heartbeats she had his armor off and the top of 
his flight suit open. She pulled a block of ice from the cooler 
Gobber kept in there, lifted his tunic and put the ice against his 
bandaged ribs . 

"You need to stop this. Hiccup!" 

He hissed and then sighed as the ice started to numb his throbbing 
ribs. "They were fine until you manhandled me, Astrid." he countered, 
deliberately misunderstanding her. 

She punched his arm, hard. 

"Ow!" He glared at her, offended. "Come on!" 

"You promised me you were not going to hover. Hiccup." 

"I'm not... how am I hovering? I'm just doing what a Chief 
does ..." 

"You're still injured yet you're trying to do everything yourself to 
keep me from doing anything." 

"I... I'm not!" He absolutely was, well, with Cobber's help anyway, 
but how could he help it? She was carrying his child for Thor's sake, 
and they were facing an imminent attack. Did she really expect him to 
let her walk into the fray while pregnant? 

"I'm not fragile. Hiccup. I won't break!" 

"Neither will I, Astrid! If you want to accuse someone of hovering, 
accuse yourself!" He didn't mean to snap, but damn it, her hauling 
him in like that had hurt! He pulled her hand, and the soothing ice 
away from his aching ribs and adjusted his clothing as well as he 
could with one hand. "If you had your way I wouldn't be allowed out 
of the house . " 

"You're still hurt!" 

"And you're still pregnant!" 

She glared at him. 

Ever since she had revealed her pregnancy he was overdoing things 
trying to keep her safe and comfortable. He was up every morning 
before everyone else to make her breakfast, which he would serve her 
in bed, or, if she was having a bout of sickness, he would fetch her 
water and a cool cloth, hold her hair and rub her back as she purged 
her stomach. In the evenings he was home to fix supper, refusing to 
let her help, and then he would rub her back and her feet, then head 
back out for more of his duties. 

Most of that was incredibly sweet and she enjoyed, but she noticed 
the last few days that he had taken over her usual duties as his 
Right Hand as well, leaving her almost nothing to do during the day 
and she was going insane. All of this while still had broken ribs and 
a broken wrist. 

Knowing that he would ignore her requests to slow down and rest 
because of his injuries, she turned the conversation back to her 
other issue. "Hiccup, please I need something to do." 

"I gave you something to do." 

She rolled her eyes. "Inventory our supplies with Fishlegs and help 
make ropes. Hiccup, I need more!" 

"Astrid, you promised to take it easy..." 

"So did you ! " 

"I can't! Drago could be attacking us at any moment! I can't stay in 
bed and wait to get better. What... do you want me to send him a 
message and say. Dear Bloodthirsty bastard who killed my father, I'm 
still recovering from your first assignation attempt. Could you put 
the next one off a couple of months until I'm all better. Love, 

Hiccup . " 

Astrid felt the grin tug at her lips and held it back, knowing it 
would just make him mad. He said the funniest things when he was 
frustrated. "I know that, and that's all the more reason to let me 
help you. We both need to prepare to defend against Drago, you can't 
do it alone. Hiccup." 

"I'm not alone and you will be in the caves with the children and 
expectant mothers once the attack starts, Astrid." 

She gaped at him. "You... you can't be serious! I'm one of your best 
warriors! You can't leave me out of this!" 

He took her arm. "You are the mother of our child and you have to be 
kept safe . " 

She shook her head. "I'm only a couple months..." 

"I don't care if you are a couple of hours, you are carrying a child 
inside you and we are not going to risk the health of that child or 
you . " 

"But I can still help!" she insisted. "I don't have to fight, but I 
can still help. You can't leave me out of this. Hiccup! I'm your 
Right Hand and I'm your wife!" 

"I've made my decision, Astrid." 

She glowered at him. "Have you?" 

Seeing she was upset with him, and understanding her right to be, he 
pulled her against him. "Please, Astrid. Do this for me? I can't be 
worried about you once Drago attacks. I have to be focused on him, on 
the battle. If you are there beside me I'll be distracted!" He held 
her tighter. "He has already taken my father, I can't... I won't let 
him take anyone else I love from me." 

She could feel him trembling against her and realized the depth of 
his fear for her. She sighed and hugged him back. "Babe, we're gonna 
need everyone to make it through this." She reached up, caressed his 
cheek. "I promise to stay away from the fighting, . I don't want to 
lose our baby either, but there are other things I can do, other ways 
I'll be needed . " 

Hiccup closed his eyes tightly. "Astrid..." 

"I'll be careful. I promise I won't take any risks, but I can... I can 
help load the weapons, or the signal fires or..." 

"If he brings the Bewilderbest again the only place you will be safe 

is in the mountain, Astrid!" He cupped her face. "I want you and my 
mother in the Great Hall. I won't be moved on this and you can hate 
me for it all you want, but you will both be protected!" 

She saw the fury in his eyes, the fear and the determination to have 
his way. It was so rare to see this side of him, the unmoving, 
no-nonsense side that every Chief needed to possess. 

"Okay," she agreed quietly. "I'll go to the caves once the fighting 
starts, but Hiccup it hasn't started yet, so please let me help you. 
You're still recovering and if you try and do everything yourself 
you'll be too exhausted to fight Drago when he comes." 

He knew she was right, and so he conceded. "Fine, do as you like, 
but..." He pulled her back to him when she started to move away. "Not 
too much. Promise me you won't over do it, Astrid. You have to take 
care of yourself now." 

She nodded. "I promise." 

He released a deep shuddering breath and let his hand drop to his 
side. He hated arguing with her, absolutely hated it. "Thank 
you . " 

"You're welcome." She smiled, kissed him, then saw helped him back on 
with his armor. 

14 . Chapter 14 

_Thanks again everyone for the great reviews! Okay, so because this 
is a darker storyline, I am veering off the path just a bit from the 
usual HTTYD universe, to employ the small use of sorcery. There will 
also be a bit of back story on Gothi because of this, in later 
chapters because I adore her._ 

_I hope you will still enjoy it. For those wondering about the Isle 
of D, it was just what I came up with, stands for the Island of 
Dragons, there was already a Dragon Island and I didn't want them to 
be too similar. _ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>"Dagur said that she was a sorceress of pain, " Hiccup sighed as 
he sat at Gothi ' s table. "I don't know what I can trust of his 
ramblings. I don't know how confused he is, but I have to consider 
everything. "<p> 

Gothi nodded. 

"I don't know what you know of... of such things but it has to be more 
than I know." He played with his wedding ring, turning it on his 
finger over and over. "If it's true, how... how do we fight? How can I 
keep everyone safe from something that I don't understand?" 

Gothi sat and stared into her fire pit. She rose, selected some items 
from her cupboard, set them on her center pedestal. Into a bowl she 
mixed several herbs and powders, then she took a candle and touched 
flame to the mixture. It sparked and a blue green flame shot from the 
bowl, lingered for a few seconds, then died, leaving a strange 

pattern in the bowl . 

With the bowl in her hand Gothi limped over to her bone pallet and 
Hiccup rose to help her kneel beside it. She pulled him down with 
her, took his hand and dipped it into the burnt mixture, which was 
surprisingly cool. Holding her smaller hand tightly over his closed 
fist for several seconds, she whispered silent words, then helped him 
release the mixture onto the pallet. 

She took her bones, shook them and let them scatter across the hard 
stone and scattered substance. 

Hiccup watched the process, fascinated, then was shocked as she went 
completely stiff and, for the first time ever in his life, he heard 
her speak. 

_Death to the Slayer if vengeance is won_ 

_Pain upon pain a life comes undone_ 

_A mistress of magic will put one to test_ 

_Heart of the dragon will take care of the rest_ 

Hiccup didn't know which frightened him more, the words that poured 
from Gothi ' s lips, or hearing the deep gravelly voice come from a 
woman whom no one had ever heard speak. 

She went limp again, slumped forward and hid her face behind her 
hands. Hiccup tentatively put his arm around her. 

"G. . .Gothi?" 

When she lifted her head there were tears in her eyes. Gods! How bad 
was this going to get? 

"That... What did that mean? Is... Can I even fight this... this 
woman? " 

She cupped his cheek, stared into his eyes, then shook her head, as 
if advising there was nothing to be done. She rose, again with 
Hiccup's help, and leaned heavily on her stick. She moved in behind 
the curtain that held her bedroom area, as she could no longer climb 
the steps to her loft. 

Hiccup remained on his knees, still shocked from what had happened. 
When she returned he staggered to his feet and moved to her. 

She carried a small wooden chest, which she set on the table. She 
waved him forward and opened the chest. Inside was a sliver amulet on 
a chain with a large red stone. Sitting down, she indicated that 
Hiccup should crouch before her and he did so. She settled the amulet 
around his neck, then took his hand and the small paring knife from 
her table. 

She made a shallow cut across his palm, smiled at him when he did not 
even flinch, then made a similar cut on her own hand. 

"Gothi , no . . . 

Hiccup didn't know very much about how the elder used her healing 
skills and magic, but he knew that Blood Magic was strictly 
forbidden. He had heard that drawing on such power was a considerable 
drain on the spell caster, and at Gothi ' s advanced age it could 
weaken her to near death. 

"You can ' t . . . " 

Gothi held his gaze as she pressed her tiny, aged and bleeding hand 
into his, then put her other hand over the amulet she had placed 
around his neck. 

Hiccup's head reared back at the slice of pain and fire that suddenly 
burned through him. Gothi ' s grip was all that was keeping him upright 
as blinding white light seared his vision. Fragments of visions 
slipped in and out of his mind at an alarming rate, a young blond 
girl, a burning ship, dragon fire, but none he could hold onto; none 
he recognized. 

It was over almost as soon as it began and he seemed to be thrown 
backwards onto the floor as the connection was severed. He lay there 
for a moment, dazed, confused, frightened, and then slowly sat 
up . 

"Gothi!" He scrambled to the fragile old woman huddled on the floor 
opposite him, having fallen from her chair. He slid his arms beneath 
her and rose. "Gothi? Gothi, are you okay?" 

He brought her into her bedroom area and gently placed her on the 
bed, she was pale, nearly motionless, but breathing. 

"Gothi?" He pulled her hair away from her face. "Gothi? What did you 
do? Gothi?" 

He bolted up and ran for the door, he needed to find her apprentice, 
Djor; he did not notice that the stone in the amulet Gothi had placed 
around his neck had turned a bright shimmering blue. 

"She has cast a protection spell upon you, " Djor said awhile later as 
he stood over the old woman on the bed. "She will sleep until the 
spell is broken." 

Hiccup hadn't realized that Gothi was capable of such magic. 

"Will... will she die?" 

"I do not know. She has taught me only healing medicine." 

"Then how do you know what this is?" 

"She has allowed me to read some of her texts, and it sounds like a 
protection spell." He looked at Hiccup, firmly. "Do not remove that 
amulet, my Chief. Wear it, even in sleep." 

"She said something, when she was looking at the bones, but I don't 
understand any of it." 

"Tell me?" 

Hiccup recited what he could remember. 

"I will think on it." Djor moved into the main area and filled a 
small basin with water. "I will care for Gothi, you must go." 

Hiccup considered mentioning the blood magic, as yet he had only told 
the apprentice about Gothi ' s spell and not that they had mixed their 
blood. He decided not to, after all, it was forbidden magic. 

"Thank you, Djor. Let me know if there is any change." 

Hiccup left and climbed aboard Toothless, pulled out the red tether 
he carried for luck in his pocket, used as a blindfold for Toothless 
during the last battle with Drago, and wound it around the cut on his 
hand; it no longer bled but still burned. 

He tried to push back the guilt that threatened to claim him. No, he 
couldn't think about that. Gothi was an elder, she was _the_ elder 
and the only one he knew that was familiar with magic. He had needed 
her council, he needed as much information as he could get to defeat 
Drago and protect his tribe. 

As he flew back across the island, he wished, not for the first time, 
that he had not been the son of a Chief. 

"Hey, Chief ! " 

Hiccup glanced to his side as the Zippleback appeared beside him in 
the sky, his riders smiling at him. "What... are you back 
already? " 

"Back from where?" Ruffnut asked. 

"The Isle of D. Didn't you go with Mom?" 

The twins looked at each other, then back at Hiccup. 

"Uh...were we supposed to?" 

A feeling of dread crawled up from Hiccup's stomach and into his 
throat. No. She wouldn't! "Have... Did anyone go with her? Mulch? 

Sven? Anyone?" 

They shrugged helplessly and Hiccup urged Toothless faster. It took 
him only a short time to find out that Valka had flown off without an 
escort. He stopped at his house, a last ditch hope that Astrid had 
gone with her, but his wife ran out as soon as he landed. 

"Hiccup!" She hurried to him, her uncle Fin close behind, and handed 
him the piece of note paper. "I just got in and found this!" 

Hiccup snatched the note and the earlier dread pressing down on him 
turned to fear. 

_**My dearest son,**_ 

_**I am sorry to disobey you, but I cannot allow Drago to hurt you. I 
fought him for years and know all his allies and weaknesses. I will 
find him and put an end to this before he ever gets to Berk. Please 
forgive me, but I could not allow him to take you too. Your father 
will be avenged. **_ 

_**Love, your mother. **_ 

"NO!" He bawled the note up and threw it away then moved for 
Toothless. He had to find her! He had to stop her! 

"Hiccup!" Astrid pulled at his arm. "You can't go after her, 
babe . " 

He gapped at her. "What . . . I have to! I have to bring her back! She 
can't do this alone, she..." 

Astrid caught his face between both of her hands, saw the fear and 
desperation in his eyes, and something more, the pain of betrayal 
that Valka had effectively abandoned him once again. 

"I know! I'm worried too, but we need you here. Hiccup. You have to 
be here in case Drago attacks. Just like you couldn't go search for 
Eret, you can't go after Valka." If her mother-in-law ever returned 
she would beat her bloody for doing this to Hiccup, for leaving him 
with such a choice. "There is too much at stake." 

"She's my mother!" he screamed, shook her off and wished the Gods 
would stop tormenting him with such impossible choices. "I can't lose 
her again! I won't!" 

"She made her choice! She chose to leave." She watched him flinch as 
if she had physically slapped him. "She did it for you, babe, for us. 
I don't agree with her, but she was trying to help." 

"I can't... I don't..." Gods! What could he do? Astrid was right, he 
couldn't leave his tribe unprotected, not that he thought his being 
there would make that much difference, but he had a responsibility to 
them. A Chief protects his own, but Valka was his mother, he had to 
protect her too. 

"We'll go. Hiccup, " Ruffnut offered, as they had stayed with him on 
his journey around the island to learn about his mother. "We'll head 
to The Isle of D right now." 

"No, I... I need you here and she probably isn't even there. 

I . . . " 

Hiccup started to pace and ran a hand through his hair and over his 
face, his mind racing with possible strategies, choices and 
consequences . He needed everyone here, the few that could be spared 
had gone to search for Eret. Snotlout and Eishlegs were busy keeping 
an eye on the Noman tribe. Everyone else had been assigned to a task 
for the eminent attack, the only ones that weren't would be the 
people sent to the caves. 


Hiccup turned to Ein, as if only then realizing Astrid' s uncle was 
there. "What... Why are you here? Did you need something?" 

"I came by today to speak with you about..." Ein shook his head, then 
pulled his sword and fell to one knee before this impossibly young 
and brave Chief. "I will find Valka. I will bring her back to 
you . " 

Hiccup appreciated the thought, but he couldn't allow Fin to fly off 
on his own either. "You can't. Not alone. You..." 

"He will not be alone!" 

Everyone turned as Skull Crusher dropped down beside them, along with 
the two other Vikings on smaller dragons, the men Hiccup had sent off 
in search of Eret . Each rider had another man with them. 

"Where in Thor's name have you been?" Astrid snapped, even as relief 
flooded through her that they were safe. 

"Eorgive me." Eret hopped off of Skull Crusher and quickly embraced 
Hiccup, then pulled back. "I have much to tell, and not near enough 
time to tell it. Drago will be here in less than two days." 

"You've seen him?" Hiccup demanded. "Is he coming by sea or by 

"Sea and he has the entire Berserker armada with him." 

Oh no! "How?" Hiccup shook it away, it didn't matter how. "Does he 
have any dragons with him?" 

"Yes, I will explain everything, but first..." He waved for the 
newcomers to dismount. "This is Thorjn the Terrible and Masin the 
Mighty of the Northern Tribe Kundin. I know of them from my days as a 
trapper. Drago had attacked them in the past, before you defeated 
him. They too thought he was dead." 

Thorjn and Masin both bent to their knee and put their fist to their 
chest, but it was Thorjn who spoke. 

"Word of your great deeds and valour has reached far and wide. Chief 
Hiccup. My father is Chief Tofi the Triumphant, who greatly respected 
Stoick the Vast. We offer our ships, our blood and our swords to your 
cause against this common enemy. One hundred of our fastest ships are 
on their way to Berk and I give you the vow of my people to fight at 
your side and defeat this monster, or follow you to Valhalla and sing 
of your glory to the All-Eather as we rise." 

Hiccup was speechless. They wanted to help? They were offering 
themselves to _him_ for battle? He hadn't even considered asking 
another tribe for help, he had not wanted anyone else hurt. To refuse 
their offer would dishonour them, so he clasped Thorjn 's wrist firmly 
as he pulled the larger man from his knee. 

"I... Thank you, Thorjn, son of Tofi. " A hundred ships. Would it make 
a difference against the Beserker fleet? It had to. He would make 
sure that it did, and that these brave men did not offer their lives 
to him in vain. "I accept your help and will be honoured to have you 
with us." He did the same with Masin. 

"Now, what is this about Lady Valka?" Eret demanded. 

"She flew off to find Drago and face off with him alone, " Astrid 
stated . 

Eret smirked. "Well, you cannot fault her courage. May I suggest 
Masin and Lars can accompany Ein in the search?" 

Hiccup nodded and allowed himself a sliver of hope. "Yes." He turned 
to the twins. "Find the others and meet us in the great hall." 

They nodded and flew of as the other Vikings mounted their dragons, 
with the exception of Skull Crusher. 

"Thank you." Astrid said to Fin and hugged him hard. 

Hiccup clapped Fin's forearm in appreciation. "Bring her back to us, 
FrA 1 ndi . " 

Fin stood just a little taller at the familiar term and nodded. "My 
word on it. Chief." 

Fin called for his own dragon, and then the dragons lifted into the 
air again. 

15. Chapter 15 

_Thank you so much everyone who reviewed! Sorry for the delay in 
posting, but a lot going on at the moment. Hope you enjoy this next 
chapter, it is a long one and I apologize for that, but it just 
didn't want to stop going !_ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Hiccup, Astrid and Fret and Thorjn stood at one of the tables in 
the Great Hall, studying the maps Hiccup spread across it. Toothless 
settled behind his rider and started to wash himself. <p> 

Astrid punched Eret hard in the arm. 

"Owl " 

"That's for letting us think you were dead!" she growled 

Eret glanced at Hiccup, annoyed. "Is she always like this?" 

"Pretty much, " Hiccup admitted, but shot his wife a look that warned 
if she now kissed the muscular trapper, she would be in deep trouble. 
She simply smirked at him. 

"Babe?" Astrid touched the amulet around his neck. "Where did you get 
this ? " 

"Gothi . " 

Astrid then noticed the wrapping around her husband's hand. "And 
this ? " 

"It's nothing." He turned to Eret as his friend brought two extra 
lamps to the table to better see the maps. "Do you know where Drago 
and the Berserker fleet are now?" 

Eret looked over the hand drawn atlas, then pointed. "I would guess 
they are here by now, based on when I saw them last." 

"And your people, Thorjn?" 

The Viking pointed to another area, almost directly opposite of where 
Eret had indicated Drago to be. "Knowing my father they have made it 
to hear at least." 

Hiccup frowned. "That would put them at three, maybe four days before 
they got here." 

"Chief Tofi is the best sailor in the North Seas, Hiccup, " Eret 
assured. "He'll make sure they're here in two, trust me." 

"Yes, " Thor jn agreed. "That is why my father went with our ships and 
I flew here to meet you. He is a most formidable captain of the 

Hiccup nodded. Okay, so either way it left the, with a minimum of two 
days before Drago arrived, unless they got caught in a storm. Hiccup 
silently prayed for Thor's intervention to allow them more 
time . 

"What about flying our dragons out there?" Astrid asked. "Stop the 
fleet before it reaches Berk?" 

Hiccup had already considered it, and he felt a moment of pride that 
he and Astrid thought so much alike. They had no idea what Drago 
might have for weapons and the former dragon Master would see them 
coming as there would be no protection while they were in the sky. 
Also, he didn't have full confidence that their dragons could defeat 
the entire Berserker armada; not without severe casualties. 

He rejected the idea. "No, we'd be exposed." Again he spoke to Eret. 
"You said he had dragons?" 

"Just one." 

Hiccup looked at him, felt his stomach clench. "And it isn't the 
Erost Alpha?" 

"No." Eret grimaced. "I'm not sure what kind of dragon it is. It's 
nowhere near the size of the bewilderbeast from before, I could tell 
that much because they are keeping it in its own ship that is being 
towed behind Drago ' s main boat. They have it hidden under tarps, but 
I could also see several thick ropes from under the tarps that were 
lashed to the deck. I couldn't get a very close look without giving 
away my location." 

Hiccup rubbed his forehead, Gods, his head hurt. One more question 
mark, one more uncertainty to add to the pile. How could he possibly 
plan and execute anything with so many unknown variables. 

He wondered if Drago had somehow used and tortured Dagur to gain 
insight on how to claim the Berserker Eleet. Dagur 's people were 
incredibly detailed and war-worthy clan, they were powerful, well 
manned, and cunning. Most other tribes either respected or feared 
them enough to stay on their good side at all times. 

Berk had always held a treaty with the Berserkers, because they 
couldn't risk open war with them, and luckily Dagur 's father had been 
a relatively agreeable man. Their long standing peace had been broken 
when Dagur found out about the dragons on Berk, and Hiccup still held 

some guilt over that. Although the Berserkers had not attempted to 
attack Berk again, after their Chief's defeat on Outcast Island, 
Hiccup should have suspected there was a reason why. Now he knew that 
at least some of that reason was Drago. 

Now, that those people were headed towards them, and he didn't know 
if it was just a few hundred, or the full thousand-ship armada. Drago 
must have planted the seeds about Dagur and Hiccup's supposed dragon 
army with Yakun's men, because he had wanted Hiccup to go to Outcast 

Was he supposed to have died there, or had that just been a warning? 
It seemed rather cowardly and out of character for Drago to have him 
killed without some kind of personal vengeance. Of course, the man 
had forced Toothless to kill his father rather than fight himself, so 
perhaps he wasn't as brave as he pretended to be. 

Gobber arrived, along with the twins. Mulch, Bucket, Sven, Snotlout 
and, surprisingly Fishlegs, who just returned from Weasel Island. 
Astrid and Eret caught them up to date, but Hiccup wasn't really 
listening. He stared at the map of the waters around Berk, then the 
drawing he had made of Berk itself, looking for holes in their 
defenses and searching for solutions. 

The armada could surround them easily, and if they used their fire 
arrows, much of Berk would burn, even with the fire guards and sand 
bags. They could use their dragons to attack the ships, but even that 
wouldn't be enough, especially not if Drago had a new dragon. Without 
knowing that dragon's class and abilities, how could they defend 
against it? Surrender was not an option, nor was an all out war. 
People would be decimated on both sides. 

He absently reached up to touch the amulet around his neck as he 
considered the sorceress. What purpose would she play in all of this 
and what had the words Gothi uttered in her trance meant? If only he 
had time to digest everything, time to work it all out, but he 
didn't! Two days, he had less than two days to plan an offensive 
against an attacking fleet, a dark sorcerers and a bloodthirsty 
madman. All this while trying not to worry about his mother, or 
Astrid or all the people he was now responsible for. 

He closed his eyes for a moment. If his father was here he would know 
what to do. Stoick the Vast would know how to defend Berk, how to 
keep their people safe. The words he spoke after the death of his 
father haunted him. How could he? How could he become someone that 
brave, that great? He wasn't brave, he was desperate and he wasn't 
great he had simply been lucky so far. 

There had to be something he was missing, some way that he could end 
this madness before it began. Could he fly out to Drago, try to talk 
to him, reason with him? No, he had tried that before and his father 
died because of his foolish nativity. Drago did not want peace, Dagur 
had confirmed the Dragon Master wanted Hiccup dead. 

Dagur. Could the former Chief of the Berserker tribe help? Would his 
people listen to him? Did they even know he was alive? Did the armada 
have any weakness they could exploit and if they did would Dagur be 
willing to tell him of them? 

He couldn't trust Dagur though, not only because of their past 

dealings, but because after years of torture and captivity the man 
was not all there. Odin's ghost! What could he do? What should he do? 
Should he take the word of a known deceiver and possible madman, or 
should he offer himself to Drago as a sacrifice and hope the man 
would spare his people? 

Astrid watched the flickering of emotions pass over her husband's 
tired face, aware he was so deep in thought that he no longer heard 
the voices of those around him. It had not been easy for him, these 
last few years, having to deal with so much at once. It seemed the 
Gods constantly were testing him, testing his fortitude as Chief and 
as a man. It wasn't fair. 

She watched him stroke the amulet around his neck and wondered what 
its purpose was, why Gothi would give it to him? Were they up against 
more than Drago and the fleet? Was Hiccup keeping things from her? 

She knew he had gone to see Dagur earlier, but what had the former 
Berserker told him? 

She watched him grab his notebook and start writing something, but he 
finished and snapped it shut before she could read it. 

"Snotlout, have Dagur brought here." 

The rider's eyebrows rose but he didn't question it and hurried 
out . 

"What's the plan. Hiccup?" Sven inquired as Eret beckoned to one of 
the kitchen maids. 

Plan? Who has a plan? Hiccup thought grimly. He was flying by the 
seat of his pants with this one. "Oh, y'know, the usual Viking fare, 
blood, battle and death." It got a chuckle out of several of them, 
but Hiccup hadn't been joking. 

When a tankard of ale appeared on the table before him, he glanced up 
at Eret. He and the older man had become very close over the last 
couple of years, and was much like the older brother Hiccup had 
always secretly yearned for. 

"You need this, my friend, " Eret said, with a twinkle in his eye and 
a toast of his own drink that let Hiccup know once this was all over 
they would both be getting very drunk. "We all do." 

Hiccup stared down into the amber liquid and sighed. He wasn't much 
of a drinker, but yes, he would need to get very, very drunk later, 
just to have his mind witless for a few hours and forget about his 
responsibilities. Eor now, one drink would do him. 

He picked up the tankard and swallowed it down, unaware of the 
shocked looks of those around him, or the please smile from 
Eret . 

Two women brought a round of ale for everyone else, along with 
several trays of food and some plates. 

"Lily, " Gobber grinned with a fatherly-sort of pride that Hiccup had 
chugged his ale for the first time. "Bring another drink for our 
Chief. " 

"No." One was his limit. Hiccup decided and glanced at Toothless who 
was smacking his lips at the food now on the table. "Just a basket of 
fish for Toothless, please Lily." 

"What are you going to ask Dagur?" Mulch asked. 

"He knows the Berserker fleet; maybe he can tell us how to defeat 
them, or he may be willing to try and reason with them." 

"You mean, if we can keep his marbles all in the one basket?" 

Hiccup smirked. "Well, he was always deranged, so maybe they won't 
notice that much of a difference." 

He realized that with the tempting aroma of food on the table, he was 
actually hungry. Reaching for a handful of grapes, he glanced at 
Astrid and then down at the bench beside him. 

Astrid smirked at his silent command and sat down obediently. She 
wouldn't make a fuss at the overprotect ive gesture, she knew he 
needed to have something good to focus on, and if that was her and 
their baby so be it. She plucked one of the grapes from his hand when 
he offered them, watched him smile and knew she had made the right 
choice . 

"Do ye think he'll actually betray his own people by telling us the 
truth?" Gobber asked as he and the others also settled at the table. 
"And even if he does, he's a few knicks short of an axe. I dinna 
think we can trust what he says." 

Rather than sit, Eret lifted one foot to the table bench and leaned 
on it. "It doesn't hurt to try, and the Chief can decide whether or 
not to act on what he tells us." 

He plucked a chunk of cheese from one of the plates and tossed it 
around Hiccup to the Night Fury who was looking mournfully at 
everyone else's food. Toothless immediately gobbled it up, and 
smacked his lips. 

"He's all we've got right now." Hiccup agreed. 

Lily returned with a basket of fish, set it down beside Toothless, 
who quickly dug in. She then prepared a separate plate of food and 
offered it to her Chief. 

"Thank you, " Hiccup smiled at her, then placed the plate in front of 
Astrid, watched her roll her eyes. When Lily started to prepare a 
second plate he waved her away. "No, that's fine. We'll share," he 
assured and she nodded then wandered back towards the 
kitchens . 

Fishlegs picked at his own food, for once having very little 
appetite. "We can't defeat the Berserker armada, no one 

"Someone can, " Hiccup decided and moved away from the table to pace 
slowly back and forth, occasionally chewing on a grape; this was a 
habit he had developed recently as standing still often made him feel 
so useless. "Maybe it won't be us, but they're men not Gods, they can 
be defeated." 

Astrid tugged on his arm at his third pass of the table and he 
settled onto the bench beside her; almost immediately her fingers 
were in his hair, braiding it. This simple action soothed his 
restlessness instantly. 

"The armada we'll deal with only if we have to, but it will help if 
Dagur can give us any insight into them. Our goal has to be Drago and 
his new dragon." 

Hiccup's hand curled around the pendant again. He would keep news of 
the dark witch to himself for now, because he had no idea what to do 
about her. People often feared what they didn't understand, 
especially magic unless it was from a known healer like Gothi . He saw 
no point in scaring everyone before he had to, especially when he 
couldn't even offer a solution to defeat her. 

"Dagur said Drago wants me dead, to see me and all of Berk burn, so 
we can assume vengeance is his main goal." 

_Death to the Slayer if vengeance is won_ 

Hiccup started as Gothi ' s voice sounded in his head. Drago wanted 
vengeance, but if he won his vengeance ... would that make Hiccup the 
slayer? That made no sense, he had never slayed anything. 

"Well, Drago can want all he likes, but he's not getting anywhere 
near you, " Astrid growled. 

Hiccup turned his wife, startled and saw the ferocious protectiveness 
in her flashing blue eyes. "You promised," he murmured as a gentle 
reminder . 

"I know you don't want me to fight, and yes I promised I wouldn't." 
She turned her eyes from his and met with each of those around the 
table. "But hear this now, if any of you let Drago hurt Hiccup, then 
you will not only have to deal with Drago and the Berserkers, but 
you'll have to deal with me." 

Hiccup watched all his men pale and swallow hard, at the threat, 
except for Eret who simply smirked and lifted his tankard to her. He 
caught Astrid' s chin so she turned to face him and pressed his lips 
to hers. "You're beautiful when you're angry." 

She flushed, smiled then dipped her head. She didn't know what it as 
about Hiccup kissing her around their friends, but it made her 
overwhelmingly shy sometimes. She pulled a piece of cheese off her 
table and shoved it into his mouth. "Shut up and eat." 

"Quite a woman you've got there. Chief," Eret grinned and winked. 
"Though I really don't know what she sees in you." 

"You could have a good woman of your own if you'd get your head out 
of your ass," Astrid retorted, surprising everyone before they all 
started to chuckle. 

Gobber chuckled. "Aye, when are you going to give up the chase and 
let that poor lass Bridgett catch you?" 

Eret offered his most charming smile. "One can never catch the wind 

my friend . " 

"Besides," Tuffnut snorted. "Hasn't she suffered enough 
already? " 

Gobber sat back and enjoyed the disparaging comments now being tossed 
at Eret as the others pulled the trapper into a playful battle of 
words . 

Hiccup watched his men, his friends, enjoy a moment of much needed 
relief from the threat that shadowed all of them and studied the 
drawings of Berk and the defenses they currently had in place. 

Picking up his pencil, he made some more adjustments as ideas 
occurred to him, opening his mouth obediently as Astrid fed them both 
from her plate. 

"I love you." 

Hiccup smiled at Astrid' s whispered words and is eyes gave her his 
reply . 

"The prisoner is coming. Chief." 

Hiccup rose as Snotlout entered and the rest followed, making the 
group look far more intimidating as two of Dagur's guards stepped 
through the doors a moment later with the Berserker in hand and feet 
manacles . 

"Brother!" Dagur brightened, but was prevented from moving to the 
Chief by the grip of the two Vikings at either side of him. 

"He is _really_ starting to freak me out, " Fishlegs muttered as he 
moved to stand just behind Hiccup. 

"Tell me about it, " Hiccup whispered back before moving to the head 
of the table where Dagur was roughly pushed into a chair. "How are 
you, Dagur?" 

"Are we having a party?" Dagur asked, glancing at the food and ale at 
the other side of the table. "And I'm invited? How good of you. 
Brother . " 

"Why does he keep calling the Chief brother?" Mulch asked Snotlout 
quietly . 

"Cause he's bat-shit crazy." 

"Are you hungry, Dagur?" Hiccup offered. 

"Starving . " 

Dagur's eyes held an unfamiliar gleam that concerned Hiccup; he 
sensed the Berserker wasn't talking about food. Okay, really freaked 
out now. He nodded to Eret who quickly prepared a small plate and one 
of the refilled tankards, then set it before Dagur. 

Hiccup waved at the food. "Help yourself." 

Dagur looked at the plate, then up at Hiccup. He smiled. "You want 
something . " 

"Yes . " 

"Okay." Dagur used his both hands, since they were chained, to reach 
for his tankard and took several long swallows. "But I would speak 
with you alone. Brother." 

"No . " 

Dagur scowled, then sat back in the chair and shrugged. "Then I can't 
help you . " 

Hiccup chewed the inside of his cheek, debating. Would the 
information even be worth it? 

Seeing his deliberation Dagur sat forward again, tried to reach for 
Hiccup's hand and watched the young Chief step back. "Surely you are 
not afraid of me. Brother." 

"No, I'm not afraid of you, Dagur." And he wasn't. Hiccup 

He used to be, when he was a small, frail, helpless and clumsy kid, 
but he hadn't been that boy for a long time. So, no, he wasn't afraid 
to be alone with Dagur, but nor would he simply give into the whims 
of a madman. But, his father often spoke of compromise. 

"Three of my people stay, plus your guards, then we'll talk." 

"Do I get to pick who stays?" 

Hiccup turned away. "Take him back." 

"No!" Dagur cried, immediately, then slumped in his chair as Hiccup 
turned to face him again. 

"Look, Dagur, I've been as understanding as I am willing to be. I 
know you've been through a lot, and that is the only reason I have 
treated you well instead of locking you up in the underground cells, 
but don't mistake my compassion for weakness. I don't care if you're 
playing games or you're really just crazy, and I don't have the time 
to find out which. Either answer my questions or you will go to the 
cells. No more negotiations." 

Dagur 's piercing green eyes roamed the faces of the table with a 
mixture of desperation and hunger, like a beast searching for its 
prey. Hiccup was proud that none of his friends so much as flinched; 
he knew those eyes were disconcert ing when focused on him. 

Finally, Dagur sighed. "Fine." 

"Eret, Astrid and Snotlout stay." Hiccup decided. "Everyone else. 

I'll fill you in later." 

The men obeyed their chief without question and soon it was just the 
seven of them. 

"The Night Fury needs to go." 

"You want to go. Bud?" Hiccup glanced at his dragon, who had was now 

standing defensively just behind his rider and growling menacingly at 
the prisoner. When Toothless growled louder. Hiccup shrugged and 
turned back to Dagur. "Sorry, he wants to stay and really there is no 
arguing with him." 

"What do you wish of me?" Dagur asked. 

"Drago Bludvist has taken over your armada and is on his way here to 
attack Berk." 

Dagur picked up a piece of fruit and delicately nibbled it, seemingly 
undisturbed by the news. 

"Can you tell us how to defeat them?" Hiccup leaned his hands on the 
table and pulled Dagur 's attention back to him. "What is their battle 
strategy? What are their weaknesses?" 

Dagur looked around Hiccup and focused on Astrid. "She is lovely. 
Brother. Do you love her?" he asked. 

"The armada, Dagur, focus!" 

Dagur stared down at the fruit in his hand, then sighed and put it on 
his plate. "I dreamed of you. Brother. I dreamed you were surrounded 
by pain and blue fire." He lifted his eyes to Hiccup's and his eyes 
fell to the amulet. "She will try to save you. You must let her do 
this. You cannot interfere or you will fall." 

Hiccup straightened and felt fear pierce his heart. Was the Berserker 
talking about Astrid? She was the only woman he could think of that 
would be trying to save him. Or, wait, his mother? What was Dagur 
talking about? He refused to look at his wife, to show he was 
affected by Dagur 's words. Astrid would not be anywhere near the 
fighting; he would make sure of it. 

"The armada, Dagur. How can we defeat them?" 

Dagur examined a thick slice of bread. "You can't." 

"They must have a weakness. There must be a way." 

Dagur started to hum softly to himself. 

Frustrated, Snotlout flew at the Berserker, grabbed his throat. "Pay 
attention you maniac!" 

Dagur started to laugh, excitedly which only pissed Snotlout off 
more . 

"Snotlout!" Hiccup pulled his friend away from Dagur, and in that 
instant, was close enough that Dagur could reach out and grab his 
face between two impossibly strong hands. 

"A beast cannot charge if you cut off its head, " Dagur whispered in 
Hiccup's ear, then kissed his cheek, before Hiccup managed to shove 
him away and the guards restrained him once more. Dagur licked his 
lips as Hiccup wiped at his face. "You taste like honey." 

This time it was Snotlout who restrained Hiccup. "Get him out of 
here!" he ordered the guards, who roughly grabbed Dagur up. "Put him 

in the underground cells." 

"No!" Dagur's eyes went wide and pleading as he tried to struggle 
against the two larger Vikings. "Brother! You promised! You 
promised ! " 

Hiccup refused to look at Dagur and closed his ears to the man's 
pleas. He had tried to be fair and Dagur was using his own compassion 
against him. He could not show weakness. He nodded to the guards and 
listened as Dagur was pulled from the hall kicking, screaming and 
pleading . 

He dropped down on the bench and put his hand to his head. 

"You okay. Hiccup?" Eret asked quietly. 

"Just dandy." 

Dagur was useless and Hiccup had no idea what to do next. Was he 
making any of the right decisions or was he just leading his people 
to their deaths? He almost sobbed as something cold was placed 
against his throbbing head and looked up into the beautiful, 
concerned face of his Right Hand and wife. 

"Leave us for a minute, guys?" she requested quietly. 

Hiccup felt Eret ' s hand squeeze his shoulder, then he heard the sound 
of the large hall door close. Toothless nudged his hand and he 
caressed his dragon's head. He leaned into Astrid as she settled 
beside him and gathered him against her, while holding the block of 
ice against his head. 

"Let's run away," he murmured. "You me and Toothless. We'll live in a 
cave and raise our baby far, far away from all of this." 

"Okay." She caressed his hair with her free hand. "It will just take 
me a moment to pack." 

He smirked, wishing they could. "I don't know what to do, Astrid. I 
don't know how to prevent this... this conflict with Drago. I don't 
want anyone die." 

"We'll figure it out, babe. You need to step away from it for awhile, 
clear your head." 

"There's no time..." 

"We'll have to make the time then." She rose and pulled him up. 
"Toothless, let's go for a ride." 

The dragon was beside them instantly. Normally Astrid would also call 
Stormfly, but right now she Hiccup needed her close, so she would sit 
behind him and comfort him while they flew. Elying always helped 
Hiccup to see things clearer. 

They flew around the island then headed outwards across the sea. 
Astrid lay her cheek against Hiccup's back, enjoying the movement of 
his muscles as he directed Toothless where he wanted the dragon to 
go. They didn't speak, just flew through the soft coloured clouds of 
the setting sun, over glistening blue waters where a pod of whales 

surfaced and tickled them with their emerging spray and careened 
between massive rock pillars. 

Hiccup pushed Toothless faster and faster, as if trying to outrun all 
the problems and responsibilities he was forced to deal with. The 
Night Fury seemed to enjoy and agree with his rider's compulsion for 
speed and deliberately put his all into the flight; diving, climbing, 
spinning and rolling with a sense of freedom that could not be 
matched by anything else. 

He let himself drift to an easier time, when he and Astrid had first 
started the Dragon Training Academy. They had faced many dangers then 
too, unknown dragons, bitter Vikings, horrible storms and unexpected 
hardships. Which of them had been the most difficult, the most 
perplexing, he wondered and suddenly an idea started to form in his 
mind . 

When he heard Astrid' s startled gasp, felt her arms tighten around 
him. Hiccup quickly levelled off and slowed. He landed on one of the 
high cliffs and climbed off, reaching up for Astrid and wrapping her 
in his arms. 

"Oh my Gods!" he cried. He had been so intent on his own need, his 
own desire to escape for just a short while that he had forgotten the 
pregnant woman behind him. "I forgot! I forgot! I'm so sorry!" He 
touched her stomach, worried. "Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Are 

you ..." 

She laughed and pulled him in for a kiss to shut him up. "I'm fine. 
Hiccup . " 

"I... I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry, Astrid, I shouldn't have 
been riding Toothless like that with you behind me. I didn't think, 

I . . . " 

"You needed it and I'm fine." She placed her hand over his, held it 
to her stomach. "The baby will be born somersaulting, that's 
all . " 

"Oh no! Will he really?" 

Astrid struggled not to laugh at her husband's look of horror. "He? I 
thought you wanted a girl?" 

He blinked. "What?" 

"When I first told you I was with child you said you wanted a 
girl . " 

"Yes. Right. I do, absolutely. Or... or a boy. A boy would... as long 
as it's healthy, Astrid. That's all I..." 

Afraid he was going to start hyperventilating again she pulled him 
back into his arms. "It's okay. Calm down, babe. I'm fine." She 
pulled back and as the concern slowly melted from his face she saw 
the flash of excitement in his eyes. "You've got something. A 
plan? " 

He grinned and nodded. "I think so. It isn't much but it could turn 
things much more in our favour." 

"Then what are waiting for?" 

He kissed her, squeezed her tight and swung her around. She was 
right, he had just needed to get away from things for a few moments 
to clear his head. "Let's go." He lifted her onto Toothless, not 
because he needed to, but because he wanted to, then climbed on in 
front of her. "Up, bud, nice and easy back home." 

16. Chapter 16 

**_Thank you all again so very much for reviewing and for being so 
patient. I am so pleased most of you are liking what I have done with 
Dagur, even if you are confused by the reality of his change. So, as 
a reward here is one more small chapter with him and Hiccup, and then 
in the next chapter-the battle begins! I hope you are ready for it, 

I 'm not !_** 

But first just a note to one of my wonderful reviewers who always 
provides me with such powerful insight. 

_Tasermon's Partner- Urn... I think you are getting confused with my 
stories ._ 

_1 . This story is a sequel to When a Boy Becomes a Man, which doesn't 
make any mention of Dagur other than as a reference tool. Where Dagur 
and his fleet are defeated is in a Hooligan Love Story, which is 
completely separate from this timeline. _ 

_2 . Eret stayed behind to give Hiccup his report, so did not fly off 
with the others, see following sentence from Chapter 14_ 

_**Eret smirked. "Well, you cannot fault her courage. May I suggest 
Masin and Lars can accompany Ein in the search?" **_ 

_3 . It isn't that they can't send out a rider to scout Drago, part of 
gathering information on Drago had been Eret ' s job, and then he 
basically went missing. Luckily, Eret has returned and they already 
know that the fleet is headed towards them and that Drago has a 
secret dragon, thanks to that inf ormat ion ._ 

_4 . Astrid didn't harass Hiccup more about the injury because 1. she 
understands the pressure he is under and so doesn't want to add to 
it, and 2. She doesn't want to make a big deal about it around 
everyone else as Hiccup would consider it a show of weakness. The 
last time she yelled at him for being hurt was in private so he could 
save face as Chief. _ 

**_And now... on with the story!_** 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Hiccup deliberately left Toothless outside and entered the 
underground cells, an axe and gronkle iron shield in his hands. His 
spotter had reported that the Berk Eleet would be here in less than 
six hours, and all the preparations he had decided on were in place. 
He didn't know if any of it would work to keep Berk safe, but in case 
it didn't, he had some unfinished business to tend to.<p> 

stopping a few feet back from the first cell by the wall he looked 
past the bars to the shadows beyond. "Dagur." 

The figure sitting dejectedly against the wall reared up and slammed 
forward into the bars. "You bastard! Why did you lock me down here? I 
was helping you! You let me out! Let me out right now!" 

Hiccup simply stared at the prisoner, and noticed there was no trace 
of madness in those green eyes any longer. "I knew you weren't 
crazy . " 

Dagur 's eyes narrowed dangerously. "I was helping you. I have only 
ever tried to help you." 

"Will the Berserker Fleet yield if given a chance?" 

Dagur glared at him. 

"Will they yield, Dagur? If I can avoid killing your people I will, 
but if I have no choice than I will do what I have to." 

"They will not yield, unless you cut off the head." 

Hiccup nodded. "You mean kill Drago." 

"If he is their leader, yes, but even that may not stop them. My 
people have been reared on bloodlust, even with their chief gone they 
may continue to fight." Dagur 's fingers wrapped around the bars. "You 
have no idea what you are up against . " 

"Then explain it to me." 

"They will kill every man, violate and kill every woman and steal 
every child on Berk to be sold at auction. They will burn your 
village to the ground so that not even ash remains and they will 
slaughter your dragons and sell them off in pieces as trophies of the 
battle . " 

Hiccup tried not to show the fear that Dagur 's words caused inside 
him. Damn. "I can't let them reach Berk." 

"No . " 

"You realize that by telling me this you are condemning your own 
people to death?" 

Dagur lowered his eyes. "They have not been my people for a long 
time. They abandoned me, I am nothing to them and I feel nothing for 
them . " 

"Did they really break you?" Hiccup demanded, furious that Dagur had 
wasted all this time by not being straight with him sooner. "Or was 
it all an act?" 

Dagur hesitated and something akin to pain and fear entered his eyes 
for the briefest of moments. "They tortured me. They treated me as a 
non-human. How can you even ask me that?" 

Hiccup took a step closer, but still not close enough that Dagur 
could reach him through the bars. "I have to ask, because I have to 

know. Now is the time, Dagur. Bludvist and his men will be here soon, 
and I intend to finish this thing between us before they get 
here . " 

Dagur 's gaze shifted to the axe in Hiccup's hand. "You've come to 
kill me then?" he demanded. "Haven't you done enough? Wasn't leaving 
me as Alvin's prisoner enough? Wasn't taking my men away from me, 
destroying my right to rule them enough?" 

"Was trying to kill me and my dragon enough?" Hiccup countered. "Was 
kidnapping and threatening to kill my father enough? Was releasing a 
Screaming Death on an unsuspecting islands and consistently putting 
innocent lives in danger because of your delusional whims 
enough? " 

Dagur held Hiccup's gaze defiantly and then, he slowly released the 

bars of his cell. "I'm deranged. What more do you want from 


"The truth." 

"I've told you ..." 

"The truth, Dagur. Now, all of it." 

Dagur sighed, resigned and leaned against the wall closest to the 
bars, folded his arms across his chest and dipped his head. "I was 
broken . " 

"By Alvin?" 

"No. Alvin actually treated me fairly well, not so much the first 
year or so that I was his prisoner, but he started treating me better 
afterwards. I don't know why he didn't just kill me, perhaps he got 
used to seeing my face. He came twice a day to jeer at me, to 
ridicule me, so maybe he thought he would miss that. Then his visits 
came more often, but that was because I had tactical knowledge that 
he wanted, and then..." He shrugged. "Then it became a game between 
us. He kept me locked up most of the time, just as a show to his men. 
There were other times when we talked, or strategized, or just played 
a game of Spin. He... he was my captor but he..." 

"Became your friend?" 

Dagur 's lips tightened. "I wouldn't go that far. I don't have any 
friends . " 

Hiccup could see now why Alvin had not confessed that Dagur was still 
alive. It would have made him appear weak. 

"At any rate, I had something else to focus on, besides you and your 
Night Fury, so I... I almost started to feel like my old self." 

Dagur 's fingers gripped his arms so hard his knuckles turned white. 
"And then the Dragon Master showed up. I didn't know his name, that 
was what I was to call him. That was what everyone called him." 

"He killed Alvin?" 

"I don't know. I just know that one day Alvin no longer came, one day 
the Dragon Master was just there and it was a day I was locked 


up . 

"Why did he kill the dragons, Dagur? Why slaughter them like 
that ? " 

Dagur slowly slid down the wall and placed his head in his hands. "I 
don't want to talk about that." 

Hiccup, sensing that perhaps all the madness had not been just a 
ruse, moved closer and knelt just outside the cell. "I need to know. 
Bludvist wanted to use dragons, control them. It makes no sense that 
he would kill them like that." 

"No. No sense." Dagur admitted, laid his head back against the rock 
wall and staring upwards through glassy eyes. "It was for her. For 
the witch. She..." His hands covered his face again. "I... I cannot 
speak of it. Hiccup. I cannot...! need the memory to fade. Please 
understand. To think on it . . . I can't." 

"It was some sort of ritual then, for the sorceress?" 

Dagur nodded. "Dark, dark magic. Ancient..." He shook his head and 
shivered and his eyes met Hiccup's again. "I have killed dragons, but 
this... this was ... inhuman . This was ... beyond ... " Again he shivered. 
"For weeks I had to listen to the beasts shriek, and because I cried 
for mercy for them, for weeks they saturated me in the remaining 
blood and bile from..." His eyes became hollow and glazed once again. 
"I lost my mind. There was no escape from the screams and the fire 
and the pain and the blood..." 

Hiccup felt a surge of dread fill him as his mind flew through the 
possible consequences of such a sacrifice. He had a very bad feeling 
about Drago ' s new dragon. 

He watched Dagur look down at his hands and start rubbing them, as if 
trying to rid himself of some invisible stain. "Dagur." 

Dagur continued what he was doing, growing more frantic. 

"Dagur!" Hiccup reached through the bars and touched Dagur 's arm. 
"It's over now. You're safe." 

Dagur pulled his attention away from his own hands and stared at 
where Hiccup touched him. He lifted his gaze to the familiar face of 
the boy he had grown so attached to. "It was you." 

Hiccup pulled away startled. Just when he thought Dagur was back to 
normal he got sucked back in. "What?" 

"To keep my sanity, my focus was you. I had no one else. I had no 
friends, no family that I cared about or that cared about me. My 
people left me to rot on that island, so I had only my thirst for 
blood and vengeance, and you." Dagur smirked. "You, a scrawny, 
awkward Hooligan boy who learned to ride dragons. You, who had 
defeated me at every turn, were a boy, just a boy, and yet you were 
unstoppable. I held onto you to keep me sane, brother. I held onto 
the idea that you would find me, you would put an end to my torment 
and..." Dagur grew quiet again, pulled into his own living 
nightmares . 

Hiccup blinked in shock, but for once, did not feel the odd sense of 
awkwardness that usually came from such words. There was something 
deeper here, something more profound, though he did not quite 
understand what that was. 

Dagur lowered his eyes again. "When they forced me to speak of you, 
to betray you, that was when I knew. I knew that you were all I had 
left to live for. You the playmate I most desired, and the only 
worthy adversary I had ever met. You who hated me, who left me to 
die..." Dagur released a pitiable chuckle. "How pathetic that you, 
who became my greatest enemy, were also the brother I had wished for, 
and the friend I could never have. I knew you would not be as easily 
defeated as I had been, and so I held onto that, to the idea of your 
strength. I knew that no matter what the Dragon Master did to me, 
what he did to those poor creatures, you would stop him. Only 
you . " 

"Dagur..." Hiccup wasn't sure what to say. How could Dagur have such 
confidence in him? They had never been friends, and their battles had 
hardly been one-sided. He didn't understand it. "Why?" he asked, 
finally . 

Dagur sighed. "Greed, envy, jealousy. Call it what you will. You had 
everything I wanted, and because I didn't have it, I tried to take 

it . " 

"But I..." He thought of all the problems and destruction had caused 
in previous years because of his obsession for a Night Fury. "You did 
all that, continued to attack us just because of Toothless?" It made 
no sense. 

"No, the dragon was just something to focus on." Dagur slowly rose 
and watched Hiccup do the same and step back from the bars. "I was 
brought up to think I was one of the most powerful Vikings in the 
North, I had faith in it, knew it in my soul. Then you came along, 
and blew that ideal out of the water." 

"I..." Again, Hiccup was rendered speechless. Had all the battles 
with Dagur really been because the older Viking was jealous of 

"Seeing you that first time on the back of that Night Fury, hearing 
your determination and confidence when you saved him from me and my 
Armada that first time, it was... You were magnificent. Yes, I wanted 
to hurt you, kill you even, but Gods, Hiccup! You tamed a Night Fury, 
the most powerful dragon ever, and you did it without violence or 
pain . " 

He shook his head, ruefully. 

"And every time I saw you on the back of that creature I was more in 
awe of your power. I thought if I could get the dragon away that you 
would lose that power, but you didn't. Hell, you became stronger just 
trying to get him back. It was... I've never known anyone else capable 
of that kind of fortitude." 

Hiccup finally sighed. What a waste. What an absolute waste of time 
and energy those years had been. "Dagur, if this is how you felt, why 
pretend to be a madman?" 

"I... do not remember you taking me from Outcast Island, Hiccup. I do 
not remember my first days here and I am sure that madness hadn't 
claimed me. Even now it tries to muddle my thoughts, but..." Dagur 
shrugged. "When my sanity ... well , when I started to see things 
clearer, I thought you would kill me. I thought you would not listen 
to me, and so . . . " 

"What about the words you said before, about your dream?" 

Dagur nodded. "That was true, I did have a dream, I cannot say 
whether it is accurate or not." 

"I see." Hiccup stood quietly for a long moment, then called out to 
the guard who was standing close by. "Thank you for being honest with 
me, Dagur." He nodded to the tall Viking to open Dagur 's cage. 

"You've helped me make my decision." 

Dagur hesitated only a moment before stepping out, his shackles had 
been left off because he was in the cell, but he stood calmly and 

made no move against his captors. "I'm to be put to death 

then? " 

"Death is a future we all must face, but if death is what you wish on 
this day, you may have it." He held out the axe and shield. "However, 
the alternative I offer is vengeance." 

Dagur 's eyes widened in shock. 

"War is coming to Berk. I won't leave you in a cage to die. Every 

Viking, no matter his past, has the right to battle for his life. The 

Dragon Master is coming, will you bow to him again or will you fight 
with me against him?" 

Dagur stared at the weapons, then held Hiccup's unwavering gaze. Yes, 
this was what he held onto, the strength of a boy, the strength of a 
Chief . 

He accepted the axe and shield. "I will take my vengeance and stand 
with you . " 

Hiccup nodded. "Then there is no time to waste. Come with me." 

17 . Chapter 17 

_It ' s here! The battle has officially begun, at least the 
preparations have been set in motion. Warning: Death of a dragon- 
( * *disclaimer : * *no actual dragons were hurt during the writing of 
this story) ;-) 


_This chapter is in sections to give you an idea of multiple things 
going on at once. I haven't had much experience writing battle 
chapters, but I got very excited when writing it and I hope you will 
tell me what you think. This will give you an idea on Hiccup's 
strategy, and don't worry more coming very, very soon. Special thanks 
to Incarnate Eirefly for all his help, and if you like this chapter 
and the ones following please feel free to give him a shout out in 
any reviews! Enjoy !_ 

><p>"What is that?" a Viking aboard a Berserker ship demanded 
pointing to the strange formation in the sky beyond the Armada. 

"No, " The large man in the dragon skin cloak smirked. "So 
predictable, boy." He turned to the first mate. "Prepare the nets and 
hooks. We'll catch their precious dragons easily enough." 

"Aye sir." Men scrambled as the signal was given to the rest of the 
ships, then they paused as a strange fog started to gather around 
them. "Uh...Lord Bludvist?" 

"Ignore it!" Drago growled. "It is just a trick. Prepare the 
nets . " 

The fog rolled closer and closer, like a deathly white shadow and 
making it impossible to see. Several ship hands called for an all 
stop, worried that their ships would ram into each other. It was 
deathly quiet on the water, with only the occasional thunk or clink 
of weapons and creaking of boots. Then the startled cries and screams 
started . 

Drago growled, felt something tug and his fake arm and swatted it 
away. "What is this?" he demanded and turned to the woman beside him 
in a long black hooded cloak. "Do something, witch!" 

The witch raised pale white hands and a blast of wind and light shot 
from them, dispelling the fog around their ship enough that Drago 
could see small dragons flying away or grabbing at the Berserker's 
weapons. "They're in the fog! Kill them!" he drew his sword and 
sliced down the two closest to him. 

Atop the main pillar rock of Odin's Gate, which resided approximately 
two hours from Berk by ship, a helmetless and armorless Snotlout 
wrote the message _'phase one complete '_ and attached it to a 
Terrible Terror. He sent the airmail dragon off and grinned at the 
Berserker ships now encased in the heavy fog of the Smothering 
Smokebreaths . Their nest, conveniently carried to Odin's Gate via 
Hookfang, sat at the very tip of the pillar, allowing the 
metal-addicted dragons the perfect place to sniff out any metal 
coming towards them. 

"Let's hope that puts a dent in Drago ' s weapons at least," he said to 
Hookfang as he mounted his dragon and flew off to his next post. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>"Hiccup!" Fishlegs ran to where the Chief, and several of his 
lieutenants stood at the makeshift command center on the cliff above 
the docks, waving the message from Snotlout. "It's done! The Beserker 
armada are caught in the fog of the Smothering 
Smokebreaths ! "<p> 

Hiccup nodded and turned back to the diagrams on the tables. "Good, 
that will buy us some time and hopefully deplete some of their 
resources." He turned to Cobber. "Launch our ships, we have to engage 
them on the water and keep them from landing on Berk." He knew it was 
risky attacking with ships only, but he needed the dragons for other 

things; and besides his people would not go down easily. 

"Right 0, Chief!" Gobber hurried off. 

"Mulch, you and Bucket get up to the cliffs, make sure our archers 
are ready for any ships that get past our fleet. Make sure they all 
understand the signal to fire." 

"Done and done. Chief." The men ran off. 

"Tuff, Ruff, I'll need you and your dragon to man the beach 
barricades and catapults. If you see anything in the sky that is not 
a familiar dragon or rider, you shoot it down." 

The twins nodded. 

"Eret, " Hiccup pointed to the opposite side of the island. "In case 
they try getting around us, you need to protect the south shore. Take 
Storm fly and lead the other Nadders there. Have them set several 
rows of spikes from this edge here, " he pointed to the line where the 
island and water met. "Up to about here. If a ship does get through, 
they won't be able to land as a group and will have to climb through 
individually. " 

Eret nodded. "Given me and my men the chance to pick them 
off . " 

"Exactly . " 

"Hiccup." Eret placed his hand on the young Chief's arm. "Are we 
taking prisoners?" 

Hiccup had thought long and hard about that one, about all he knew 
from his dealing with Drago and what Dagur had told him. About what 
his father would do in his place and what his conscience screamed at 
him. If they had prisoners to return, it would be considered a good 
will gesture and might prevent a future war with the Berserkers, but 
if they were as bloodthirsty as Dagur claimed, it was safer to kill 
them . 

"Only if they can be immediately and securely confined without taking 
you from the battle." 

"Understood." Eret squeezed Hiccup's arm. "Be careful, hey? I really 
don't want to face that wife of yours if you do something stupid, 
like getting yourself killed." 

"Yeah, me either." Hiccup smirked then reached for Eret ' s hand as his 
friend turned away. "Hey, same goes." 

Eret nodded, jumped on the back of Stormfly and flew off, just as 
Astrid approached. 

"Tell me again why he gets to fly my dragon?" 

"Because Stormfly likes him and the other Nadders listen to her." 

"I could have..." Astrid clapped her mouth shut when he shot her a 
warning glance. Yeah, yeah, they'd already had that discussion. 

"Eine. Everyone is in the catacombs under the hall, as instructed. 

_Chief_. " 

He looked at her. "Not _everyone_. " 

She scowled and folded her arms across her chest. "The fighting 
hasn't started yet. I'm staying with you until it does, so don't even 
try to argue with me. Hiccup!" 

"Perish the thought, " he muttered and thought he heard one of the men 
around him snicker. "Fine then, make yourself useful and go check on 
Gothi for me." 

"Really? That's making myself useful?" 

"I need to make sure she's okay, Astrid, and if she is awake I need 
to know whatever she might have to tell me. I can't get over to her 
right now, so yes it is useful and very important." 

Astrid was immediately repentant. "Urn. . .but I don't have my 
dragon . " 

"Take Toothless." 

Both Astrid and Toothless looked at him in shock. 

"Toothless needs to stay with you. Hiccup!" Astrid insisted as the 
dragon let out a series of protesting growls that probably said 
exactly the same thing. 

"It's only for a short while, nothing is going on here that I need 
him for." He looked behind him to the annoyed Night Fury. "You're the 
only one I can trust to take care of her, boy. Do this for me, 
okay ? " 

Reluctantly, Toothless ascended and moved so that Astrid could climb 
aboard him. 

"Hiccup..." She began again, reluctant to leave him as much as his 
dragon was . 

"The sooner you go the sooner you can come back." 

With a sigh she urged Toothless up. Hiccup watched them for only a 
few brief seconds before he returned to his task and continued to 
give out orders . 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Dagur stood at the docks and watched the ships of Berk flow past 
him across the sea. He'd had the option to go with them, to meet the 
fleet head on, but he stayed for two reasons. One, no one on those 
ships trusted him and he'd been threatened with death multiple times 
already if anything happened to Hiccup that involved him. Second, he 
had a powerful feeling that he needed to stay close to the Chief of 
Berk. He couldn't say why only that he needed to stay here on land, 
for now.<p> 

Hiccup was doing an amazing job so far, and while he had not been 
included in the Vikings he saw standing around the Chief just above 
him, he could tell by the way his people were responding that they 

all had complete faith in him. 

Dagur had not been privy to the instructions of the battle, he had no 
idea how Hiccup planned to get through all of this. He'd just been 
given an axe and a shield and told he could fight. It was smart, 
really, not to tell him the plan. After all, if, for whatever he 
decided to betray Berk, he would have no information to give to his 
people anyway and so would not be a detriment. No, Hiccup may be 
forgiving but he was far from stupid. 

Dagur glanced over his shoulder at the large statue of Stoick and 
wondered if Hiccup realized how much he had surpassed his father in 

cunning and guile. Probably not. Hiccup was ridiculously modest, 

something Dagur just couldn't comprehend himself. Still, as long as 
he had a chance at Drago he would happily face the gates of 
Valhalla . 

It would be dark soon, but Viking were used to fighting in all 
conditions, himself included. He could feel the bloodlust rising 

inside of him as he thought about the first man who would taste the 

power of his axe. He wanted it to begin, now. He wanted to 
fight . 

"Dagur . " 

He turned and looked at a fresh-faced young man holding a mace. 

"If you betray our Chief..." 

"Yes, yes, you'll kill me. Now run along, kid, you're messing with my 
zen thing here." 

"I'm not a kid! I'm sixteen, and I will kill you if you betray any of 
us . Got that ! " 

"Whatever." Dagur turned back to the sea. 

"You no good ..." 

The mace swung outwards and Dagur pivoted, without actually turning 
his gaze from the water so that the weapon impacted his shield with a 
jarring sound. He sighed shoved the shield forewords, knocking the 
kid off balance. 

"Here now!" Gobber said as he walked up and grabbed the furious young 
Viking by the collar before he could scramble to his feet and attack 
Dagur again. "Gustov, you're not supposed to be down here, now get 
back to the forge." 

"But I . . . " 

"Do as I tell you or I'll feed ye to Grump! Go on now!" 

The boy trudged off and Dagur smirked at Gobber. 

"You here to threaten me too?" 

"Nope . " 

Dagur blinked, surprised. "Really?" 

"Don't see the point in it. You don't have to worry about any of us, 
you only have to worry about that young fella up there." Gobber 
pointed to where Hiccup stood on the cliff face above them, still 
giving out instructions. "You do anything that gets any of his people 
hurt or killed, he'll make you wish you were never born." 

Dagur watched the blacksmith limp off and then turned his gaze back 
to Hiccup. Funny, Gobber 's was the only threat he took seriously. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Drago pierced another Smokebreath with his sword and watched its 
brethren flee the remaining ships. As the fog dissipated, tiny dead 
dragons could be seen littering the decks. "Throw them over the 
side," he demanded in disgust and moved to the Captain's post. "How 
much further to Berk?"<p> 

"At least another hour, sir." 

They had to move faster. It was obvious that Hiccup intended to use 
dragons to attack them from the sky before reaching Berk, but he had 
a plan for that. However, his intention was to land on Berk, to make 
the island and the people hiss and thoroughly defeat the son of 
Stoick the Vast. And once Hiccup Haddock was humiliated, aggrieved 
and in pain, he would kill him, slowly with the greatest of joy, as 
his own people watched. 

"Find a way to make it sooner or I'll throw you over the side," he 
warned the captain. "And find out how many damn weapons we lost 
because of those things." 

"Aye, sir . " 

Drago turned his gaze forward again. Well, Hiccup, it was a nice try, 
but I have a thousand ships with me, and only half of them are coming 
in from this side. You can't possibly hope to defeat us. He moved to 
the hooded figure, she made his skin crawl, but he needed 
her . 

"Witch, come and read the bones for me." 

She nodded and followed him below to his cabin. She pulled out her 
bones and square pallet then rolled them in her hands and tossed them 
and studied them, her hidden face revealing nothing but a hard, thin 
red smile. 

"My victory is still assured, then?" Drago demanded. 

She nodded and bowed lightly to him. 

He laughed. "Even the fates are on my side! Good. Stay here until I 
call for you." He turned in a swirl of his cloak and returned 
upstairs . 

The woman turned to the squirming figure in the corner of the cabin, 
who was hogtied and gagged beneath the bag that trapped their head. 
The prisoner could still breathe, though not easily, and it prevented 
them from seeing anything or anyone in the cabin. 

The woman moved to the prisoner, crouched down and ran her fingers 
across the turquoise form fitting outfit and overlapping brown armor. 
A matching tusked helmet with six horns lay on a shelf above the 
prisoner's head. "Ssssh, now. It'll all be over soon," the witch 
said, and then curled her hand into a fist and hit the figure across 
the jaw, knocking them unconscious. 

18. Chapter 18 

_Hey everyone, I am glad you are all so excited to read this chapter, 
but I must warn you. I have never really written battles before, so 
this may not be up to your expectations. There will probably be 
things you find don't mesh or are highly improbable in a battle 
scenario, or things happening that are out of character for our 
heros, but please do not be too critical of those aspects. I did the 
best I could with what I knew._ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>"Hiccup ! "<p> 

Hiccup and Astrid glanced up as three dragons dropped from the sky. 
Fin Hofferson hopped off the first one. "I... I am sorry. We could not 
find Valka anywhere, nor any sign of Cloud Jumper." 

Pain pierced Hiccup's chest but he had to swallow it down, he 
couldn't be distracted, not now with the battle almost upon them. 

"I'm sure you did your best. Fin. Thank you." 

Fin's face was a mirror of Hiccup's agony. "What can we do 
here? " 

Hiccup gave them an assignment, turned continued walking towards the 
main hall, Astrid and Toothless behind him. He wanted to hit 
something, he wanted to kill something! He wanted to climb onto 
Toothless and go search for his mother, but he had no time to indulge 
himself. There was just no time. 

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked, worried. 

"I'm fine." He stopped at the door of the hall, leaned down and 
kissed her. "Get inside. I'll see you later." 

Astrid didn't want to leave him, she had this horrible feeling she 
might never see him again. "Let me come with you. I can help." She 
clung to him. "You need me." 

"Astrid . . . " 

"I know you're worried about the baby, but we women have been having 
them for a long time and my own mother fought when she was six months 
pregnant with me. Please Hiccup. I am your wife, but I'm also your 
Right Hand. Let me do my job. You can't be everywhere and wouldn't it 
help to know that I'm out there doing what you can't be there to 

He stared at her and tears filled his eyes. He wanted to protect her, 
to protect their child, wanted to protect his mother and now she was 
missing, wanted to protect Gothi and she was still in unconscious. He 

couldn't do it all. He did need her. Thor help him, he did. She was 
really the only one he could fully count on to handle things if his 
strategies failed. 

"Odin save me!" He pulled her into his arms and held her tight. "I 
love you, so much, Astrid. If you get hurt I swear I will never, ever 
forgive you . " 

She clung to him. "Same goes, babe." 

He pulled back and climbed onto Toothless before giving her a hand 
up. "I'll be leading the first volley, Snotlout has the second wave. 
If they get through, it will be up to you, the twins and Eret . to 
keep them off of Berk." 

She nodded as they dropped down to the beach area where the twins and 
fire traps were set. He waited for her to slide off, then caught her 
hand, leaned down and kissed her thoroughly. "Please, be 
careful . " 

"I will," she promised then smiled. "Go get 'em babe!" 

Hiccup lifted off and gave the signal to the first wave or riders, 
before swooping down and having Toothless grab Dagur from the 
docks . 

"What the..." Dagur began and was suddenly tossed up into the air, 
before landing hard on the Night Fury's back, directly behind Hiccup. 
"Uh...well, this is cozy but what _are_ you doing?" 

"Getting you your vengeance, " Hiccup stated. 

Dagur grinned slowly and glanced back at the other dragons and riders 
following in a V formation. Damn Hiccup, what a mind you have. 

They flew hard and fast over the waves, until they saw the familiar 
ships of their own fleet, now anchored in the water in a straight 
light across the narrows. Hiccup raised his hand, fingers pointed 
skyward, then closed it into a fist. Immediately the riders behind 
him dove towards the ships and had their dragons pluck armed Vikings 
from the decks and flew up into the clouds; leaving just under half 
of their compliment behind to man the barricade as the dragons 
continued their flight. 

As they neared the Beserker Armada, Hiccup pulled out his Inferno 
sword and hit the end to release the gas, leaving a trail behind him. 
A moment later, four Zipplebacks dipped down from the clouds, soared 
towards the ships and released the same noxious green cloud, creating 
an effective smoke screen for the riders to drop the Berkian Vikings 
onto the unsuspecting ships. 

Almost immediately the clang of weapons and shouts of attacks could 
be heard and Hiccup lit the flame of his sword, two Monstrous 
Nightmares and three Hobblegrunts attacked the ships their people 
weren't on. 

Several nets, bolos and arrows were cast at attacking dragons, but 
they were easily avoided and Hiccup, sped through the ships, weaving, 
spinning and diving around the massive fleet, trying to avoid the 
weapons coming towards him and Toothless and searching for Drago. He 

had waited for Dagur to jump off at some point and join the fray, had 
certainly flown low enough at times that he could have, but the 
Beserker seemed content to stay behind him. 

"I brought you out here to fight, Dagur." 

"The lead ship always carries the Chief or Captain," Drago said. "It 
is a sure bet our quarry will be there as well." 

Hiccup had suspected that and had deliberately avoided putting his 
men on that ship, because it could be the one that Drago might be on, 
and since the Dragon Master wasn't making his presence known, he 
would have to take a chance that Dagur and his suspicious were 
right . 

"It will be a trap." 

"Of course." 

"I don't have any other men on that ship." 

"Yet you intend to land there." 

Hiccup wasn't the least surprised that Dagur had guessed his plan. 
"You'd have a better chance of survival on another ship." 

"You'd have a better chance of survival if I was with you." Dagur 
retorted. "And you promised me vengeance. Hiccup." 

That did surprise Hiccup. "Vengeance, yes, but I don't expect you to 
protect me, Dagur." 

"Then we will take our vengeance together. Leave the captain and 
others to me, you handle Drago." 

Hiccup didn't have any more time to argue, so he dove. They landed 
and Dagur immediately jumped off to attack the two men running at 
them. Hiccup bent backwards as an axe came flying at him, then rolled 
off Toothless and jumped into the fray. 

"Save your shots!" Hiccup warned his dragon, as he pulled out a real 
sword, dodged an attack, dipped low then bolted up again to toss an 
attacker over his shoulder. Gods! They were everywhere, and still he 
didn't see Drago. Had he guessed wrong? Could Drago be on another 
ship? It wasn't like him to hide. 

Toothless could easily handle the Vikings without using his plasma 
blasts, but he stayed close to Hiccup as they battled their way 
through. An attempt to net the dragon only resulted in burned ropes 
as Hiccup lit the contraption on fire with Inferno before it could 
touch his dragon, leaving him with a real sword and a fire sword in 
each hand. 

The trio managed to battle through quite a few Beserkers, Dagur was 
especially vicious and unforgiving and seemed to slice his way 
through them like a knife through butter. Hiccup held his own, with 
Toothless' help, but finally they found themselves surrounded with 
Hiccup backed up to Dagur and Toothless trying to protect them from 
the sides. 

"Weren't you supposed to go get the captain?" Hiccup sighed, wearily 
as he held both his swords defensively against the crowd around 


"Bastard's hiding," Dagur grinned and bared his teeth at his former 
comrades, delighted that so many of them took a hasty step back 
before being pushed forward again by the men behind them. Many had 
been so shocked at seeing him alive that they had let their guard 
down quickly and were easily dispatched. Now, he could see anger but 
also fear in the ones that surrounded them. 

"They don't seem to like you much Dagur," Hiccup said. 

"Well, I am deranged, and supposedly dead. What can you 
expect ? " 

"Ah, the Great Trainer of Dragons!" 

A few Vikings parted as Drago stepped inside the circle. 

"This is disappointing, I expected much more from you than for you to 
just drop into my lap." Drago ' s eyes landed on Dagur and his eyebrow 
lifted in surprise. "And you brought a friend. How nice you didn't 
want to die alone." 

"End this, Drago, " Hiccup demanded and saw the flicker of fear haunt 
Dagur 's expression. He deliberately stepped in front of the Beserker, 
which caused Toothless to try and shield him from Drago. "You're 
fight is with me, not my people." 

"You think so?" Drago sneered. "Very well, let us end it, you and I, 
a battle to the death." 

"Call off your men and ships and I will follow you to a place of your 
choosing. We will end it there." 

Drago pretended to consider the suggestion. "How about you fight me 
here, now, aboard this ship, and I give you my word that I will leave 
Berk untouched, regardless of the outcome." 

Hiccup studied him. "You're lying." 

"Well, well, well." Drago smiled again. "So, the impulsive, naive 
child has finally learned?" 

"Call off the armada. There has been enough bloodshed." 

"You really are in no position to negotiate, boy." 

"I'm still standing, that gives me plenty of position." 

"I will kill you and claim Berk as my own. There is nothing you can 
do to change that." 

Hiccup's eyes narrowed. "My death will not gain you Berk, Drago. They 
will fight to the end." 

"So be it." Drago smiled easily. "You can watch your people die first 

then . " 

He nodded to someone behind them, and turning Hiccup and Dagur 
watched a robed figure lift pale white hands and create a spark of 
red flame. She cast the flame towards the large tarp in the center of 
the deck and slowly it started to move. 

A hideous sound vibrated from beneath the cloth as it rose higher and 
higher from the deck of the ship, causing the men near it to flee in 
terror . 

Toothless whimpered and shook his head as if in pain and Hiccup's 
eyes grew wide with terror. He couldn't have! Drago couldn't be that 
mad ! 

"Tell them to fall back. Toothless" He cried but the Night Fury was 
still trying to rid himself of the pain in his head caused by that 
horrific piercing sound. "Tell the dragons to grab our men and fall 
back ! " 

Finally Toothless managed the call, but it was already too late as 
the other dragons were also affected by the piercing cry and were 
flailing about haphazardly, endangering their riders and 
themselves . 

"No!" Hiccup turned, intending to charge at the witch, but he was 
tossed back by some unseen force and landed against Dagur. 

"Now you will see why I truly am a master of dragons, " Drago 
snarled . 

Hiccup stared helplessly as the tarp fell away and an abomination 
rose into the air. "NO!" 

A three-headed demon, two with a wide rounded vortex of razor sharp 
teeth, and one, the largest head sat dead center, with six eyes on 
either side of a long armoured head that sported a ridge of spikes 
across the top and a single excruciat ingly edged horn on its snout. 
Horrifically familiar wide ridged wings spread out from its long tail 
like body and flamed. 

Drago had somehow crossed a Whispering Death, with a Monstrous 
Nightmare and a Red Death dragon. Hiccup watched helplessly as the 
beast rose and spewed a cloud of red flame towards his people, 
watched as several of them that weren't burned by the flames spewing 
from the dragon's mouth spiraled towards the sea as their dragons 
reacted to the sounds of the whispering deaths and that of a Queen 
Dragon . 

No. NO! He had to get it away from his people, he had to distract it 
somehow. He immediately tried to mount Toothless, but both his swords 
were knocked from his hands and he found himself flat on his back 
with Drago ' s boot against his chest. 

Really? Did you think I would just let you take your dragon and 

Hiccup looked at Toothless and spoke one word. "_Frjlas_." 

The dragon batted away the Vikings around him and jumped into the 
air, startling everyone, especially Drago. 

"What ! " he roared as he saw the Night Fury streak upwards and blast 
at the demon-dragon. He glared down at Hiccup who simply sneered up 
at him. "Your dragon cannot not fly on his own?" 

"Yeah, well, he got a new tail for Snoggletog one year, " Hiccup 
retorted. "Thought I'd let him try it out." 

Actually, the tail that he had originally built for Toothless had 
been destroyed, by Toothless, because the dragon wanted to fly with 
his rider, but given the situation they were in. Hiccup had decided 
that he and Toothless might need to fight separately and so had 
created a similar tail for the occasion, painting it red so no one 
could tell it was a different tail. 

"It does not matter, he is no match for my dragon." Drago insisted as 
he watched the Night Fury dive in and around the huge beast he had 
created, as if taunting him. Finally, the Demon Dragon started to 
turn and fly towards Toothless, away from the riders and away from 
the ships. "Not... not possible!" He looked at the witch. "Do 
something ! " 

"Did you know. Night Fury's and Whispering Deaths are natural 
enemies?" Hiccup offered still trying to get Drago ' s boot off his 
chest. "Yeah, they really hate each other." 

His greatest creation was getting further and further away from them 
and he stepped over Hiccup to grab the witch's arm. "Turn it back or 
I will gut you where you stand, witch!" 

The witch's flames grew in her hands once more as she tried to use 
her power to direct the Demon Dragon back to the fight. Everyone else 
was distracted by the battling dragons, and so Hiccup grabbed Dagur's 
hand and ran for the edge of the ship. They were in the water seconds 
later, even as Drago roared for someone to stop them. 

"This was your plan?" Dagur gasped when he surfaced then dove under 
again as a bevy of arrows were injected into the waved around 
him . 

Hiccup surfaced further away from the boat and used his Night Fury 
call. Toothless sped towards him instantly, dove into the sea and 
surfaced with Hiccup on his back. 

He didn't hear his men, both below and those still in the air cheer 
as he raced towards the demon dragon again. "Blast it. 

Toothless . " 

Toothless aimed a plasma blast at the beast and two of the heads 
focused on the Night Fury once again turning towards them. The Witch 
below waved her hands and it turned back to attack the riders above, 
so Hiccup dared it by zooming past the dragon right under its 
nose . 

"Come on," Hiccup muttered, trying to push down his own fear. "Come 
get us . " 

Again the witch managed to pull the beast's attention back to where 
she wanted it to go, and all the while he could hear Drago ' s 
laughter . 

"Odin curse you!" Hiccup flew in front of the Demon Dragon, trying to 
keep its attention focused on him and allow his people to retreat. 

"At us, you bastard! Attack us!" 

"This dragon will not heed you, boy!" Drago called to him. "He is 
under my control." 

No, this abomination was under the witch's control and Hiccup had to 
break it. There was no way he could bond with this... this thing, so 
he had to goad it, anger it. Still, he had it focused on him for the 
moment, and he could see his riders trying to regain the use of their 
dragons and they had started to grab some of their men off the 
ships . 

The dragon was spewing flame at him again. Toothless rolled and dove 
into the sea, soaking them both, then up again to avoid the flames, 
and still they taunted the beast. Hiccup flew over and around the 
dragon again, and despite its slimmer body, its movements were 
sluggish as the original queen had been, so Hiccup could easily 
outmaneuver it . 

"Enough of this," Drago growled to the witch. "Kill him." 

She nodded and turned her attention to Hiccup. A spout of green 
violet light appeared in her palm and with a wave of her hand it 
headed straight for Hiccup, who was too busy with the dragon to see 
it coming. 

"Watch out ! " Dagur cried, having been plucked out of the sea by one 
of the riders. 

Hiccup turned his head just as the ball of light hit him square in 
the chest and he was flung backwards off of Toothless. He didn't hear 
the fearful cry of his dragon, or the sound of Drago ' s laughter, he 
knew only blinding light as his body exploded with pain and he spun 
towards the sea. 

In a small cabin below decks the decks of a Beserker ship, Valka had 
sliced through the binds of her feet with a knife she had 
appropriated and rose, just as a horrific scream pierced the 
air . 

"Hiccup!" she sobbed. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><strongXem>Sorry to leave it on a Cliff Hanger everyone, but it 
as the only place I could find to cut it off for a chapter without 
making it ridiculously long!<em>** 

**_Frjlas is the Viking/Norse word for Freedom. _** 

19. Chapter 19 

**_Glad everyone seems to like the way the battle is going so 
far... Things are just getting started. _** 

_**WARNING: Character Death in this chapter. Tissues may be required. 
(I went through half a box just writing it) Please don't hate me.** 

><p>In a small hut on one of the highest points on Berk overlooking 
the sea from one side and the village the next an elderly woman lay 
sleeping, while a much younger man bathed her fevered brow. In the 
gentle silence, a scream pierced the air, causing Djor to jump up, 
startled, and then stumble back fearfully as a blue-white light 
invaded the room and settled over the sleeping form.<p> 

Gothi awoke, her eyes the same color as the light that surrounded 

her. She sat up, turned to the side and rose. 

"G... Gothi?" Djor asked, frightened as his teacher moved past him, 
unseeing, to the door that led to her back deck. She stood by the 

rail, lifted her arms and strange words came from her mouth, in a 

language that Djor had never heard before. 

Winds whipped around her tiny frail form, harsh enough that he had to 
hold onto the door way or risk be swept over the side and out to sea, 
but Gothi did not move, she stood strong and defiant as she continued 
her chant . 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Toothless raced to catch his rider, but the blast had ripped 
Hiccup's young body from the Night Fury with such ferocity it had 
hurled the Chief several meters away, so that even with the speed of 
a Night Fury it was impossible to know if the dragon would be able to 
catch his friend before Hiccup hit the water. <p> 

A voice carried across the air, a serene, musical voice from a land 
unknown, and everyone, even the Vikings on both sides of the battle 
stopped fighting to see where it was coming from. 

"What is that?' Drago demanded. "Where is it coming from?" He looked 
at the witch who had stumbled back and actually seemed, frightened. 
"What is that?" 

Toothless cried out as a small blue light appeared over Hiccup's 
chest and then spread through his entire body, encapsulating him in a 
glowing blue bubble that hovered an inch above the waves before 
rising slowly into the air. 

Everyone gasped as the young Chief of Berk, still seemingly 
unconscious, spread his arms wide as he rose higher into the sky. 
Toothless tried to get near Hiccup, but was repulsed by the strange 
energy surrounding his rider. 

Hiccup's eyes opened and they were no longer the lovely emerald green 
of his father's, but now the same shade of blue that shone through 
his amulet and glowed around him. He lifted his hand and a sword 
appeared, a heavenly sword of hard steel and glowing blue fire, and 
his fingers curled around it. All of the glowing energy was now 
directed into the sword including the glow of the medallion around 
his neck. 

Toothless, sensing his chance, immediately flew under Hiccup when the 
young man started to fall again, and caught his rider neatly on his 

back . 

_**Kill the beast, child. **_ 

"Gothi, " Hiccup whispered. "No." 

"What is that?" Drago screamed at the witch who seemed unable to do 
anything but look on in horror. He slapped her back and turned to his 
archers. "Shoot him down!" 

_**You must do this.**_ 

"You'll die." Hiccup didn't know how he knew that, but he could 
somehow sense that this magic was Gothi ' s life force. "I 
won ' t . " 

Suddenly Dagur's warning came to him. 

_She will try to save you. You must let her do this. You cannot 
interfere or you will fall_. 

And then he remembered Gothi ' s words as well. 

_A mistress of magic will put one to test_ 

A test. A test for him, to do what he must, to protect his own. Oh, 
Gods! He couldn't do this, not at the sake of her life! 

"Gothi, please..." Tears formed in Hiccup's eyes, even as he felt her 
power surge through him. 

_**You are ready, you are the Chief. **_ 

The dragon had turned its attention to his men again, burning them, 
hurting them. There was no other way to stop it. No other way. 

"Damn you!" Hiccup screamed and urged Toothless towards the beast and 
then over it . 

They avoided the arrows flying at them and as they soared over the 
Demon Dragon, Hiccup leapt off his dragon landed on the beast's back 
and imbedded the blue sword deep into its spine. Two screams pierced 
the air, one from the three headed dragon and one from the witch who 
collapsed on the boat below them. 

Hiccup gripped the handle of the sword and charged forward with a 
strength he would not normally possess all the way to the crown, 
carving the beast in two, before ripping the sword out and jumping 
into the air to land back on Toothless. 

The Demon Dragon howled and screamed as it fell, gushing blood, and 
wind and flame all the way into the sea and a cheer from the Berkians 
rose in the air. 

Hiccup however did not hear them, his blue sword slowly faded, as did 
he light of his amulet and he passed out atop his Night Fury. 

"Fall back!" one of the dragon riders called and immediately the 
remaining dragons dipped low to nab what men they could from the 
ships, before flying across the waves. 

"After them, damn it!" Drago insisted. "Fire everything!" he hauled 
the witch to her feet. "Stop Hiccup or I throw you over the 
side . " 

"Sir! We're taking on water!" 

"What ! " 

"The boat is sinking sir!" another cried out. 

"Abandon ship!" 

Vikings ran for their lives jumping overboard at will and swimming 
towards their remaining ships. 

"Stay and fight you cowards!" Drago screamed, tossing the injured 
witch aside, and then he saw the reason for their dilemma. A glimpse 
of turquoise and brown at the bow of his ship saluted him before 
diving off the boat. 

The woman! That damn woman that had caused him so much trouble 
before. She had been tied up! How had she escaped? 

He grabbed a cross bow from one of the men running away and thundered 
forward intending to shoot her in the water, but before he could make 
it to the end, a flurry of wind knocked him back as a huge red and 
gold dragon appeared before him and roared flames at him. 

Drago dove out of the way as Cloud Jumper plucked his mistress from 
the water and flew high into the air. 

Valka climbed up her dragon and stood tall on its back as she glared 
down at her enemy, floundering on a sinking ship. "Enjoy your swim!" 
she taunted with a low bow as they flew away. 

The Vikings that had been picked up from the Beserker ships and were 
uninjured, were dropped back on the Berkian ships to maintain a 
barrier across the water to protect Berk. The riders flew those that 
were hurt back to the island, with Toothless in the lead. Hiccup had 
regained consciousness just as Berk was in sight, and he ordered his 
men to continue on as he veered off towards Gothi ' s hut. 

His heart dropped as he spotted Djor on his knees cradling his 
mentor, and Hiccup was off of Toothless before the dragon fully 
landed, and sliding to his knees before them. 

"Is she...?" he began and Djor lowered his head sadly. "I'm sorry. 
Gods, I didn't want this." He brushed his fingers over Gothi ' s grey 
hair and was startled when the old woman opened her eyes. 

"Gothi ! " 

She looked up at him, smiled as if to say, she wasn't dead yet, then 
reached up to take his wrapped hand. Her eyes seemed to explain to 
him what she wanted, and he pulled off the bandage from both of their 
hands, then curled his fingers around hers, pressing their palms 
together . 

"Why? Why did you do this? Why didn't you tell 

" I . . . am . . . old, " she whispered in a voice that was obviously not used 
to talking. "You... are not." 

"You can't die, Gothi . We need you..." 

"Stretched am... I," she sighed and pulled their joined hands to her 
mouth so she could kiss the back of his hand. "Good ... life ... " 

"How is she talking?" Djor wondered even, shaking his head. 

"Magic," she whispered. "Through .. .magic . " Her eyes wandered to her 
apprentice. "All is yours now. You... will do well." 

"But... I have so much more to learn. Please, Gothi, there must be 
something we can do. Something..." 

"Fetch... my green chest, child." 

Djor nodded and hurried inside as Gothi turned back to Hiccup. 

She watched a tear slide down his cheek and lifted her free hand to 
catch it. "Tears... of love ... powerful ... magic . " She put that same 
hand to his heart. "Your magic ... greater than... any I have. Any 
she... has. Magic of... love. Hiccup." 

"Stay with me, Gothi," he pleaded. "Don't let yourself be another of 
Drago ' s victims. Please, stay with me." 

"I would give you ... anything ... my dearest boy..." Her breath hitched. 
"I... cannot give you this." 

Djor returned with the chest and Gothi weakly instructed him to give 
it to Hiccup. 

"This... is yours. Remember ... me . " 

Hiccup held back the sob that rose inside of him, resigned to the 
fact that he could not save her, that she did not want to be saved. 
"Tell me why, Gothi?" he whispered and caressed her hair away from 
her brow. "Why did you allow such a sacrifice?" 

"For love... of course." She cradled his cheek. "I... will tell 
your ... father ... what a f ine ... strong ... son he has." 

Hiccup held her gaze, even as he saw the shadow of death crawling 
into them, fogging their brightness. "Tell him I love him, Gothi, and 
that I miss him." 

"He knows ... child . " She tensed for a second, and her eyes focused on 
something over Hiccup's shoulder for a moment, before turning back to 
his again. She smiled. "Hiccup ... Will you kiss... an old woman... 
goodnight ? " 

His lips trembled as he bent down and gently pressed his lips to 
hers. "Good night, my lady," he whispered, knowing she was already 
gone . 

He was startled when his amulet broke in half and dropped to the 
floor, and he stared at it for a long moment, before turning back to 

the dear woman in his arms. 

Hiccup glanced at Toothless who had bowed his head and was keening 
softly at the loss, then he kissed the hand he held, gently crossed 
them over Gothi ' s chest and rose. "Place her in the ice house until 
this war is won," he advised Djor quietly. "We will build her a 
proper ship to sail to Valhalla in when the bloodshed is 
done . " 

"What if we do not win the war?" Djor asked looking up at him with 
tear filled eyes. 

Hiccup assured grimly as he picked up the chest, and in that moment 
noticed the cut on his hand that Gothi had made was completely. His 
bad wrist and ribs also seemed to have healed completely. Her last 
gift to him, he wondered? Why had no one known the power she held 
before now? Why had they not shown her the proper respects for such 
gifts ? 

"We will," he said to Djor and climbed onto Toothless. "We have 

to. " 

Djor watched his chief fly away, then lowered his head to Gothi ' s 
chest and wept. 

Hiccup flew over Berk, instead of sadness and grief he found himself 
filled with purpose and determination. All of the soreness that had 
remained in his body from his past injuries were gone. The 
exhaustion, the stress, teh doubt and the fear all seemed less now 
and he knew that Gothi ' s magic was the cause. 

"Thank you, Gothi, " he whispered a quiet prayer to her, then dropped 
the chest off at his house before setting down by the beach, where 
Astrid and the other riders were gathered. 

"Hiccup!" she cried and moved to embrace him, but he slid off of 
Toothless and put his hand out to stop her. 

He needed to stay focused and if he fell into her arms right now he 
still might lose what renewed strength he had gathered. It was too 
easy to let her comfort him, he couldn't afford that now. 

"Have you checked with Eret? Is there any sign of the rest of the 
fleet?" He suspected the ships they had seen were not all of what 
Drago had brought with them. 

Astrid wasn't hurt by his abruptness, she understood they were in a 
battle, not having tea. She had simply forgotten for a moment upon 
seeing her husband safe and sound. "Yes, so far they have seen 
nothing. Should we pull them back here?" 

"No, in fact I want another twenty men, if we can spare them, over to 
that side of the island as soon as possible." 

Astrid nodded and moved away to give the order as Gobber stepped 
up . 

"How bad was it?" he asked quietly. 

"Bad enough. Send a message to Snotlout, tell him to be ready with 

the second wave. I don't know how many of their ships or men we 
managed to damage, but they had plenty to spare." 

"Aye . " 

"And Gobber?" 

The blacksmith turned back. 

"Find out how many people we lost." 

Gobber nodded and walked off. 

"Chief! " 

Hiccup turned as Fin hurried towards him. "The injured are being set 
up in the great hall and the women there are tending to 
them ..." 

"They should stay in the catacombs with the children..." The only 
women in the caves were the expectant mothers or mothers who had very 
young children. The rest were out fighting alongside the men. 

"This is their fight too. Chief, and they wanted to do something. The 
kids are still down below and the pregnant lasses." 

Hiccup nodded and then spotted a familiar blur streak across the sky. 
His heart leapt into his throat and he started running. "Mom!" 

Cloud Jumper set down and Valka jumped off just as Hiccup reached 
her, she threw her arms around her son. 

"I'm sorry!" she whispered, felt him trembling against her. "I was 
wrong to leave, son. I thought I could help." 

"I don't care," he murmured and held her tight as a small piece of 
his heart slid back into place, along with a firmer resolution to 
win. "As long as you're here. As long as you're okay." 

"I am." She pulled back, kissed both of his cheeks and cradled his 
face, then frowned. She could see the toll this battle had already 
taken on him and the innate sadness in his eyes. "What is it. 

Hiccup? " 

"Gothi's gone. Mom. She . . . she used her magic to save me, to save 
us... but it cost her... her life." 

"Oh, sweetheart." She pulled him against her again. "I'm so sorry to 
have left you alone with all of this. I'm a fool." 

"Yes, you are." He pulled back and met her gaze. "I needed you here. 
Mom. I'm glad you're back, but... where the hell were you? We sent out 
search parties and..." 

"Lady Valka!" 

>Mother and son turned to see Astrid's uncle running towards them, 
his face flushed, his eyes wide. He stopped just before he reached 
them. "You're alive !"<p> 

She nodded. "I appear to be." 

" I . . . we . . . were worried." Fin glanced at Hiccup and actually flushed. 
"F... forgive me. Chief. I'll go and tend to the injured." 

"Sure." Hiccup nodded, then turned back to his mother and saw her 
face was also rather pink. Oh really? He bit his lip to keep from 
smiling . 

"So... where were you all this time?" 

"I was on Drago ' s ship," she said. "I let myself get 
captured . " 

"_Why_ would you do that?" he demanded, aghast. 

"I had my reasons," she assured. "But, I was glad I got to see some 
of your battle anyway." 

So she had been there? He hadn't thought to look for her on the ship. 
Why hadn't he thought to look for her? How much had she seen? How 
long had she been prisoner? 

"How ... where ... What about Cloud Jumper? I didn't see..." 

"Cloud Jumper had strict instructions not to come out until I called. 
Hiccup. I am sorry, I know he probably could have helped you, but he 
only listens to me and I didn't realize you would be attacking the 
fleet over water." 

"Well . . . I . . . I guess, the important thing is that you're okay." He 
paused. "How did you escape?" 

"I told you I could take care of myself, son. And not only did I 
escape, but I also left Drago a nice going away present. In fact, he 
should be swimming to Berk just about now." 

Hiccup's eyes widened. "You sank his ship?" 

"I did!" 

"You know he'll just get picked up by one of the others." 

She nodded. "Maybe, but funny thing about Drago, apparently he thinks 
just because you're a prisoner you lose the ability to hear." She 
smiled, darkly. "He's either arrogant or really stupid, because now I 
know what he's planning and everything he has set in place to counter 
your attacks." 

Hiccup grinned. "Everything?" 

"Every tiny detail." 

"Come on, I need to call the council and you need to fill me 

in . " 

They headed back the way Hiccup had come as Toothless dropped down 
and Astrid slid off, almost immediately the Night Eury bounded over 
to Valka and coiled around her and Cloud Jumper happily. 

"Mom is back, Astrid," Hiccup said, stating the obvious. "Isn't that 

a relief?" 

Astrid stared at her mother in law, less than forgiving than her 
husband was. "Yeah." She stared at Valka hard enough to make the 
woman flinch, then turned to Hiccup. "Eret ' s spotters have seen some 
ships headed towards the south side of the island, flying the 
Beserker flag." 

"Okay, come on, let's get everyone we can gathered. Mom has some 
information on Drago ' s plans and we're running out of time. We need 
all the help we can get." 

Astrid nodded. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><strongXem>This is just the end of the first battle. More to 
come ! <br>_* * 

20. Chapter 20 

_I apologize for the delay in updating everyone, but my computer died 
a few weeks ago, so I had to wait before I could afford a new one, 
and I also lost a lot of the stories I had saved so had to go back 
onto FF to reread what I had written and then try to again write new 
scenes. My own fault for not saving it properly I suppose, but I 
hadn't expected my computer to die._ 

_Anyway, please bear with me as I am trying to get caught up on all 
my writing. Many, many thanks to Incarnate firefly who helped me 
create an outline for this and the following battle chapters, because 
I was having to start from scratch and who gave me such great 
specifics on the dragons and their uses. If you like this chapter and 
are kind enough to review, please include him in your thanks !_ 

_I will try and update with another chapter as soon as I can so thank 
you for your patience and hopefully this long chapter will make up 
for the wait. _ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Hiccup flew through the skies towards the sound of battle. The 
Berkian ships and Snotlout's second wave had already engaged the 
enemy, but now, thanks to Valka, they had new information. Arrows, 
spears and fire blasts from dragons exploded around him so much that 
he needed to fully concentrate on Toothless' manoeuvres in order to 
avoid getting injured or killed. <p> 

The majority of the Berserker armada had been bottle-necked just a 
few miles out from Berk's inlet shore by the Hooligan fleet. Some 
ships had been physically rammed, others had been overrun by both 
Berserkers and Hooligans passing between ships in an attempt to kill 
each other, one group attempting to clear the way for their fleet, 
the other intent on stopping it. Fishlegs would called for a team of 
Gronkles to lava bomb some of the fore running Berserker ships to 
create more of a barrier in the water, then Snotlout seated on 
Hookfang would set fire to the wrecks, creating an impenetrable 
barrier . 

Each sound of metal clanging on metal, each zing of an arrow being 
released and every single battle cry or agonized scream from a death 
or injury found its way into Hiccup's heart with excruciating 
consistency. This was battle, this was war, and it was slowly killing 
him, yet he had no time to grieve, no time to block the pain. His 
people were counting on him, and he would not falter. 

Seated behind Hiccup, Thorjn, clung to the young man's waist in a 
very un-manly fashion. 

"Must you go so" the Viking demanded, ashamed of his 
behavior, but unable to let go of the slim rider in front of him, for 
fear he would fall off. 

"I have to get you to your fleet, Thor jin, " Hiccup insisted as he 
pushed his dragon even faster. "They can't be that far behind and you 
need to tell them to hurry. They need to engage the armada on this 
side. My mother told me the rest of the armada is coming into Berk 
from the south and I don't have enough men to protect the 
island . " 

Meaning he would have to pull people back from this engagement, which 
would leave his friends balancing the second wave even more 
outnumbered . 

He should have known better, he should have known that only half the 
armada was with Drago, but he had held a naive hope that the Gods had 
smiled on them by only sending half. Now another five hundred ships 
were closing in on Berk and all his planning would be for nothing if 
they reached the island with only the handful of people left on 
it . 

Berk was a small island with a mostly insignificant tribe, they 
couldn't win this battle by numbers alone and he suspected he would 
have to juggle men and dragons to keep everyone protected. He had 
anticipated a few ships would try and work its way around the other 
side of Berk, that was why he'd posted Eret there, but he hadn't 
expected five hundred. They were in no way capable of defending 
against that many, not when coming from both sides. 

Thorjin nodded and winced as they took another hair- raising turn 
through the battle and over the warring ships. "You should have let 
one of the others take me, Chif. You are needed..." 

"Toothless is faster than the other dragons." Hiccup was aware of 
where and how he was needed, but right now this took priority. 

"They should have been here by now," Thorjin muttered. "I can't think 
what is taking them so long..." 

"There!" Hiccup pointed and lifted a silent prayer to Odin as he 
spotted a small fleet making their way towards them. So few... well, 
he supposed it only looked that way after seeing the Berserker 
armada . 

"Set me down on that ship, " Thorjin instructed. "The one with the 
white and gold flag." 

Hiccup directed Toothless downwards, ignored the cries of the Vikings 
who, upon spotting a dragon, immediately took up arms, but then 

Thorjin called out to them. Hiccup landed on the deck and a rail thin 
bearded man hurried over and clasped Thorjin in his arms. 

"My son! You are alive!" 

"Father, please, " Thorjin mumbled and pulled back, embarrassed. 

"Chief Hiccup of the Hooligan tribe this is my father. Chief Tofi of 
the Kundin tribe." 

Tofi extended his hand and Hiccup gripped his forearm in the 
traditional greeting, trying to hide his shock. Thorjin' s chief was a 
hiccup ! 

"I have long wanted to meet you. Chief Hiccup. Your father was a 
great man. It is regrettable that our first meeting must be under 
these circumstances . " 

"Thank you, and thank you for coming to our aid. Chief Tofi, " Hiccup 
finally managed. "Unfortunately I have no time for pleasantries. The 
Berserker armada are attacking us from both sides. I need you and 
your people to get into this battle as quickly as you can and handle 
those attacking us from the north." 

"Of course." Tofi replied, grimly and lifted his hands towards his 
first mate. "Extend the sails fully, throw whatever we don't need 
overboard to lighten the load and set two additional men to each 
oar." He turned back to Hiccup. "We were making our way to you as 
fast as we could, but we ran into some rough waters and had to cut 
back on the manpower. How far away is the Armada?" 

"Maybe another ten miles or so." 

"We should reach them by half the hour. Can your people keep them 
busy until we arrive, otherwise they will simply have outrun 

Hiccup nodded and climbed back onto Toothless. "We'll do our best." 

He urged Toothless into flight and flew off. 

"He is very young," Tofi commented, looking at his son. "This must be 
a great hardship on him." 

Thorjin nodded. "He is physically and mentally exhausted, father, and 
yet he continues. His strategies are incomprehensible and strangely 
naive, and yet they work. His people trust and adore him, will fight 
to the death for him, yet he seems to have no understanding of their 
devotion. He works only for them and seems to have no ambition for 
himself . " 

"You know so much in such a short time, my son?" 

"Unlike most of us he carries his emotions close to the surface, 
father, and in speaking with those around him I have grown to 
understand him well." 

"You like this boy?" 

Thorjin nodded. "I have never known a better man, save you." 

"Well, he is the son of Stoick the Vast." Tofi smiled and clapped his 

son's arm. "Then we had better make sure he wins this 
battle . " 

Hiccup found Snotlout, updated him on the situation and requested he 
try to hold out for as long as it would take the Kundin ships to 
arrive. He considered trying to attack himself, try and find which 
ship Drago was on now, but he had more pressing matters than revenge. 
Dagur had said to win he should cut off the head of the beast, well, 
that was certainly Drago, but he simply couldn't risk getting 
sidetracked right now. 

He sped back to Berk, ordered several more riders out to help 
Snotlout maintain the blockade, including Dagur, then dropped down on 
a cliff overlooking the south side of the island. 

The spikes had been driven into the ground where men might come 
ashore, as requested, and Eret waited high on the cliff in the shaded 
trees with his archers. 

"This is bad, " Eret decided when Hiccup advised of the approaching 
invasion. "We don't have enough people hold off five hundred ships. 
Hiccup . " 

"I know and narrowing their way through sand will only buy us time. 
Eventually they will swarm us by sheer number." 

Hiccup looked skyward and recalled the arrows that had come towards 
him the time he had been on Dragon Island with Drago. The trees were 
good cover, until or unless they caught fire, in which case they 
would be trapped. They needed something that could repel flaming 
arrows, withstand the fire, but still be flexible still allow their 
men to shoot back. He also needed something more effective against 
the ships. All they had was fire, and fire could burn the ships, but 
the armada would have people assigned to douse any flames. 

They couldn't use the Smokebreaths again. Hiccup was already sick 
over the ones that had been killed in the first attack. He hadn't 
thought Drago and his men would be quick enough to kill the swift 
little dragons. He was hesitant to use any more dragons to just 
flying out and attack, they were too vulnerable in the air and there 
had been enough injuries with the ones fighting on the other side. 
There had to be something they could use that couldn't easily be 
rendered useless by the Berserkers. 

"Hiccup!" Ruffnut called as the Zippleback landed beside them. "We 
scouted the second wave of Berserker ships; they'll be here in less 
than twenty minutes." 

Hiccup wasn't listening, he was staring at Ruffnut, hard enough that 
the blonde woman finally flushed. 

"Hey, dude, you had your chance . I'm married now, y'know." 

Hiccup grinned. "You've perfected that Scauldron call, 
right ? " 

Ruffnut blinked. "Yeah, sure. Me and Scaldy see each other at least 
once a week, why?" 

"Do you think you could get Scaldy to bring some of his friends for a 

swim?" Hiccup pointed towards the sea, and the outlining sales of the 
approaching ships. "Out there?" 

"You mean, you want them to attack the ships?" Tuffnut demanded, 
surprised. "They'd be pretty defenseless..." 

"Not with the Hackatoos for air support. They're fairly heavily 
armored and they're the best against wooden ships. How many do we 
have around?" 

"Uh... maybe four..." 

"Round them up. They can attack from the sky why the Scaldrons attack 
from below. The Berserkers may have ways to put out fires, but they 
can't douse boiling water, and that much moisture and heat will soak 
the wood, making it and easier for the Hackatoos to destroy." 

"But that's..." Ruffnut grinned suddenly. "Pretty damn 
brilliant . " 

Eret grinned and tossed an arm around Hiccup's shoulders. "That's why 
he ' s the chief . " 

Hiccup shrugged off Eret ' s arm. "It's not about that!" he snapped. 
"People are dying, we have to end this as soon as we can. Ruff, Tuff, 
get going." He turned to look out at the black sails approaching 
them. "Snotnout needs more time, we all need more time." 

But time was not on their side. 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>"They're out!" Eishlegs cried as Meatlug fired her remaining 
shot. "I have to bring them back and get them fed." As long as the 
Gronkles had a steady supply of rocks to eat their shots could be 
maintained, and he knew they would be needed for any land invasion as 
well . <p> 

Snotlout lifted his hand. "Go! I've got this!" 

"Thorjin's ships have engaged, we should retreat!" 

"There's still too many. Get the Gronkles and however many riders you 
can back to Berk to help. Hiccup. I'll stay here and keep them back 
as long as I can." 

"Snot..." Eishlegs began worried. 

"Eor the love of Thor, just go! That's an order!" 

Eishlegs reluctantly called to the Gronkles and each one swooped down 
to grab whatever uninjured man they could from the ships below and 
headed back home. 

Snotlout spotted a familiar Viking cleaving his way through other 
Berserkers and smirked. "Show off, " he muttered, even as the Viking 
started to be surrounded 

He pushed Hookfang into a dive, steep enough and close enough that 
many of the warring Vikings ducked as the dragon swooped over their 

heads . 

Snotlout jumped off as Hookfang took to the sky again, and found 
himself back to back with Dagur the Deranged. "Aren't you dead 
yet ? " 

Dagur grinned wildly. "They keep trying, but so far no one has 
managed it. It's so disappointing." 

The Vikings, having recovered from almost being flattened by a 
Monsterous Nightmare engaged their ex-chief once more. Dagur blocked, 
parried and thrust his sword into his attacker's stomach. 

"Good, cause I wanna be the one to kill you, " Snotlout retorted as he 
caught the wrist of a Viking swinging an axe towards him, punched the 
man hard enough to break his nose and knocking him cold. He caught 
his enemies axe before it hit the deck; now he had two axes. "Why are 
you even here, man?" 

Dagur slashed through two more Vikings, then, saw a mace headed 
towards Snotlout 's head out of the corner of his eye and 
instinctively raised the shield that Hiccup had given him. The mace 
bounced off the shield, sending a stinging vibration through Dagur 's 
arm, but not damaging the shield. Dagur gripped the shield's rim for 
balance and watched as the shield opened and something punched the 
Viking away from him. 

"I love this _ornate_ shield!" he cried, then responded to Snotlout 's 
question. "I'm here because Hiccup asked me to be." 

"He doesn't..." Snotlout grunted as he caught a blow to the head from 
his left side, then quickly backhanded the idiot that had landed the 
punch. "Dude! That hurt!" He stomped on the man's groin, then kicked 
him in the face, knocking him cold. "He doesn't really want you here, 
he just has no choice. I won't let you hurt him again, Dagur." 

Dagur sliced open a man's chest and laughed as he once again found 
himself back to back with the muscular dragon rider. " 
Snotlump jealous?" 

"It's Snotlout!" Snotlout grimaced as one of the two men he was 
fighting managed to nick his shoulder with their blade. He caught one 
in the chin with the handle of one axe, then sliced into the arm of 
the second who was holding the blade. "Just die already, because when 
this is done I will kill you, anyway." 

"If you want me to die, why are you here helping me?" 

"I'm not here for you! I'm here for Hiccup!" 

Dagur turned and met Snotlout 's eyes with a fierce, determined gaze. 
"As am I . " 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>The Berserkers had made it ashore on the south side of the 
island. In the water several meters away was a collage of wrecked 
ships and the beach below was littered with Vikings that had been 
pierced by arrows or spikes, or both.<p> 

The Scaldrons and Haccatoos were doing their job and managed to wreck 
several of the ships already, but there was simply too many in the 
water for it to matter. While some of the Hooligan's flaming arrows 
had managed to disable some of the smaller crafts that the Berserkers 
that had retreated to, several more still made it ashore. 

The Nadder spikes had managed to bottleneck the Berserkers only for a 
few minutes, and it was enough for Bret's men to take care of many of 
them with arrows, but the Berserkers just kept coming and, while the 
majority were still fighting on the beach below, a few of them were 
surging up the path to the cliff above. 

Hiccup and his team had moved down from the top and were now fully 
engaged in combat. Hiccup had managed to blast his way through 
several of them with Toothless, but he had gotten knocked off the 
dragon at some point and had lost sight of his dragon. Almost 
immediately he was battling against a mammoth Berserker who seemed 
intent on taking his head off with an axe that seemed to larger than 
Hiccup's whole body. 

His flame sword would do him no good here, and he was crap with an 
axe or a blade. He was better with a bow or cross bow, or even with 
his shield, but he had given that to Dagur. All he could count on was 
his quick reflexes and his hand to hand abilities as he tried to 
dodge his attacker while searching for Toothless in the chaos. Why, 
why couldn't he fight better? 

The mammoth Viking caught him in the back with his boot as he was 
turned away and Hiccup landed hard on his stomach with a punishing 
thud. Unable to move because of the weight pressing down upon him, 
and knowing this could well be the end of him, he raised his hands 
over his head. "I'm sorry Astrid, " 

He was startled when instead of the pain of impalement he heard a 
distinct clang, and risking a glance over his shoulder, saw that Bret 
stood over him, his sword blocking the Berserker's axe. 

"How about trying someone your own size, my friend?" the arrogant 
trapper encouraged. "Or are you incapable of a fair fight?" 

The Berserker growled as he was forcibly shoved back and landed on 
his considerable sized ass. "Bine, I'll kill you first, then use him 
to pick my teeth!" 

The Berserker charged as Bret grabbed Hiccup up with one arm and 
shoved him out of the way. 

"Too slow," Bret teased as he sidestepped the man's advance twice. 
"Yet again." He tsked and tapped the edge of his sword on his palm. 
"And you call yourself a Viking?" 

Hiccup rolled to his feet and started to move forward to help, as the 
Berserker was still head and shoulders taller than Bret, but he was 
suddenly grabbed from behind. Catching his attacker's wrist he 
pivoted and threw the man over his shoulder, then twisted the 
Berserker's arm until he heard it snap and the man cried out in 
pain . 

Hiccup was grateful to Bret, but he couldn't keep counting on other 
people to rescue him. This was life or death, he couldn't be cautious 

here, he didn't have the luxury of doubt or guilt. 

He heard a suspicious _thwap_ behind him and turned to find 
Toothless, who had knocked another Berserker back with his tail. The 
dragon whined and nudged his rider, worriedly. 

"I'm okay, bud." Then he remembered one of his newer inventions and 
quickly dug into the saddlebag. 

Eret was holding his own, but the Berserker's sheer size was against 
the tapper and seeing an opening in their battle he called 
out . 

"Eret ! " 

Eret glanced towards Hiccup and dove out of the way as his Chief 
tossed the small round canister which he had named a Zipplepuff. The 
green gas exploded from the canister as Eret darted towards Hiccup, 
snatched him by the arm and the two hopped onto Toothless, who 
immediately took to the air and landed higher on the 
cliff . 

"S... sorry about that," Hiccup managed as they slid off by a grove of 
trees . 

"Hey, I'm more afraid of your wife than that guy," Eret tossed, but 
he was breathing heavily and bleeding from his shoulder. "She'll be 
pissed if I let you get killed." 

Hiccup surveyed the battle from their vantage point and scowled. 

"This isn't working, there are too many of them." 

"We may have to call him in. Hiccup." 

"There's no way to control the damage!" Hiccup shook his head. "I 
can't just kill them, Eret..." 

"We're all gonna die if you don't." 

"There has to be another way." 

"There isn't." Eret put his hand on Hiccup's shoulder. "It was part 
of your strategy, remember?" 

"Only as a last resort and I don't even know if it will 
work ! " 

"We're losing. Hiccup. We need a last resort." 

Hiccup knew Eret spoke the truth and he died a little more inside. He 
swore then cupped his hands over his mouth and let out a strange, 
whining cry. 

Eret ripped a small ivory horn from his belt, blew into it and the 
response was instantaneous. All members of the Hooligan tribe that 
could walk grabbed the ones that couldn't and scrambled back up the 
cliff, away from the battle. Those on the beach ran for the outlying 
posts that had been imbedded in the sand and quickly lashed 
themselves to it. 

Surprised by the sudden retreat, the Berserkers started to surge 
forward, only to hear a strange whirling sound. They looked up, 
horrified at the advancing red and grey beast, then started running 
back towards the water, but the Typhoomerang with its fierce wind and 
flame was already consuming them. 

Hiccup forced himself to watch as the dragon wreaked havoc on the 
beach below, watched men howl and scream in terror as they were swept 
up in the tornado-like force and tossed miles out to sea, or burned 
to a crisp by the ensuing fire. Hiccup released a second call, gave a 
hand signal up and then forward and the Typhoomerang headed for the 
Berserker fleet. Ships were crushed against each other, cries filled 
the air along with the wretched sounds of ripping wood and screeching 
metal . 

Hiccup sounded another call and started forward as the Typhoomerang 
landed and hobbled towards him, then bent his head to nudge 
Hiccup . 

"Yeah..." he croaked staring at the destruction before him. " 
did good. Torch." Gods! What had he done? A hand landed on his 
shoulder and he glanced back at Eret . 

"They're retreating," the trapper stated, quietly and pointed towards 
the few ships that had managed to survive unscathed. The few 
Beserkers that had been caught on the trail heading up towards the 
cliff had been blown off or ran off after seeing what had happened to 
their tribesmen. 

"Send whatever riders we can and pick up any survivors." Hiccup 
turned away and walked towards Toothless. "Make sure our people below 
are okay and see to their injuries as best we can." 

"Hiccup..." Tuffnut began rushing up, he and Ruffnut had been among 
the people lashed to the posts below and both were covered in blood 
and dirt. "I can't believe you were right! Those posts were just 
outside Torch's fire ring range!" 

Ruffnut 's long blond hair had been whipped free from its usual braids 
by the Typhoomerang ' s wind and fell in chaotic waves down her back, 
but because she and the others from their tribe had retreated to the 
posts outside of the dragon's range, they were none the worse for 
wear . 

"Go look after your wounds." 

"It's okay, none of this is ours," Tuffnut grinned with a sense of 
pride, then scowled when Hiccup continued to face away from them as 
his hands tightened on Toothless' saddle. 

"Hey, Hiccup..." Ruffnut moved forward to touch his arm, sensing his 
distress. "Hey, it's..." 

Hiccup avoided her and climbed onto Toothless. "See to the survivors, 
then get back to the other side of the island as soon as you can." He 
urged Toothless up into the air, and when he was high enough, let the 
tears fall. 

So many dead, so many hurt and for what? All so Drago could have his 
revenge? All so a madman could call himself a leader of men and 

dragons? It had to stop. It all had to stop. "This ends now." He 
dashed his tears away and urged Toothless to fly faster across the 
island." "I'm coming for you, Drago." 

On the North side of Berk, several of the Berserker ships had made it 
through the barricade and many of them were in smaller boats heading 
for shore. Fishlegs and Gobber were on the cliff above the docks, 
operating and organizing the use of catapults against the approaching 
ships . 

Huge piles of rocks sat beside the catapults and were being consumed 
by the Gronkles, who in turn were dropping their lava bombs into the 
rounded seats of the catapults before being released towards the 
approaching Berserkers . 

Below, small fires burned where Valka was giving the orders for 
archers to fire out over the water at the Berserkers who had been 
knocked into the water and were attempting to swim to shore, or to 
the smaller crafts that held their tribesmen. 

A familiar blond figure led a team of Deadly Nadders over the water 
closest to shore to fire spikes into to the smaller approaching 
ships, delaying and sometimes preventing their passage inland. 

"I'm gonna kill her," Hiccup ground out as he swooped down and 
grabbed a startled Sven, just as he let an arrow 
fly . 

"Uh. . .Chief. . .what?" 

"Just transferring some personnel, " Hiccup growled as he sped towards 
his wife and Stormfly. 

Astrid spotted him, flushed and grimaced, then turned back to 
coordinate a second attack. When Toothless reached her she refused to 
meet Hiccup's hard gaze. 

"Get on, " he ordered in a tone that brokered no argument, and Astrid 
complied as Sven swung atop Stormfly. "Can you takeover, 


"I've got it. Chief," the Viking assured and watched the Night Fury 
fly off again. 

Astrid held onto Hiccup silently, knowing there was nothing she could 
say that would curb his anger and disappointment in her. She truly 
had not intended to get into the battle this much, but Hiccup and 
most of the riders had been on the other side of the island, and she 
had no idea where Snotlout was. She couldn't just let those 
Berserkers come ashore so she'd had to make a decision. 

"How... how is the fighting on the other side?" she asked, 
timidly . 

"Over . " 

She winced. He sounded furious and she couldn't blame him. She'd been 
stupid, and had broken her promise to him. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered and pressed her cheek to his 

back . 

"Astrid you..." He snapped his mouth shut, this wasn't the time. 

He knew she would have had a valid reason for doing what she did, but 
she'd given him her word, damn it! Realizing then that no one truly 
had a choice in this fight anymore, he altered his course and landed 
by the Great Hall, instead of dropping her on the high cliff top, 
where they liked to watch the sunset, to keep her out of harm's 
way . 

"Get inside." 

"Hiccup! You can't leave me out of this..." 

His agonized gaze cut off her protest. "We're going to have injured 
coming in. I need you to get the mothers and any of the older kids 
ready to receive them." He slid off of Toothless and pulled Astrid 
down. "Then take Toothless and meet me at the docks, bring your 

Astrid gaped at him, and tears filled her eyes. " You . . . you ' re letting 
me fight?" 

"We're all going to have to fight. We don't have the luxury of anyone 
staying out of this if we're going to survive; we've already lost too 
many people." He leaned in and kissed her soundly, just as Eret and 
Skullcrusher dropped down beside them. "Try and be careful, okay? I 
love you . " 

Astrid hugged him hard and nodded, then released him as Eret gave him 
a hand up onto Skullcrusher. 

Toothless whined, seeing his rider on another dragon. 

"I need you to stay with Astrid, Bud. Do this for me, you protect 
her, okay?" 

Toothless whined again then nodded and watched fearfully as the two 
men flew off. 

2 1 . Chapter 2 1 

_Hey everyone! I'm back. Sorry this was a long wait, but I wanted to 
make this chapter the very best I could, and hopefully I did. Once 
again much gratitude and love to Incarnate Eirefly for helping me put 
my thoughts together for it and making such excellent suggestions. 

_He and I are writing a new story together, a crossover of Thor and 
HTTYD, so I hope you will check it out and give us loads of reviews 
and support. It's called **Twelve Days North Of Hopelessness** and 
it's pretty awesome so far (thanks mostly to Incarnate's spectacular 
writing!) Check it out, please !_ 

_And now ... because I know you are waiting, here is the final battle 
chapter. I have split into two parts because it was so long, and will 
post both at the same time so you don't have to wait! Aren't I a nice 

><p>Snotlout flew over Berk on Hookfang and howled a cry of victory. 
They had the Berserker fleet on the run, the bastards couldn't turn 
their ships around fast enough and those that were on land, still 
alive and able to swim were doing just that, chasing after their 
battered and broken armada. <p> 

Eret waved at Snotlout, and gave the signal to pull his men back and 
let the Berserkers retreat. He whistled and several dragons showed up 
to pluck up their enemy and fly them out to what ships were still 
able to sale; wanting the bastards off the island as soon as 
possible, as Hiccup had not wanted any prisoners. He shouted a 
warning to the men to spread the news of what happens when anyone 
dared attack Berk. 

The ground was littered with bodies, most of them Berserkers, also a 
couple of dragons, but there were several Hooligans among them and 
Eret knew that would grieve Hiccup the most. He started to step 
around and over the bodies, searching for anyone left alive, watched 
as his men followed suit. 

"Eret ! " 

He glanced up as Stormjumper hovered above him. 

"Where is Hiccup?" 

"I have not seen him." He glanced over the bodies, but did not see 
any that looked like their Chief. "I think he was down by the docks, 
last I saw . " 

"Aye . " 

Both glanced sideways as Gobber limped towards them. "He and Dagur 
were worried Drago might have gotten in through the caves, they went 
to look . " 

"Eret, you and Gobber check the caves, " Valka ordered as Snotlot slid 
up beside her. 

"Those tunnels lead all over the island. I'll grab the twins and 
we'll check the East and West sides." 

"I'll head for the village," Astrid announced as she and Toothless 
landed beside Eret. "And the hall." 

Valka nodded. "And I'll go south." 

Moments later they parted and flew their dragons to opposite sides of 
the islands. 

Hiccup reached his hand up as Dagur reached down to pull him free of 
the hole that had been made in the center of town. They had covered 
all the tunnel openings made by the Whispering Death several years 
before, but somehow Drago had guessed which tunnel had led to the 
village and had blasted his way out. 

"Tracks lead off that way, " Dagur announced, as he pointed up towards 

the structure carved into the mountain. 

"We can't let him reach the Great Hall, we have women and children 
and even injured in there." 

"It would help if we had that dragon of yours!" Dagur growled and 
they started running. 

Hiccup agreed, but he still would rather have Toothless watching out 
for Astrid than here. Yes things were slower without his dragon, but 
he would just have to make up for that. "Less talk more 
running . " 

Just before they reached the Chief's house, a blast of green fire 
came hurling towards them. Hiccup shoved Dagur behind a cabbage cart, 
just barely avoiding the witches attack. 

"Oh great," Hiccup muttered, rolling his eyes. "She's back." He 
glanced at Dagur, noticed that the Berserker had broken out in a 
heavy sheen of sweat and his eyes were tightly closed. "Dagur?" 

"So much blood. There's so much blood." 

Hiccup caught Dagur 's shoulders and shook him, this was no time for 
the Viking to break down. "You can't do this now!" 

"Please ... don ' t hurt me . . . don ' t . . . I can't... The 
screams ..." 

"Dagur!" Hiccup growled peeked over the rim of the cart and spotted 
Drago half way up the hill leading to the hall, while the witch 
formed another ball of fire. He grabbed Dagur, took a leap and rolled 
behind a barrel of fish as the cart where they had been exploded. 
"Dagur! Little help here!" 

"So much blood... so much..." 

"Look at me!" Hiccup slapped him, hard. " Dagur. Dagur. 

Brother ! " 

Dagur 's eyes finally focused. "H ... Hiccup . " 

"I know you're afraid, but I need you here with me. You have to keep 
your head, okay?" 

Numbly, Dagur nodded. "S... sorry." 

"Can you do this?" 

"I... yeah. Yes. I can do this. I'm okay." 

They both peeked around the barrel as the witch formed a third ball 
of fire. 

"I wish Fishlegs were here," Hiccup groaned, as he desperately 
searched for more cover or a weapon he could throw. 


"He could probably tell us how many shots a witch has..." 

"At least three!" Dagur threw himself over Hiccup as the barrel 
exploded and fish rained down upon them. 

Hiccup spotted a large cracked mirror that Astrid had put out a few 
days before and grabbed it up. "When I say go, run." 

Dagur nodded and spotted the witch forming a forth ball of fire in 
her hands, waited. "Incoming." 

"Go ! " 

Dagur bolted, as Hiccup rose and held the mirror in front of him. The 
green fire hit the glass, blasting him backwards , then ricocheting 
back towards the witch. The woman deflected it, but the return had 
startled her and so she did not properly command her blocking spell. 
The green fire bounced off the red shield she threw up and blasted a 
hole in hall steps in front of Drago. 

The Dragon Master spun around, surprised. 

"Going somewhere, Drago?" Hiccup demanded. 

"Why yes, I was looking for your wife, actually." 

"She's not in there, but you found me." 

Drago shrugged. "Then I'll just kill whoever is inside." 

"No!" Hiccup started running, Dagur alongside him. 

Suddenly there was a blast of blue fire from above and Drago was 
thrown several feet into the air as the steps before him 
exploded . 

Hiccup watched the larger Viking land and roll backwards towards 
them, then waved at the Night Fury hovering above them. "Hit him 
again ! " 

Astrid and Toothless complied, but Drago curled his cape around him 
and deflected the blast. Almost immediately the witch countered with 
a flurry of green and red fire balls. Toothless dodged the first two 
but the third hit him dead center and he flipped backwards with a 
startled cry. 

Astrid screamed as she was flung off the dragon and started 
falling . 

"Astrid ! " 

Dagur tossed his weapons, hopped over a cart, leapt onto a barrel, 
scaled the roof of a shed, sprinted across the roof and jumped. He 
caught Astrid in his arms, tucked her body to his and turned them in 
midair so that the impact was on him when they hit the 
ground . 

"O...OW," he managed weakly. "That ... hurt . " 

"Oh my Gods!" Astrid groaned, she'd felt some of the impact, but not 
nearly as much as Dagur had, and if she had fallen from that height 

"T . . . thank you 

alone, she would surely be dead. 

Dagur . " 

"Don ' t ... mention it. Ever." He wheezed. "Can you... get off 
now? " 

"Sorry!" She scrambled up, then spun around and noticed Toothless had 
recovered enough to dip down and grab his rider. "Go get 'em babe!" 
she crowed, then winced and put her hand to her stomach. 

Hiccup was so relieved to be back on Toothless he almost cried, but 
there was no time for such hysterics, the witch was once again 
hurling fire at them and Drago was starting to climb around the 
shattered staircase to the hall. 

Toothless blasted the witch but she continued to deflect his fire 
with her magic, and Hiccup knew that the woman was just a diversion. 
He couldn't let Drago get to the hall, and when he spotted someone 
opening the hall doors, brought by the noise outside, he screamed at 
them . 

"Get out! Get everybody out of there now!" 

The woman nodded and quickly closed the door again. He knew she would 
bar the door and get everyone to the catacombs, but she would need 
time to move them. Turning Toothless away from the witch he flew to 
the front entrance to face their enemy. 

"Your fight is with me, Drago, " he insisted. "Call off your witch and 
let us settle this as men." 

"Come down off your dragon and we will." 

Hiccup wasn't stupid. "Go back down first, then I'll face you without 
Toothless . " 

Drago smirked, gave him a mocking bow, then turned and started down. 
Hiccup waited until Drago was closer to the center of the village, 
then he landed opposite him. 

"Hiccup!" Astrid cried as she and Dagur started to race towards him, 
only to have the witch toss a couple of barrels at them with her 
magic, knocking them both cold. 

"Astrid!" Hiccup cried and turned Toothless towards them, only to 
have Drago stand between them and his victims. 

"We can't have them interfering," Drago reminded and Hiccup was left 

to agree. He didn't want anyone else to get hurt. "Face me, boy, 

without your beast . " 

Hiccup wanted to run to Astrid, make sure she was okay, but he needed 
to defeat Drago before anyone else got hurt. Toothless whined. "It's 
okay boy, just stay out of it." He slid off of the dragon and 

retrieved his sword and shield. "Let's do this then." 

He watched Drago swing his sword with skill and intimidation, so 
focused on his enemy that he missed the signal that was given to the 
witch. The magic blast hit Toothless hard and fast, without any 
chance to avoid it and Hiccup was still close enough that he was 

thrown backwards . 

Pain and nausea speared through Hiccup, his ears were ringing and his 
vision blurred. He lifted his head, panting and focused on the pile 
of rubble that had been a feeding shed, and a familiar blue-black 
tail visible beneath the stones. 

"NO!" He cried and scrambled over to the pile, trying to rip and pull 
the rubble off his friend. "Toothless!" So afraid for his dragon he 
didn't see Drago walk up behind him until it was too late. 

Drago laughed as he hauled Hiccup up and tossed him. 

Hiccup slammed into the side of the forge then slumped to the ground. 
He tried to scramble up, he had no weapon, no shield and no dragon. 

He reached through the window of the forge for the first thing he 
could grab, which was a hammer, and swung it at Drago, but the larger 
Viking caught it and squeezed his fingers over Hiccup's painfully, 
causing the young chief to lose his grip and the hammer fell to the 
ground . 

"You are nothing without your dragon, eh boy?" 

"More than you'll ever be," Hiccup assured dodging Drago ' s next 
swipe, and then finding himself gripped by the throat and thrown hard 
against the wall of the forge again. "Why can't just leave us in 
peace ! " 

"Peace? Peace! You took everything from me! My dragons, my life!" He 
indicated his missing arm. "Everything!" 

"Bastard!" Hiccup screamed in Drago ' s face, furious. "You took 
everything from everyone else! You used my best friend to kill my 
father ! " 

Drago shrugged. "Casualties of war." 

"Then let this be another one." Hiccup ripped the knife he used for 
sharpening his pencil out from his wrist pouch and plunged it into 
Drago ' s eye. 

The man roared in fury and Hiccup found himself air born once again, 
as if he weighed no more than a rag doll. He hit the ground hard, 
felt something break and sighed; really? Again the ribs, he thought 
before slowly attempting to sit up. 

"Witch ! " 

Hiccup watched, stunned as Drago ripped the knife from his eye and 
the witch formed some sort of magical patch over her master's socket, 
stemming the flow of blood. "For the... love of Thor..." Why wouldn't 
the man just die already? 

"Now..." Drago grinned, advancing. "Now, I kill you!" 

"You..." Hiccup cradled his ribs as he rose. "Talk too much." He 
pulled his Inferno off his belt and released the Zippleback 
gas . 

"What..." Drago surged forward as the young chief started to 

disappear behind the green fog. "More of your tricks?" 

"This from the guy who owns a witch, " Hiccup muttered as he used the 
gas to hide his movements. 

Drago cleaved his sword through the gas, sure he would hit Hiccup if 
he just kept moving forward, through the green mist, and then, as it 
started to clear, found himself alone. "Where?" 

Drago spotted a small tendril of green smoke leading back behind him, 
but even as he turned and spotted Hiccup, now several feet away on 
the opposite side, he had no chance to respond as the young man 
switched his sword to flame. 

"No ! " 

Hiccup touched the tip of his sword to the gas, watched the trail 
catch fire, spark and burn back to the concentrated area around 
Drago. Seconds later the explosion echoed around them and Drago was 
flung several feet into the air then tumbled backwards against a 
collection of carts and crates. 

Knowing that would not be enough to defeat his enemy. Hiccup limped 
back to where he had dropped his sword and shield, lifting it just in 
time to block Drago ' s sword as it swung down upon him. The sound of 
metal against the Gronkle Iron made his ears ring; Drago was 
certainly stronger than he, so he wouldn't be able to hold back by 
force alone. 

He managed to release the catapult on his shield and it hit Drago 
square in the jaw, knocking the larger Viking off balance and back on 
his ass. Hiccup rose, feeling every single injury he'd suffered so 
far, and even the ones that were supposed to have healed. The hand he 
had fractured was throbbing painfully, he could tell he had pulled 
the stitches from the wound in his side, it felt wet behind his 
armor, and his ribs were once again in fire. 

He switched his shield to the cross bow, aimed as Drago rose to his 
feet again. "Concede." 

Drago laughed. "Never!" 

22 . Chapter 22 

_Second part! So, what did you think of the last chapter? Did you 

leave me a review? If you did, I love you. WARNING- character 

death, moments of extreme violence. Don't forget to check out Twelve 
Days North Of Berk written by me and Incarnate Firefly. _ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Drago surged forward and Hiccup fired his shield crossbow, but 
the arrow glanced off Drago ' s thick, dragon-scale breast plate. He 
only had one arrow in his shield, so he tried to change to the bolo, 
but Drago was already upon him. He'd managed to block the first 
attack, even got his Inferno beneath his shield long enough for the 
flames to touch Drago ' s pant leg and catch fire.<p> 

Drago stumbled backwards, grabbed a nearby bucket of water and doused 

his burning leg. 

Hiccup dropped his shield, grabbed the sword that Dagur had dropped 
when he had run to Astrid's aid, and swung upwards with it, catching 
Drago by surprise and slicing through the thin straps of leather at 
the side of his armor, just under his arms. His breast plate dropped 
to the ground with a heavy thump. 

"Very cleaver." Drago tossed the bucket aside and stepped over his 
armor as he advanced on Hiccup once more. "But you'll need to do more 
than that to defeat me, boy." 

"I'm working on it," Hiccup assured, and couldn't help glancing at 
where Toothless was still buried and Astrid and Dagur remained 
unconscious. He'd have done it by now if Drago wasn't using his witch 
for protection and healing. "I'm fighting without my dragon, why 
don't you fight without your witch?" 

Drago smiled, menacingly. "Very well, just you and me boy. This is 
too easy." He lunged and Hiccup surprised himself by blocking. He 
wasn't very good with a sword, but that and Inferno was all he had at 
the moment, he just needed to get it past Drago ' s defenses again and 
set the bastard on fire! 

He dodged left when he should have moved right, and when he tried to 
compensate he felt the sting of steel slicing just under his breast 
plate and grazing his skin; the leather prevented a deeper swipe. 
There was no time to recover, for Drago was attacking again, his 
massive sword bearing down as Hiccup tried to counter, but he was off 
balance and the metal sword was ripped from his hand. He shoved 
Inferno forward, but Drago, who had a more extended reach, stepped 
back pivoted and brought his sword down onto Hiccup's 
shoulder . 

Hiccup dropped his flame sword and crumpled to one knee. Not good! 

Not good! He could feel the blood flowing from his shoulder and from 
the cut on his stomach, but before he could address either Drago had 
kicked him back onto the ground. 

After that. Hiccup lost count of the number of blows from Drago ' s 
foot or fist. He could taste blood in his mouth, it was a horribly 
sour taste and he knew he had lost, but still he tried to rise 
against his enemy. Still, he fought for some form of defense, and was 
pummeled for the effort. Cursing his weaker body and pleading to the 
Gods for help, he tasted dirt once more. Why didn't Drago just run 
him through? Did he plan on beating him to death, was it more fun 
that way? 

He realized at one point that he simply couldn't move any more, 
something inside of him was definitely hurt bad, but he had to get 
up, he had to finish this. More people would die if he didn't, he 
couldn't let that happen. "Odin, help me, p... please," he whispered 
in agony as he tried to rise yet again. "Have to..." He'd made it to 
his knees and could go no further, his entire body shook with the 
effort . 

"A fitting way for you to die, boy, " Drago sneered. "On your knees, 
bowing to me. Now, who is the true Dragon Master?" 

Hiccup managed to lift his eyes to the larger man, despite the fact 

that a thick line of blood ran from his nose, mouth and temple. 

"Not . . . you . " 

Drago glared at him, furious. "You would still claim that you are the 
one true master?" 

"Dragons ... have no... master. They... only wish... to live 
in . . . peace . " 

Drago grabbed Hiccup's tunic, crouched and pulled him close to sneer 
in his face. "I am their master, as I am your master now. When I am 
done killing you, I will kill your wife, your friends and family. I 
will rule over your people with an iron fist and I will mount your 
dragon's head on my ship!" 

Hiccup managed a weak smile. "And I ... thought ... Dagur 
was. . .delusional." 

"You have lost, boy! You will give me my due!" 

"_Why_ would... I do that?" 

"You will admit defeat!" 

"Okay... I admit it... but you... you 're no dragon master... and you'll 
never... rule my people." 

Was he dying? It felt like he was ... leaking . Was that the right word? 
Was his life force draining so fast he could actually feel it leave 
his body? Would he see his father soon? I miss you so much. Dad. 

"I am the new Chief of Berk. Say it!" 

" You . . . you ' re just a one ... armed pelican, looking for a place 
to ... sea ... scavenge . You'll never be a... leader of... men or dragons." 
He managed a chuckle, his body was going numb, cold. " You . . . couldn ' t 
even ... defeat .. . a Hiccup without ... cheat ing and... using magic. " 
Hiccup searched for a word that would really piss the other man off. 
"You're no one, Drago." 

Hiccup saw the rage cloud his enemy's eyes as Drago shoved him back 
into the dirt and felt a brief moment of triumph, even though he knew 
it meant his own death. He closed his eyes as Drago ' s sword came 
towards him. 

The familiar clang of metal on metal caused Hiccup to open his eyes 
again and he stared in horror at a set of familiar legs standing 
before him. Slowly, he raised his gaze to see that the sword had been 
blocked by twin axes, wielded by a furious blond Viking of 
unparalleled determination. 

"Back off, Yakbreath!" 

"No," Hiccup croaked, but he couldn't even lift a hand to help her. 
She'd promised. She had promised! "The ... baby ... " 

"Needs his father," she growled as she faced their nemesis. 

Drago was startled enough by the fact that Astrid had slipped in 
between him and Hiccup without him noticing, so that when she shoved 

him, he actually stumbled backwards a few steps. 

Astrid lowered her axes, held them out by her sides and stood with 
her legs wide, defiantly. "You'll have to go through me to get to 
him. " 

"Don't... do this!" Fear and panic engulfed Hiccup as he tried to 
lift an unsteady hand to her, cursing his body for not responding to 
his commands. "Please!" 

"Through you?" Drago smiled at Astrid, a smile that promised a slow 
and painful death. "Gladly." 

Astrid blocked his first two blows, but not the third and one of the 
axes flew from her hand. She swung the second far quicker than Drago 
had anticipated and managed a deep gash across his chest, which was 
no longer protected by his armour. She brought the axe swinging back 
just as fast and Drago retreated to avoid contact, but caught the axe 
with his sword, on its return. 

He pushed against their clashing weapons, forcing Astrid to use both 
her hands to keep the blades away from her throat, as he towered over 
her and sneered. "Is this your best?" 

"Nope." Astrid' s knee came up, hard into his groin. 

Drago grunted, but barely flinched. "So predictable for a woman." He 
managed to get his hand between their braced weapons and grabbed her 
tunic. "But I have more pressing matters to attend to." 

"Astrid!" Hiccup watched in horror as his wife was tossed into a cart 
of broken weapons and both cart and girl toppled to the ground, one 
atop the other. "No!" 

The sound of Drago ' s laughter incensed Hiccup, and suddenly, as if 
Odin himself was giving him a firm hand up, he blocked out the pain 
from his injuries and rose to his feet. He picked up one of the axes 
that Astrid had dropped and charged the Dragon Master. 

Drago turned at the last minute and caught the blade of Hiccup's axe 
with the flat of his sword. He started to sneer as he had with the 
woman, but his confidence fled at the murderous rage he saw in those 
usually quiet green eyes. Fear, fury and panic filled the young 
Chief's heart as his blows came fast and unyielding. 

Drago had no time to counter, no time to do anything but block 
Hiccup's attacks, as he was consistently pushed backwards. 

"Not ... possible ! " he muttered, actually working up a sweat now. There 
was no opening for him to get his hand on the boy, no relief from the 
blows to form a counter attack; it was as if the son of Stoick was 
possessed by the Almighty Thor himself 

Hiccup's axe finally got through and opened a wider gash on Drago ' s 
shoulder. He paused for only a moment when he heard a weak voice 
calling for him. Astrid was trying to crawl out from under the 
cart . 

Drago, sensing an opportunity to make the boy suffer, cast an order. 
"Kill the woman witch!" 

The witch, who had been waiting for her master's direction, raised a 
ball of purple fire in her palm. 

"NO!" Hiccup dropped the axe and ran for his wife as she started to 
get to her feet. 

Everything seemed to slow in that moment; Hiccup could see himself ( 
_Stoick_) running towards him, he could see the witch (_Valka's 
scream_) and hear Drago ' s laughter (_A Night Fury's mouth opening 
wide_) , then he was knocking Astrid aside and turning to watch the 
violet (_blue_) flames coming towards him (_No ! 

Dad !_) 

"Brother ! " 

Hiccup watched, horrified, as Dagur's manic grin suddenly appeared 
before him, his arms flung wide as if he was about to eagerly embrace 
him. Then the former Berserker Chief's mouth widened in shock, his 
face turned sheet white, and his body was surrounded by magical 
purple flames. 

Dagur pitched forward as Hiccup bolted up to catch him, but he could 
already see that death had claimed the deranged Viking. The flames 
had died and Dagur was now cold to the touch. 

Astrid crawled towards them, and quietly closed the eyes of the man 
who had saved her husband's life. 

"A shame, " Drago commented. "People always seem to die around you, 
boy . " 

"You monster!" Astrid screamed at him and reached back into the cart 
to search for a weapon that wasn't broken. 

"I am yes." Drago moved forward so fast that neither Astrid nor 
Hiccup had the chance to rise, and put his sword to Hiccup's throat. 
"And now, time's up." 

Hiccup remained still, aside from tossing an arm against Astrid to 
keep her back. He had badly wrenched his leg, had a dead man lying 
across them, and all the previous pain he had felt earlier was 
engulfing him once again, however, he spotted a flicker of blue 
beneath the rubble just behind Drago, and a surge of hope rose within 
him . 

"I think you ' re ... right . " 

Drago smirked, raised his sword and stepped forward, only to have his 
prosthetic arm severed from the shoulder by a flash of blue fire, for 
the second time in his life. He stumbled back, stunned as the sound 
of an enraged dragon and turned to see that Toothless' head had 
emerged from the rubble. 

Blue light permeated through the cracks and crevices of the wood and 
stone until the rubble shattered and released a livid Night 
Fury . 

Hiccup was so glad to see his friend, he almost started crying, 
especially when the dragon leapt in front of him and Astrid and shot 
another plasma blast at the man trying to hurt his family, but Drago 

managed to get his cloak around him this time, protecting him against 
Toothless fire. 

"I will gut your dragon, boy and mount his head on my ship." 

"You're repeating... yourself, Drago, " Hiccup retorted and leaned 
gratefully against the legs of his friend. "Hey Bud. I'm so... glad to 
see you . " 

At that. Toothless roared then spewed a ring of blue fire all the way 
round him and his friends, preventing Drago from reaching them, or 
Hiccup and Astrid from reaching through on their 
side . 

"Witch ! " 

Drago waited, however no magic fire came, and when he turned he saw 
that his witch was crumpled on the ground and Valka Haddock, holding 
a large, two handed sword, stood over her. 

"No . . . Mom, no ... " 

"Step away from my son, Bludvist." 

Drago laughed, even with only one arm he knew he could beat her. 

"Very well, come and get me." 

"No more." Valka stared at Drago with hatred and fury. "You will die 
this day. I swear it by the All-Father, so that not even Hel will 
claim your rotting soul." 

Hiccup struggled to rise, grateful when he felt Astrid' s arms 
assisting him. Why was she doing this? What was she thinking? She was 
no match for Drago! "Mom! Please!" 

"I have to do this. Hiccup. I have to avenge your father!" 

No! He couldn't lose her as he had his father, but Valka's eyes met 
his and he felt as if all the breath left his body from the impact of 
the connection. 

_Death to the Slayer if vengeance is won _ 

Hiccup closed his eyes tightly as a single tear slipped out, and he 
dropped back to his knees. "Oh Gods," he whispered and felt his heart 
break in two. He had to let her do this. It was her destiny. 

Drago smirked, and then engaged Valka in battle. They circled each 
other, like cautious beasts fighting over a fresh kill. Drago swung, 
fast and hard, but Valka dodged sideways and the zing of his blade 
swished down, mere centimetres from cleaving her arm in two. She was 
ready again in an instant, her stance bold, carrying her weight on 
her back foot instead of her right as the fingers of both hands 
flexed purposefully around her hilt. 

Drago thrust, Valka countered by turning her sword down and flat to 
block his blade, he pushed his face close to hers and laughed. She 
shoved her sword handle upwards into his chin and heard a satisfying 
grunt as his head whipped back, breaking their weapon's 
standoff . 

Annoyed, Drago attacked with more ferocity and each time Valka 
blocked, but he continued to press her backwards and further away 
from Hiccup and Astrid. She was quick like a cat, her movements 
smooth and practiced and never once exposed her back to him. When he 
landed a kick to her stomach, instead of bowing forward as most 
would, giving him the perfect opportunity to decapitate her, she 
dropped to her knees arched backward, then brought her legs up to 
swiftly catch his chin with her boots, before tossing them over her 
head in a back flip and regaining her feet once more to face 

Drago glanced behind him, saw the witch was starting to rise again. 
"Kill her!" he roared at the woman. 

"Mom, run!" Astrid cried, and tried to step through the blue fire, 
but Toothless growled and blasted around them again, creating a 
higher barrier. 

Valka didn't bother to turn towards the robed woman, for a second 
later there was a low growl from above. 

Flinching, the witch lifted her gaze and saw Cloudjumper hovering in 
mid-air above her. Before she could cry out or defend with her magic, 
the dragon landed atop her and all movement stopped. The Stormcutter 
stepped forward and scrapped his feet backwards, like a cat in a 
litter-box, flinging the dead witch away from him as he would any 
feces . 

"Awww, what a shame," Valka taunted. "It is so very hard to find a 
good witch, nowadays." 

"Damn you!" Drago roared, as the magic that was healing his eye 
dissolved and blood ran freely down his face from the wound. "I'll 
cleave your son's head from his body and feed it to you!" 

Valka advanced, blocked Drago ' s attempt to get to Hiccup, then she 
thrust, parried, blocked again before dropping to her knee and pieced 
his side with her blade. 

Drago ' s fist came down knocking Valka backwards as he contacted with 
her jaw; yet again she managed to roll to her feet. He could see, 
however, that she was dazed by the blow and a trickle of blood had 
formed at the corner of her mouth. 

He attacked her with vigour, watching the blood fly as he sliced her 
arm, her leg, her other arm. Valka fell to one knee, her sword raised 
over her head as she attempted to block the next blow. 

"Toothless! Let me... pass!" Hiccup insisted as he again tried to 
rise and get past the fire and his dragon. "He's gonna... kill 
her ! " 

Toothless' ears flattened in apology and concern. He knew both his 
riders were badly hurt and he would not allow them to be hurt 
further. He also understood that this fight was for the humans and 
his job was to protect, not kill. And so, protect he would. He shot a 
plasma blast at Drago ' s feet, as the man's cape would simply protect 
him again. It startled Drago enough that he stumbled back, which gave 
Valka the chance to get to her feet again. 

Cloudjumper roared and opened his mouth, as if he was going to roast 
Drago there and then to protect his mistress, but Valka warned him 
of f . 

"No! Cloudjumper!" 

"Give up," Drago sneered at her. "My forces have already taken the 
island and you are growing weak. You cannot win." 

"I don't need to win." She said as their swords clanged and once 
again their faces were inches apart. "I just need to wait." 

Drago ' s eyes widened for a minute and then realization dawned, just 
as Valka 's sword thrust upwards and through his massive chest in one 
powerfully skilled blow. 

He staggered back, looked down and was amazed to see his shirt 
quickly staining with the red. He was Drago Bludvist, the one and 
only true Dragon Master, and he would not be defeated by a mere 
hiccup and a woman! 

He charged again, then halted as two arrows pierced his chest. His 
eyes widened to see the familiar face of his former dragon trapper 
and a one armed, one legged man standing several feet away. 

He was outnumbered, he had to run, but he would be back! He would not 
die here. This would not end here! He turned to flee and found 
himself face to face with more young people, one sitting astride a 
Monsterous Nightmare, two others on a Zippleback. 

"Going somewhere?" Snotlout demanded, darkly. 

This couldn't end like this! This wasn't how it was supposed to be! 
This wasn't fair! He was the Dragon Master! His gaze swung to his 
nemesis, the young son of Stoick the Vast who was being held by that 
idiot blond girl and guarded by a Night Fury. 

"Have you no honor?" he gasped, he could feel his own blood filling 
his lungs. "Is this how you would defeat me, with numbers and 
trickery? " 

"Learned it... from you," Hiccup said quietly, a black haze was 
starting to fill his line of vision and he wondered how much blood he 
had lost. "A... Chief protects his own ... anyway he can..." 

"And his own protect their Chief, " Fret stated as he let fly another 
arrow into Drago ' s leg, causing the man to fall to one knee. 

"This cannot be! I will not accept defeat! You will all die! All of 
you! This is not over!" 

"It's over, you one armed bastard," Snotlout sneered as he and the 
twins took aim with their arrows, even as their enemy turned to flee 
in the other direction. 

Drago fell forward to his knees a second time as three arrows pierced 
his back, then looked up as a shadow fell over him. 

Valka lifted her sword with both hands as her hate filled eyes stared 

into his terrified ones. 

"You... you can't." 

"I must," she said and swung downwards, decapitating the man who had 
killed her husband with one swift blow. "It ends today." 

Silence fell as Drago ' s body tipped forward and his head rolled 
across the ground. 

Hiccup stared at his family, his friends with sadness, admiration and 
love. Vengeance had been won, the slayer was dead, killed by those he 
had had wronged. Each of them had contributed to Drago ' s wounds, each 
of them had carved off a piece of the bastard's soul, scattering it 
so that even Hel would not claim it. 

"Thank the Gods, " Hiccup sighed and let himself fall back into his 
wife's arms. "I'm just ... gonna ... pass out now." And so he did, 
missing the ensuing commotion and concern of his loved ones around 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><strongXem> *Thunk! Thank the Gods that's over. I'm 
exhausted ! <em>* * 

23. Epillogue 

_And so it is that all things must end. May it Be belongs to Enya, I 
know it is a Celtic song not Norse, but it was stuck in my head while 
I was writing this. Thank you everyone so very, very much for your 
continued reviews and support of this story. I hope I have managed to 
tie up most lose ends and that you enjoy the result. 


_If anyone is interested, I do have a third part started, however I 
am on the fence as to whether or not to post. I may have overdosed 
you all with these last two and you could possibly be sick of reading 
it. If anyone is interested please let me know._ 

_Also, please please check out the story I am co-authoring with 
Incarnate Eirefly Twelve Days North of Hopeless and give us your 
feedback ._ 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>As the sun dipped low over the horizon. Hiccup waited just back 
from the edge of the water as the boats were prepared for the death 
rites. His injuries had been treated, his ribs wrapped a second time, 
and while he was still not in great shape, he would see this part of 
his duty done . <p> 

The sea was calm now, the debris of broken and burned ships had been 
cleared to make way for the passage of the dead to Valhalla. The wind 
which had been calm the night before had picked up, as if wishing to 
speed their journey to the All Eather; it whipped and tugged at 
Hiccup's hair and cloak. 

They had lost twenty one people, which were light causalities for a 
war, but when you considered how small a population Berk had, their 
deaths were significant. People he grew up with and respected, like 
Sven and Bucket were among them; Mulch had not stopped weeping yet 
for Bucket. 

Gothi, a woman he had always considered a mentor to him, had 
sacrificed herself to give him a weapon to fight Drago ' s witch. Other 
casualties were locals that he knew by name or face and had daily 
contact with, but hadn't known very well. It was hard for a Chief to 
know everyone on such a personal level, even in a small community 
like Berk, but it did not make their deaths less meaningful. It did 
not make him grieve less for them. 

And then, there was the overwhelming guilt he carried from the two 
most surprising casualties. Dagur, who had been his enemy, but had 
become a friend when he saved the Chief of Berk and his wife, had 
earned a warrior's death and was recognized for it. They dressed him 
in some of their best armament and, out of respect for the fallen 
former Chief, draped both the flag of Berk and one they had recovered 
from a Berserker's ship, across him, a sign that he was of two 
tribes, but would be one of them now and forever. Hiccup would always 
carry him as a brother in his heart. 

"He's ready. Chief," Gobber sighed, sadly as he stepped away from the 
last boat. 

Hiccup nodded, ignoring the pain of his injuries and crouched down as 
he stared into the now peaceful face of his friend. Just looking at 
that wide, childlike face and tuft of blond hair made Hiccup's chest 
ache, but he had no more tears left to shed for him. 

This brave man had also earned a warrior's death, for in an attempt 
to save a dragon that had gotten shot down and attacked by 
Berserkers, he had flown in and battled them single-handedly. The 
dragon had gotten away, but his friend had been overwhelmed by the 
enemy; he had simply been outnumbered. 

Hiccup pulled the Book of Dragons from beneath his cloak, lifted the 
sword in Fishleg's arms and set the book against the man's massive 
chest. He set the sword upon the book and adjusted his friend's hands 
on the hilt. They had worked so hard on this book, had such great 
adventures learning about dragons and then passing on their knowledge 
to the younger generation. There would never be another man like him, 
not on Berk, not anywhere, and certainly not in Hiccup's heart. 

He leaned in and pressed his forehead to Fishleg's, whispered a 
prayer for Odin to care for his friend and mad a quiet promise of all 
the great scriptures in Valhalla that were waiting for Fishlegs to 
read. Fish was only ever happy when he was learning. 

Gobber helped the young Chief rise, handed him his bow and arrow, 
then he and a line of other men pushed the boats into the 
water . 

Ruffnut started to sing a prayer for their fallen warriors. 

_**May it be an evening star 

>Shines down upon you<br>May it be when darkness falls 

>Your heart will be true<br>You walk a lonely road 
>Oh ! How far you are from home<strong>_ 

**_Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)_** 

><strongXem>Believe and you will find your way<em>** 

><strongXem>Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen) <em>* * 

><strongXem>A promise lives within you now<em>** 

**_May it be the shadow's call_** 

><strongXem>Will fly away<em>** 

><strongXem>May it be you journey on<em>** 

><strongXem>To light the day<em>** 

><strongXem>When the night is overcome<em>* * 

><strongXem>You may rise to find the sun<em>** 

**_Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)_** 

><strongXem>Believe and you will find your way<em>** 

**_Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen)_** 

><strongXem>A promise lives within you now<em>** 

**_A promise lives within you now_** 

Hiccup lit his arrow, pulled back and fired high into the air. A 
flurry of flaming arrows followed from the people behind him, a flame 
for each survivor cast into the ships of their fallen comrades. He 
watched as the boats lit, flamed and continued on their 
journey . 

Toothless, standing close to his rider, released a long, solid blast 
and then a sorrowful cry into the air and a moment later the sky 
above them filledwith dragons, led by Valka on Coloud jumper , in a 
perfect formation of a final farewell salute as they followed the 
boats in the water. 

"Babe? " 

Hiccup did not turn his eyes away from the burning ships, even when 
his wife spoke to him. "I know." 

There was still a lot to do, and he had promised her that he would 
delegate what he could so both of them could return home and properly 
recover from their injuries. 

One of the midwives had found evidence of Astrid bleeding after the 
battle and after a quick examination, reluctantly confirmed that 
their unborn baby was among the casualties of the Drago ' s 
war . 

Astrid had cried and begged her husband for forgiveness, but Hiccup 
simply held her and told her he loved her. What else could he say? 
They had both lost so much already, they had both made difficult 
choices that had needed to be made, but the loss of their child on 
top of everything else seemed to have hollowed them both out. 

_Pain upon pain a life comes undone. _ 

Gothi ' s prophecies had come to fruition, and although he did not yet 

know the meaning of the final line, he could only assume that he was 
the heart of the dragon and that taking care of the rest meant things 
like he was doing now, continuing as Chief to his people. 

There would be a proper time, a better time to grieve for their 
child, for their friends, but it wasn't now; it couldn't be now. Now 
it was all too fresh, too real. Now, life had to go on and he was the 
leader of the survivors of a war. He had to protect his own. 

"I have to watch until the end," he told her and she nodded. 

"I know." She curled her arm around his waist, careful of his ribs, 
and stared out as the boats sailed further out to sea. "Till the 
end . " 

Everyone else remained with their Chief and Right Hand until the very 
last flames could no longer be seen, until finally Hiccup turned and 
started to give instructions for cleanup of the battle to begin in 
the morning. Tonight, they would all sit down to a feast in honor of 
their friends, not because he wanted one, but because his people 
needed that celebration for closure. Tomorrow would be good enough to 
begin the slow rebuilding of their community. 

During preparation of Drago ' s body, around the man's neck and beneath 
his tunic, they found a thick talisman edged with dragon's teeth, and 
in the very center a clear rounded vile that held a dark liquid. 

Gober confirmed it to be dragon's blood, and upon further 
investigation they also noticed strange rune markings all over 
Drago ' s skin . 

Djor suspected it was a life enhancing spell, based on the scriptures 
that Gothi had left him, but he reminded them that the amount of 
dragon's blood and bone that would be required for such a spell was 
unthinkable . 

When Hiccup realized what the slaughter of the dragons on Outcast 
Island had been for, and why Drago had been so hard to kill, he 
denied Drago a proper Viking funeral. They had burned the body, the 
witch with him, but no words were said and they would not be given 
the right of a journey to Valhalla. A few worried that this might put 
him in Odin's bad graces he did not care; he would give no quarter to 
such demons . 

Finally, all fires were doused, the dead were well on their journey 
and the tired, injured and sorrowful survivors of the Hooligan tribe 
gathered in the great hall. The cooks had prepared a simple feast and 
everyone ate with a reserve that was unusual for such an affair. They 
all had lost someone dear to them, a chunk of their community was 
gone and it would be many, many years before the gap would be 

Hiccup sat at the head table with Astrid, Toothless behind him, 
Gobber, Fret, Valka and the original remaining dragon riders. The 
Chief of Berk raised his tankard each time someone offered a toast to 
a fallen comrade and picked at the food he had no interest in, but 
did not really pay attention to the rest of the conversations around 
him . 

Instead, he dwelled silently in his own memories, surprised to find 
how many of them were good ones. 

Finding Toothless that first time in the cove and cutting him free, 
and then his first time riding on the dragon. The first time Astrid 
had kissed him and strategizing with his team on how to improve their 
skills. Cooking for his father, laughing with his father and the day 
Stoick presented him with his mother's helmet. Valka, running 
gracefully across the back of dragons at the nest of the Alpha, and 
then dancing with her husband. 

Gothi teaching him to read and encouraging him with his inventions in 
her unique, silent ways. Gobber showing him how to be a blacksmith, 
Sven how to properly tie rope. Huddling for hours in the hall, or in 
his room with Fishlegs as they talked about the Book of Dragons. His 
wedding to Astrid, and the naming of his first child in their 
community as Chief. 

Flying with Astrid to confront the Flightmare, laughing and joking 
with Snotlout, watching Ruffnut train Scauldy for the first time. He 
thought of Alvin as well, and Dagur, although he didn't have as many 
good memories of the Berserker, he would still cherish all of them. 

He would never forget the deranged Viking's sacrifice. 

Good people lived here on Berk, worthy people, people he would 
protect to the end of his days. It no longer mattered if he was a 
good Chief or worthy of their trust. He was their Chief and he would 
make them all proud of that fact. 

He rose, lifted his tankard and the hall fell silent. 

"Today we have won fought for our way of life, our freedom. Today we 
have bested a great evil and have shown the true value of the 
Hooligan Tribe. Of the Great All Father Odin, we beg acceptance of 
our fallen friends into your blessed embrace, and ask courage and 
continued strength for those who are left standing. They shall never 
be forgotten." 

Everyone rose and lifted their tankard to echo the sentiment. 

"They shall never be forgotten!" 

Hiccup drank first and the rest followed. No, nothing would ever be 
forgotten . 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p>Hiccup entered his house and sighed at the sight of Astrid in 
what had now become her regular day clothes, a long, blue dress. His 
wife tended to a pot over the fire as Valka looked at him sadly, 
shook her head.<p> 

Ever since Astrid had lost the baby, she had given up her warrior 
ways and seemed determined to be the wife that she thought Hiccup 
deserved. She blamed herself for pushing to join the battle, against 
her husband's wishes, and so decided her punishment was to give up 
fighting altogether. 

The problem was. Hiccup loved Astrid as she was, not as whatever 
version her guilt-ridden mind thought suited him. He had tried to 
give her time to grieve, to adjust, but it had been almost two months 
now and he wanted his Astrid back, the woman who was his wife and 

friend . 

"Um. . .Mom, could you give us a minute?" 

Valka nodded and discretely slipped outside as Astrid set the table. 
She wasn't even braiding her hair anymore, she just left it loose 
down her back. Her reasoning was that she no longer needed to have to 
worry about it getting in the way during training or battles. 

Astrid smiled at Hiccup and set his food on the table. "I made stew," 
she said as she added bread and a mug of wine. "I'm getting better, I 
think." She spooned up some of the stew from his bowl and lifted it 
to his lips. "What do you think?" 

He opened his mouth obediently and accepted the food, nodded. "It's 
good." He took the spoon from her, set it back in the bowl and caught 
her arms. "Astrid, this needs to stop." 

"Don't be silly," Astrid smiled and pulled away. "If we stop eating 
we die and ..." 

"I mean the cooking, and the cleaning and stitching my 
clothes . " 

Astrid' s smile slipped as she spooned up a portion of stew for 
herself. "It's what a wife does. Hiccup." 

"Not _my_ wife, Astrid. Not you." He moved to her, set his hands on 
her shoulders. "I don't need you to keep my house. I never have and 
this..." He gestured to her clothing, her hair. "This isn't you. This 
isn't the woman I married." 

She shook him off, slammed the bowl on the table. "It's the woman you 
should have married." She hiked her skirts and started up the stairs. 
"But it seems I can't do that right either, so why don't you just 
divorce me?" 

Hiccup gritted his teeth and waved his hands in frustration before 
heading up after her. He found her sweeping the loft floor, walked 
over to snatch the broom from her. "Stop it, Astrid." 

"Stop what. Hiccup?" 

"Stop being someone you're not!" 

She flushed and lowered her head. "I'm sorry I can't be the wife you 
want. Hiccup." 

"You _are_ the wife I want, Astrid!" He growled threw the broom down. 
"Or, at least you were before you started dressing and acting like 
some... some docile female who doesn't even know her own mind!" 

"I am who I am! I can't be anyone else." She moved through to the 
other room, settled on their bed and hid her face in her hands. 
"You'll have to divorce me. If... I can't give you what you want, what 
you . . . need . " 

"I've just told you what I want." He walked over and sat beside her. 
"What is it you think I need?" 

"An heir," she sobbed then pulled herself back. "I... I can't give 
you . . . children . " 

Hiccup sighed and put his arm around her. "Astrid, we will have other 
children ..." 

"No!" She shrugged him off, rose and moved to the window, keeping her 
back to him. "I no longer b... bleed. Hiccup! Because of my 
own ... stupidity and arrogance I lost the one child we made and I 
cannot give you any more ! " 

"Wh . . . what ? " 

She shrugged, miserably. "Something inside me must have 
been ... damaged in the fight. I... I thought I could make up for it 
by... by being a better wife. By k... keeping your house and... and 
having your ready for you." She dropped her head. "But it 
obviously isn't enough." 

Hiccup stared at her, stunned. "How... how long have you known?" When 
she didn't answer the question he repeated it. "Astrid! How long have 
you known about this?" 

"About ... three weeks." 

The fury rose in him so fast he had to literally grip the bedpost to 
keep himself in place. Three weeks! Well, that certainly explained 
the changes in her. "W...why didn't you... tell me?" 

She lifted one shoulder, let it fall as she stared out at the 
darkening sky. "I... I knew when I told you our marriage would be 
over. I... I wasn't ready to let go of you yet. I... I'm sorry." 

He was quiet for a long time. "And now... now you are ready? To... let 

She shook her head. "No. Not at all, but..." She shrugged again. "I 
can't give you an heir. You... the Chief needs an heir so... so 
you... you have to divorce me." 

Another long silence that crept through her like a horrid arctic 
chill . 

"Right . " 

She glanced back as he rose and walked out. A sob escaped and she 
slid down the wall, pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her 
head in them as the tears flowed. 

She was startled to feel a gentle hand on her shoulder a few moments 
later, and she looked up at Hiccup crouching next to her. "You... you 
came back?" 

"I had to," he said simply and held out a piece of paper and his 
pencil. "I need you to witness this." 

He'd already written out the divorce decree? Oh Gods! With trembling 
hands, she accepted the pencil, and as she started to sign, he 
demanded . 

"Read it, Astrid." 

She had to wipe her eyes twice and blink multiple times to bring the 
words into focus. When she did she gaped at him. " You ... what ... You 
can ' t do this ! " 

"Now, sign it . " 

>"No!" She threw the paper away. "You can't abdicate as Chief, 

Hiccup ! "<p> 

He caught her arms in a firm grip and met her wide-eyed gaze with an 
intensity she had never seen in him. "There are only two things I 
can't do, Astrid. Live forever, and live without you. If you are so 
intent on leaving me because you can't provide me with an heir, then 
I will renounce my title as Chief and you are no longer legally 
obligated to provide me with one." 

His words, his testament to her shook her to the core, awakened 
something inside her that she was sure had died with the child in he 
womb. She shook her head in horror. "N...No. Berk needs you. 

They ..." 

"Yes, they do, but I am useless without you by my side!" he growled 
savagely. "I've given more than my share for our people, as have you 
and I will continue to give everything for them, but I can't do that 
I can't continue being their Chief if you leave me, 

Astrid . " 

" I . . . But ..." 

"I care about Berk, but I also care about my wife, and if I have to 
choose between you and our people then that decision is already 
made." His hands moved up to cup her wet face. 

"H... Hiccup, I'm trying. I'm trying to do the things... to take care 
of you properly, but..." 

"I don't care about any of that. I have a mother, I can do my own 
cooking, my own cleaning." He leaned in, kissed both her cheeks then 
leaned his forehead against hers, sighed. "I want my Astrid back. I 
want the woman I fell in love with, who promised to be my wife, my 
comrade in arms and my champion on the battlefield. I want the woman 
who promised to be at my side forever, on the ground or in the air. 
Where _is_ she, Astrid? Where has that woman gone?" 

"I... I don't k...know!" All the hurt and anger and grief overflowed 
from her and she clung to him in despair. 

Hiccup caught her in his arms, held her tight and closed his eyes. 
Finally! Finally she was letting go of her grief. 

"I love you, Astrid. You, not some... some caricature of you, 
some... ghost trying to be the perfect woman, the perfect wife." He 
caressed her hair as she sobbed against him. "If... if we can't have 
children, then we... we'll just have to fill our lives with other 
things, like... like how much we love each other and... and family and 
friends . " 

"I'm sorry," she sobbed, clinging to him. "I... I'm so, so sorry. 

I... I just... you haven't touched me since ... since .. . and... and I 

never should have been f ight ing . . . and I thought you ... regretted 

m. . .marrying me, and... and our baby. Oh Hiccup, I wanted that baby so 

much . " 

So had he, but he wouldn't admit that to her, it would only make her 
feel worse. "I know. I'm sorry I haven ' t ... that we haven't..." He 
pulled back just enough to wipe her tears away and cradle her face 
between his hands. "I'm sorry." He kissed her forehead, her nose, her 
cheeks. "I thought you were... still upset about losing the baby 
and... and you seem so tired and still in some discomfort lately that 
I didn't want to bother you." 

She sighed and nodded. "I... I tried to hide it." 

"You can't hide anything from me, Astrid. I've been watching you 
since I was five, remember?" 

"I thought you hated me, for... for not listening. For losing the 
baby . " 

"I could never hate you, Astrid. Never." 

She slid her arms back around him again. "I've missed 
you. . .missed. . .this." 

"And that's my fault. I was trying to give you time to heal, baby. 

I'm so, so sorry." He touched his lips to hers in a slow, tender 
kiss. "It's been hard on me too. I've wanted you every day, but I 
didn't want to push you, or hurt you." 

"Push me now?" she asked, desperately. "Please, Hiccup? I need to 
feel... I need to be with you." 

He nodded, carefully rose, pulling her into his arms as he did. "I 
love you, " he insisted as he lay her on their bed, then pulled back 
to remove his armor. "I miss having you with me in the field, Astrid, 
and on scout missions. I miss you in the village and... and everywhere 
else you're supposed to be with me." He slipped out of his tunic and 
lay over her. "I want my warrior back, the woman who stole my 
heart . " 

"Okay," she agreed and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I... I 'll 
see if I can find her." 

"I really do love..." He blinked as he felt a strange movement 
against his stomach, and watched Astrid' s eyes widen as well. 
"Uh...what was that?" 

"I... I don't know. Maybe I'm hungry?" 

When it happened again. Hiccup scrambled backwards as Astrid sat up. 
They both looked at her stomach in shock. With a cautious hand he 
touched her there, both held their breath and waited. Another bump 
against his hand. 

"What is that?" He hopped off the bed, disturbed as Astrid paled. 
"A... a parasite or something?" 

"I don't know! I don't know!" 

"W...wait here. Don't move!" Hiccup ran downstairs and called for his 
mother, who was just outside feeding some treats to Toothless and 
Cloudjumper. "Mom!" 

Valka hurried into the loft and found Astrid still sitting on the 
bed, frozen in fear. "What happened?" she asked as Hiccup took her 
hand, practically yanked her down to the bed and placed their hands 
against Astrid's stomach. "I don't understand. Hiccup. You're upset 
because Astrid had gained a little weig..." Her eyes widened at the 
movement against her hand and her eyes grew wide. 

"What is it? Is she sick? What's wrong with her. Mom?" 

Valka ignored her frantic son and kept her gaze on Astrid's horrified 
face. "Sweetheart, I know it is difficult for you to talk about, but 
I need to ask... Did you have a discharge when you lost the 
baby ? " 

Astrid flushed, lowered her eyes and nodded. "I don't know. I 
bled. " 

"And did she check you again after?" 

Astrid's eyes flew upwards. "A... after what?" 

"After the incident?" 

" I..." Astrid bit her lip as tears filled her eyes again. 

"She said the... the child was gone and the . . . then . . . I stopped 
b . . .bleeding ..." 

"You haven't bled since that night?" 

"M. . .maybe I should leave?" Hiccup suggested, growing more and more 
uncomfortable with the conversation. There were just some things that 
a man was not meant to know about ! 

"Hush, Hiccup." Valka rubbed her daughter-in-law's arms, gently. 
"Astrid? Have you bled since then?" 

Astrid numbly shook her head. "Because, because of my injuries I am 
now barren." 

Valka smiled broadly. "Darling, I don't think that's the problem." 

She turned to Hiccup. "Run and get Ingrid right away." 

"Why? What's wrong with her?" 

"Just go and get her. Hiccup!" 

Hiccup grabbed his tunic, darted downstairs and hopped onto 
Toothless. He found the midwife, brought her back then paced 
downstairs as the woman and his mother tended to Astrid upstairs. 
Toothless sat on the rafters, his wide eyes following his rider's 
movements from one side of the room to the other. 

"What could be wrong?" Hadn't they been through enough already? Was 
Astrid ill? Was he going to lose her too? Why weren't they telling 
him anything? 

"Hiccup ! " 

Astrid's cry brought him up the stairs at a dead run, his dragon 
close behind. "What?" he demanded rushing to their room and gathering 
her sobbing form into his arms, she wore only her under wrappings. 
"What is it?" He looked at Valka and Ingrid. "What? What in the name 
of Thor is wrong?" 

"Nothing is wrong. Hiccup. Everything is right, just right." 

"I... I don't understand." He caught Astrid's teary face between his 
hands. "Please, baby, tell me? Why are you crying? Are you in pain? 
What is it?" 

" I ... I ... A ... a baby . Our baby . " 

"Aww, Astrid. I told you, we'll be okay we just have to..." 

"No! We have a baby!" She grabbed his hand and pulled it to her bare 
stomach, which he noticed was rounder than usual. "It's still here! 
It's still here ! " 

He gaped at her, felt the baby kick against his hand and then stared 
wordless at his mother. 

"There were two," Valka advised softly. "Astrid did lose one, but 
there were two, twins." 

"I did not think to check at the time, I am sorry Chief," Ingrid 
offered. "For the additional sorrow my carelessness has caused you 
and your wife." 

Hiccup's gaze returned to Astrid's, who was smiling now, despite the 
tears. "T...two babies." They had lost one, and he would always 
grieve for it, but there had been two and one survived. "I..." 

"That is why she no longer bled," Ingrid continued calmly. "The child 
is still growing inside of her." 

"So . . . you . . . you can have... more children? Our children?" 

Astrid nodded happily then clung to him. "Oh, Hiccup. I'm sorry for 
hurting you, for not listening, for being stupid and pretending to be 
something I'm not and..." 

"Now, Astrid you aren't to blame..." Valka began. 

"I should have been paying better attention..." Ingrid said. 

"Shut up ! " 

All the women were stunned into silence as Hiccup closed his eyes and 
squeezed Astrid tighter. He wanted to strangle her and kiss her at 
the same time. It felt as if his heart was going to explode from his 
chest, and that his bruised and battered soul had been ripped from 
his body, then shoved back in with a soft layer of cloud lining; 
making him feel lighter, happier. 

"Stupid woman! Stupid..." 

They had been through so much already, so much heartache, so much 
death and here she had been carrying all this worry and sorrow 
herself, had even been willing to leave him because of her misplaced 
blame . 

"If you ever... ever try to..." He struggled to find the words through 
the overwhelming tide of emotions that threatened to sweep him away. 
"I love _you_. I _love_ you. If you ever threaten to leave me again 
I . . . I ' 11 . . . Just don't okay? Just don't _ever_ do that to me again, 
okay ? " 

Astrid held him close, felt him tremble against her. Such a brave, 
intelligent warrior, was her husband, and yet the idea of losing her 
made him as weak and as helpless as a kitten. How had she gotten so 
lucky, to be loved by someone so great? 

"I never will. Till the end," she promised, her eyes meeting Valka's 
and Ingrid's meaningfully. "We're in this together until the end, 
babe . " 

The women smiled, nodded and walked out, luring Toothless away as 
well . 

"I'm sorry." Astrid pulled back to kiss her husband's cheeks, his 
eyes, his nose. "I'm sorry." 

"Stop saying that!" He captured her face between his hands again. 
"Just forget about all of that, okay? You're fine, we're both fine 
our... one of our babies is fine. Just forget it. Just be my Astrid. 

Be my wife, my right hand and the mother of our child. That's all I 
want now, please?" 

"Okay." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down atop 
her . 

"W...what are you doing?" 

>"Well, since I'm already mostly naked... "<p> 

Hiccup scrambled off her again. "We can't do that! We'll hurt the 
baby ! " 

Astrid groaned and rolled her eyes, catching his hand and yanking him 
back down. "We'll be careful! Please...! really, really want you to 
make love to me. Hiccup." 

He wanted it also, he was just so happy to have her back to normal 
and to still be having a child with her, how could he refuse? After a 
moment's hesitation he pulled his tunic off again. "Fine, but I'll do 
all the work, don't... move around too much and, you know, jostle the 
kid. " 

Astrid laughed, for the first time in months, and lifted her arms 
over her head obediently. "I'm all yours." 

■jk" ■jk" ■jk" 

><p><emXstrong>*Ahhh, you thought I was gonna have her lose it for 
good, didn't you? I would never do that to my readers! Then I would 
have to toss all the material I have for a third story, lol ! However, 
having never had a child, certainly not twins, I can't say for sure 

that you can miscarry one without losing the other, but this is a 
story so artistic license applied here. :-)<strong>_ 

f lie .